I drew this picture while I was away in Europe on a band tour. This picture was inspired by a weird day-dream I had on the bus. It is a mixture of a catsi and a cathern. Very proud on how this one turned out.
Another creature of mine known as a Tythe. This is one of those creatures that I just can't seem to duplicate. No matter how hard I try, I can't draw one like this again. Tythe serve Mary Repulsa and appear in one of Panther's (my best friend) stories.
This is Tather, the lead Hathon of my future story. He is Shayla's second in command.
A Hathon. (very descriptive comment ~grins~)
This is Irene's war horse, Dawning. I drew this picture using a Breyer porcelain as a model. (This was actually drawn for the Shakespeare festival, but I colored it to match Irene's horse).
Here is another Breyer porcelain that I used as a model.
This is a gryphon that I drew on a band trip (the same one as Lucy). The same trumpet player named this picture "Griffy".
This picture was also drawn on the same band trip as Lucy and Griffy. I have no idea what it is, I was bored and started to doodle.
A tribute to a very special creature that both myself and a classmate love and miss. Bert, the eagle had a very brief life. He was part of an experiment using rice for fish. Being a piece of cardboard with the letter m on it, he split apart in midflight to the dismay of my friend. May he live on through this drawing and in the hearts of all who see him.
This is Genevieve's spirit animal. Gen is the sister to Liana and a character in the sequel to A Time of Fate.
I was bored in Home Ec one day so I drew this wolf.