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This site deals primarily with conspiracy theories relating to the United States' Apollo project which landed men on the lunar surface. I address specific arguments as well as provide background information and suggestions on how readers can verify my arguments themselves.

There are a number of ways to read this site. The home page and the navigation buttons on the left side are indexes into topic areas. I apologize if the buttons seem confusing. In keeping with the 2001: A Space Odyssey theme, I have used three-letter acronyms similar to those Hal used to label the topics in his user interface.

Or you may choose to read the site like a book, using the NEXT and PREV buttons at the bottom of each page to get to each page in a certain (hopefully logical) sequence.


For ease of discourse, I have coined the term "conspiracist" to refer to those who formulate or advocate a conspiracy theory. This should be carefully distinguished from "conspirator", meaning someone who participates in an actual conspiracy.

I have written this site in the form of a sort of dialogue with conspiracists.

Throughout the site, I will use color headings and the small triangle icon () to identify the conspiracists' claims or questions.

I have at times copied the conspiracists word for word, not intending to plagiarize, of course, but to represent their arguments accurately. Where possible and appropriate I have credited specific conspiracists when I use their wording or give arguments particular to them.

I am retrospectively footnoting and documenting my arguments.


Except where noted, this site is my own work. Photos credited to NASA are in the public domain and may be used freely from this site. Uncredited photos are my own work and may also be used freely, preferably with attribution. Photos credited to third parties are used by permission.

The text of the site is not in the public domain. Reproducing parts of it elsewhere is fine with me. I will appreciate being credited. If you claim my work as your own or try to make money from it, you will be asked to stop.

Similarly, if I am inadvertently using your intellectual property without due credit or compensation, please contact me so that we can remedy that.


This site wouldn't have been possible without the contributions of the following people, to whom I give heartfelt thanks:
Dan O'Connell
Brett Cullen
Samuel Drake
Wade Frazier
Richard Meier
Brian O'Leary
Jonathan Ploegman
Edgar J. Thompson
John Witts

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