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Think You Missed the Cookie Sale?


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Girl Scouts Conestoga Council

Girl Scouts USA

Option for Girls who Registered After the Girl Scout Cookie Pre-Sale

This page is for Brownies in our troop who missed the regular Girl Scout cookie sale pre-orders.

The troop will earn 40 cents for each box of cookies sold. However, no program credit or prizes are awarded to the girls for these sales.

Unitil November 4
Take cookie orders on a cookie order form. Do not collect money until delivery.

November 4
Turn in your order form to the Conestoga Council at 2530 University Ave. Keep a copy for your own records.

Monday, November 17 - November 25
Pick up your cookies from the Conestoga Council. They will give you your order form and a receipt. The receipt is important! Keep it to turn with your money.

Monday, November 17 - November 28
Deliver cookies and collect money. If people want more cookies, use the Cookie Cupboard.

Monday, November 28
Turn in money to your leader.
Just an idea: Wouldn’t it be convenient to turn in your money at our November 21st meeting!