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Well High There.
Thank You for visiting us.

So you want to know a little about us…. Hmmmmmm…

Well, as long as I can remember I have been smoking pot.  Since I was 10, I….   Anyways, I am now 24 years old, and Mary Jane is still being faithful to me.   She helps aid me in eating, sleeping, and just staying stress free in general. 

I am always interested in meeting new friends and getting new pot info.  So if you have anything to send me,
Then please do.  It will be in the next journal issue.

Also involved in The Chronic Journal are my counter parts, Mandy, a news writer and columnist.  Writer of The Happy Housewife, and mind challengers. 

We also have John H. who is editorial manager (with out him there would be a shit load of  mistakes on this site) . 

Both are severe  chronics and I have a hard time getting a straight or followed through thought  from them yet lmfgao)

Sorry both are camera shy so there are no pictures of them.

Welcome | Our Story | Mary Jane's Story | Marijuana Facts | Cool Marijuana Graphics | Purchasing | Kewl Marijauna Links | Events and Seminars Happening | Other Kewl  Links
