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Page 4

This is a drawing of Darrin in his dragon form. Took me a while to color him on the computer, but here's the finished product.

Here's a picture of Zach as an isthra fighting Darrin. This is a scene from A Time of Fate, a story that Jagarus and I had written.

This is an isthra, a creature of mine native to Morphera. They are a very friendly sentient species.

This is a picture of Liana's spirit animal. Liana is a character in the sequel to "A Time of Fate".

This is a random dragon picture that I drew while bored. Generally, pictures drawn on lined paper are done out of boredom, while those on white paper are done on purpose ~grins~. I believe I drew this one while in a hotel when I was at orientation for college.

This dragon was an older one that I had found while sifting through my pictures. This one is a good example of how I put more detail in a drawing when I have nothing to do for long periods of time. Bus rides and before class start are prime times for these drawings.

Another draggy.

This was a baby dragon that I drew during a band trip while we were stuck on a bus for five hours. The trumpet player next to me named it Lucy.

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