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"Lack of Sight
Does Not Equal
Lack of Talent,
Dreams, or Desire."


Goalball Resources




The Michigan Spitfire Goalball Club
- A Michigan site with tons of info on Goalball in general, as well as lots of details on some of the Michigan teams and players. Also has stories from Goalball players, a photo gallery, and news on some of the latest events in the world of Goalball. The site is Definitely worth looking over.

Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind
- The Florida school's Goalball information page.

PABA Goalball (Pennsylvania)
- Info and news on the Pennsylvania Association of Blind Athletes (PABA). Information on Goalball teams and news in PA.

Utah Goalball
- A site with info on Goalball in Utah, and Goalball photo galleries.

the USA Men's Goalball Team
the USA Men's Goalball Team Web Site
- These are the guys who have reached the top. They are the elite players in the world of Goalball, here in the USA. They are the USA Men's Goalball Team, and they represent our country in International competition, such as the 2002 Goalball World Championships in Brazil.

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British Blind Sport
- Has information on Goalball, as well as other Paralympic sports, played over in that part of the world.

The Sheffield Scorpions' Web Site
- An informative Goalball site from the Sheffield Scorpions, a Goalball team over in the UK.

New Zealand Blind Sport
- A site covering the various Paralympic and "Blind Sports" in New Zealand. Has links to information about Goalball played there.
- Another UK site, all about Goalball. Lots of good info here. Worth a read.


Swedish Goalball...

FIFH Mighty Ducks

Hammarby IF Goalball

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U.S. Association of Blind Athletes (USABA)
- A PDF document. It's an order-form to purchase a Goalball through USABA. Just print out the one-page order-form and mail in your order.

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** Note:   Some of the links below are not specific to Goalball. Many are simply online sources where you can buy pads and goggles and things like that. General sports equipment.


ProSport Goalball Equipment Order-form
- A UK-based company selling Goalball equipment of all kinds. Everything but the ball, it seems like. This online Order-form is a great list and option that more companies selling Goalball equipment should offer. A great example!

Austin Sportsgear Inc. (ASI)
- gear for many sports, including soccer, football, inline skating, volleyball, and baseball. Offers padded shorts for various sports, too.

- offering a wide range of clothing, gear, and equipment for sports enthusiasts.

Dick's Sporting Goods
- men's and women's sporting gear and equipment.

The Sports Authority
- sells equipment, footwear, and apparel for indoor and outdoor activities.

** Tip:   Other stores similar to these can be found at most any Search Engine. Simply go down through their categories such as Business & Economy, to Shopping, to Sports, to Sporting Goods and/or Protective Equipment.

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4 Videos from the U.S. Association of Blind Athletes (USABA):

USABA has 4 videos available. These are the videos that used to be available through the Michigan Blind Athletic Association (MBAA). They must now be purchased through USABA. Two of the videos are specific to Goalball, 1 is about various ways to make sports accessible to the blind, and the fourth video is regarding the Sports Education Camps for Blind and Visually Impaired Youths, which are hosted in various cities around the USA. Goalball is one of the sports taught at these camps.

Below are the details of all four videos, as well as an e-mail address for inquiring about ordering the videos.

  • The "Introduction to Goalball" video is 18 minutes in length. It shows actual goalball players demonstrating the different aspects of the game, for example, the court, its boundaries, the ball, how to throw the ball, how not to throw the ball, how the game is played, different penalties, etc. It is a very informative video.
  • There is also a "Goalball Strategies" video which is much more complex and is not for beginners. This video is for coaches or persons who have been playing for awhile.
  • There is another video called, "Accessports." It tells about adapting different sports so that folks who are blind or visually impaired can participate. This is done by adapting the boundaries, the equipment, such as a ball, or by adapting some of the rules of the game. This video is also about 18 minutes in length.
  • The fourth video from USABA tells about the "MBAA Sports Camp for Blind and Visually Impaired Youth." This once per year camp is for youths who are 10-12 years old, known as the beginner camp; or for youths who are 13-17 years old, known as the advanced camp. The purpose of the camp is to promote sports knowledge for youths who are blind or visually impaired. Also, many of the sports camp participants come back after they are too old to participate as a camper, and become camp counselors. It is a great program.

If you have questions regarding any of the above four videos, or would like to place an order, please e-mail Mark Lucas, at USABA, about these videos.

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International Paralympic Committee:
- has several documents to search through, including, "Introduction To Goalball." Lots of good info on Goalball.

International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA)
- The International Blind Sports Federation site which is jam-packed full of documents and rule-books for all kinds of International-level "blind sports," including Goalball. A great site that can lead to information overload.

United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA)
- A site with information and calendars for all the Paralympic sports. USABA hosts and co-hosts many of the regional and national Goalball tournaments and developmental sports camps around the country, held all throughout the year.

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- An awesome site for all aspects of Nonprofit fundraising and management. They have categorized discussion lists on most every aspect of the Nonprofit world you can think of. This site is highly recommended for those who are serious about fundraising and grantwriting. There are specific lists for such topics as Grants, Sponsorships, Events, Volunteers, etc. It gets a six-star rating on a five-star scale.
- A great site with some solid info shared in a very friendly, passive way. There are some great tips on networking, and meeting people, that can help you with both raising funds and with your PR to help you grow your Goalball team/program.

The Publicity Hound
- Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound, has a great site and she offers a free newsletter that is always packed full of very useful info. This is a great resource to help you find ways, and learn how to, get your Goalball team and events in the media. Definitely recommended reading. Also offers multiple mini-reports for a very low-buck price, that are jam-packed full of details on specific topics. Check it out.

Some of her notable items of interest to all you Goalball Coordinators and program administrators, or just any of you Goalball players who want to get better PR for your team, are...

First, in her Articles index, there are several of her free articles to read. In regards to getting better PR for Goalball, I recommend reading and re-reading the following two...

  • Secrets to Recycling Publicity
  • The 7 Deadly Sins of News Releases

Just go to and find the articles page. Here's the link:


Next, the Publicity Hound also offers several items on tape and CD-ROM, which are of definite interest to those wishing to improve PR for their Goalball team/program. Each title listed below has an itemized listing--on her Web site--of what you will learn from the material...

  • "How to Get on the Local TV News Tomorrow"
  • "Electronic Media Kits: How to Create Them, Deliver Them and See INSTANT Results"
  • "Secrets of Perfect Pitching to Reporters"
  • "Briefs, Fillers and Quizzes: How to Write Them and Why Editors LOVE Them"
  • "Kick Up a Media Storm: How to Get Free (or Really Cheap) Publicity"
  • "Get Free Publicity in Print" (1 hour - tape only)

Again, just go to and search out these tutorials on tape or CD-ROM:

** Note: USA Goalball has no affiliation with this source. We just think it's a great source of useful, top-notch material that can help you grow your Goalball team/program. THAT is our only goal. To grow the sport of Goalball in the USA.

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