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 666 deVil
Position in the clan: The clan leader/web designer/clan recruiter.
Favorite Weapons: BFG, Rocket Launcher, Plasma & Gauntlet.
Location: England, North London.
Connection: Blue Yonder Broad Band.
Computer Specs: 400mhz PII/ 256 SDRAM / 20gb HD / 16mb TnT 2 Gfx Card/ Windows 98SE.
Control Type: Keyboard/Mouse. ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: Dont Brag Just Hunt And Frag .

 666 Bo0
Position in the clan: The clan forum Admin/clan recruiter.
Favorite Weapons: Rocket Launcher.
Location: England, Somerset.
Connection: Adsl cable.
Computer Specs: 533mhz/ 256 RAM / 15gb HD / 16mb TnT 2 Gfx Card/ Windows 98Se.
Control Type: Keyboard/logitech tracker ball. ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: Sell your soul to the devil and never fight alone.

 666 ZeyTter

Favorite Weapons: Rail gun
Location: Canada Quebec
Connection: Cable
Computer Specs: P4 1.8g / 225mb RAM / 3gb HD / TnT 2 16mb Graphics Card / Windows XP
Control Type: Optical Mouse / Keyboard
Email: ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: Beer women and quake thats all i need.


Favorite Weapons: Rocket, Plasma
Location: Florida, USA
Connection: Cable
Computer Specs: P4 1.8g / 225mb RAM / 3gb HD / TnT 2 16mb Graphics Card / Windows XP
Control Type: Optical Mouse / Keyboard
Email: ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: Im just warmin up!

 666 OSAMA

Favorite Weapons: Rocket
Location: Amsterdam
Connection: ADSL
Computer Specs: P4 2.0g/25mb RAM/40gb HD/NIVIDIA Game Force Graphics Card/Windows XP
Control Type: Optical Mouse / Keyboard
Email: ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: I will crush you.

 666 Link
Favorite Weapons: Railgun.
Location: Finland, Scandinavia.
Connection: ADSL
Computer Specs: 750mhz, 256ram, voodoo 2 card.
Control Type: Optical Mouse / Keyboard

 666 TiDuS

Favorite Weapons: Plasma Gun , Rocket launcher
Location: Sweden
Connection: Broad Band
Control Type: Mouse / Keyboard
Email: ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: Destroy all non 666 member's.

 666 Death Stalker

Favorite Weapons: Rocket launcher,
Location: Lithuania, Kaunas
Connection: dsl
Computer Specs: 800mhz celeron, 10 gb, 128ram, Me, notebook
Control Type: keyboard/mouse ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote:The night is young.... so is 666 clan.

 666 BioHazard

Favorite Weapons: Rocket Launcher.
Location: Poland, Olsztyn.
Connection: Cable.
Computer Specs: 400mhz Celeron/ 128 SDRAM / 8gb HD / 32mb RivaTnT Gfx Card/ Windows 98SE.
Control Type: Keyboard/Mouse.
Email: ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem!

 666 HELL

Favorite Weapons: Ain't got 1 like's all.
Location: Netherlands (Barendecht near Rotterdam).
Connection: Cable.
Computer Specs: -=>{LoL}<=- i dont know.
Control Type: Keyboard/Mouse.
Email: ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: We all die a day!! exept me because I'm HeLL..!

 666 SkeLetor

Favorite Weapons: Rail-Gun.
Location: Netherlands.
Connection: Cable.
Computer Specs: P4 2400Ghz@533 512Mb DDR, 80GB HDD, Geforce4 Ti 4200.
Control Type: Keyboard/Mouse.
Email: ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: 666 Clan Will Own You...!

 666 cerberus

Favorite Weapons: Rail-Gun.
Location: Sweden.
Connection: Adsl.
Computer Specs: P4 geforce 4 ti 4600.
Control Type: Keyboard/Mouse.

 666 RaveN

Favorite Weapons: Rockets & Rail-Gun.
Location: England.
Connection: Cable.
Control Type: Keyboard/Mouse.

Random Quote: chatfraggin idiots deserve to be kicked.

 666 Figo

Favorite Weapons: Railgun,rockets.
Location: Sweden.
Connection: Cable
Control Type: Optical Mouse / Keyboard
Email: ([666] clan members who got MSN add me)
Random Quote: Figo owns you.








All other Members in the clan please email me with your info and what model in Quake 3 you use example Bone's ! and all the info given like fav weapon basically the one's above or just tell me in msn messenger and I will do it there and than ! but profile's need to be done !


:: Site Design/PHP/HTML by [666]: devil: