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Circle Games


2005-2006 Calendar






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Girl Scouts Conestoga Council

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The Brownie Door
The Brownies form a circle. One girl is in the middle with her eyes closed. The Brownies walk briskly around (or jump or dance) and chant:

"One and two and three and four. Who is at the Brownie door?
One two three four. Who is knocking at the door?"

The leader (can be a child) points to a Brownie who, in a disguised voice says, "Hello" or "It's me" or whatever else she decides. If the girl in the center guesses who it is, she stays in for another turn - if she is wrong she changes places.

Throwing the Brownie Smile
Brownies sit in a circle, making sure they can see everyone else. One player starts the game by smiling widely, while all the other players are somber. She uses her hand to wipe the smile off her face and throw it to another girl who catches the smile with her hand and puts it on. This new girl can smile at everyone until she chooses to wipe off the smile to throw to someone else. Meanwhile, all other Brownies must sit stone-faced. One smirk and they're out.

Chinese Pictures
Brownies sit cross-legged in a circle facing the back of the Brownie in front. The first Brownie uses her finger to draw a simple picture on the back of the Brownie in front. The next Brownie passes the picture on. The picture continues around the circle until it reaches that first Brownie. She decides if the picture was passed on correctly. She draws her picture in the air. Usually this is very different and giggles erupt. It can be fun to pass more than one picture around at the same time.

Wink Murder
Stand or sit in a circle. Choose a detective, who goes away from the circle while a murderer is chosen. The detective returns to the middle of the circle. The murderer winks at the others in the circle, taking care not to let the detective see her. The detective turns around to try to catch the murderer winking. The others in the circle fall to the ground when winked at, making gurgling noises! Everyone should try not to make it obvious who the murderer is. Don't stare at any one person. The detective becomes the next murderer. Try two murderers as a variation.

Honey, Do You Love Me?
Players form a circle with an “It” in the middle. "It" approaches a girl in the circle and asks, "Honey, do you love me?" The girl being questioned must answer, "Honey, I love you but I just can't smile." If she does smile or laugh, she becomes "It" and the previous "It" joins the circle. The person who is "It" is not allowed to touch other players but may make as many funny faces as s/he wishes.

Everyone sits in a circle. The Brownie who is "It" stands in the center of the circle. Each person asks "It" an appropriate question. The only answer to every question can be sausage. For example, "What color is your hair?" Sausage. "What do you brush your teeth with?" Sausage. The first person to make the center person laugh wins a try in the middle.

Change Seats
Seat players in chairs in a circle. If you don't have chairs, use construction paper taped to the floor. The girl who is "It" stands in the center and has no chair. "It" says, "Change seats!" as many times as she likes. However, the players remain seated until she adds the phrase "The King's come." At these words, the girls change seats, but not with a neighbor to their immediate right or left. "It" tries to grab a seat for herself. The odd player out is the new "It".
A tricky "It" will vary the speed of her speech and sometimes say, "The King's not come," in an attempt to lure the inattentive and overeager player from his or her seat.

Bird! Beast! Fish!
Form a circle with “It” standing in the middle. “It” points at a girl and says "bird", "beast", or "fish". That girl has 5 seconds to name an animal in that category. If she doesn’t, she becomes "It".

Spider's Web
Create a huge spider's web around the Brownies using balls of yarn or string. Sit the girls in a large circle. The first person holds the end of the yarn and throws the ball to another player. That person passes the yarn around her waist, and throws it to another girl. Continue until the yarn runs out. If the ball is thrown out of the circle, have a helper who is not playing pass it back into the circle. A network is created in the center of the circle. To finish, try standing up as a group without breaking the strands, then disentangling in less than 10 seconds. The spider's web is beautiful as it is created, and very relaxing.