

Avalon Davidoff I Gota Secret

Am. HM941179/02
Cn. 1074381

White with Black Spots/Tri Markings

Celt.jpg (55794 bytes)
Ch Avalon Celtic Cross

Highlander_Connor.jpg (26214 bytes)
Ch Avalon Midnight Highlander

James Tiberius_Kirk.jpg (45824 bytes)
Ch Avalon James Tiberius

Jerusilum ridge_monroe.jpg (40113 bytes)
Stillwater Jerusalem Ridge

Shenandoah 2.jpg (9571 bytes)
Stillwater Shenandoah

Uncloudedday.jpg (29377 bytes)
Stillwater Unclouded Day

Midnight Oil_Sydney.jpg (65621 bytes)
Stillwater Midnight Oil

Stillwater Light Brigade

Lili Marlene.jpg (29170 bytes)
Stillwater Lili Marlene

Daluschka Almaz.jpg (148416 bytes)
Insights Daluschka Almaz

Windhound's His Homer

Ardigan Windounds Chase.jpg (64438 bytes)
Ardagan's Windhound Chase

Windhound's Opal

Windhound's Mythe Minx.jpg (38360 bytes)
Windhound's Mythe Minx

Windhound's His Happy
Windhound's Able Azov

Blue Mist_Mandy.jpg (47888 bytes)
Stillwater Blue Mist

Dreams to Share_Chili.jpg (28294 bytes)
Ch Teine Dreams to Share

Teine Rush.jpg (13977 bytes)
Tobiah Teine Mahogany Rush

Tobiah's Pepper Shaker
Kristull Aartic Fox

Teine Psychedelic Cabonel.jpg (33674 bytes)
Teine Psychedelic Carbonel

Am. Ch. Can. Ch.
Borzowen's Bronzed Onyx

Mistral Wind.jpg (18686 bytes)
Silkenswift Mistral Wynd

Leona.jpg (26969 bytes)
Stillwater Leona 

Shenandoah 2.jpg (9571 bytes)
Stillwater Shenandoah II

Stillwater Rye.jpg (15976 bytes)
Stillwater Comin Thro the Rye

Eng. Ch. Am. Ch.
Yadasar Black Orchid

Virginia Reel.jpg (10750 bytes)
MBISS Am. Ch. Eng. Ch.
Stillwater Virginia Reel

Tennesean.jpg (54113 bytes)
Stillwater The Tennessean

Hoedown.jpg (21729 bytes)
Stillwater Hoedown

Here to Eternity_Skaya.jpg (31684 bytes)
Insight's Here to Eternity

Koroba's Genesis.jpg (51411 bytes)
Koroba's Genesis

Osiris Behyen Lug.jpg (74186 bytes)
Koroba's Osiris Behzin Lug

CH The Flying Dutchman CH Xotty v. Troybhiko
CH Valuska Van De Kristelhoff
CH Laba's Alexis of Khurasan

Piotr.jpg (74388 bytes)
Piotr Ilijitsch v. Borjoschka

CH Moonglow Tsepa of Wilolea

Dimitri Donskoi's Eroica

asmodey.jpg (19306 bytes)

Int. Ch. Dutch Ch Lux CH
Tolkaias Asmodey

Xosip v Troybhiko.jpg (7303 bytes)
Int. Ch. Dutch Ch Ger. Ch.
Xosip van Troybhiko

WC Int. Ch. Ger. Ch.
Vorenoff Kismet Tolkaia
Dimitri Donskois Birgit Int. Ch.
Orlow's Orjol

Insight's Elbereth G.jpg (63766 bytes)
Ch Insight's Elbereth Githoniel

Insight's Cujo Karatai Am. Ch. Can. Ch.
Koslovka's Bilbo Baggins
Aclockwork Avalanche (Can)
Can. Ch.
Laba's Diavichka
Can. Ch.
Insight's Magnificent Marnie 

Aragorn Strider.jpg (64936 bytes)
Can. Ch.
Koslovka's Aragorn Strider 

Koroba's Dsepa 

Cameo Blue.jpg (61555 bytes)
BISS Can. Ch. Ruoff's Cameo Blue

BISS Can. Ch.
Koroba's Genesis

BISS Can. Ch.
Koroba's Osiris Behzin Lug

Dimitri Donskois Eroica

Can. Ch.
Ruoff's Aurora 
Tandoori's Bernd Ruoff
Tandoori's Autumn Leaf

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