[Member Of The Month]
Apply to be considered
Tyris Kuro
July 2003
E-mail: sindra2@hotmail.com
Website: Nightscape Shadows
Journal: Silver Darkness
Blood drinker/Psi Vamp/Other?:
I'm a pre-awakened sang vampire.
When and how did vampirisim/Therianthropy enter your life?:
I've always thought I was a little more "different" than the people around me. Felt the clawing need of something in my life that I was without. I was always interested in fictional vampires, and began learning about true vampirism..
How long have you been involved in the vamp/otherkin community?:
For about a year or so, ever since coming to the Dark Realms forums, then expanding my knowledge..
Fav book or film?:
Too many to name; although I am influenced by fictional vampire novelties.
Why do you deserve Member of the month?:
Haha..I probably don't. I do, however, like sharing my knowledge on the Dark Realms forums.
Soapbox - got anything else you'd like to add?:
Ummm......I'm the local pyromaniac. Beware...or I shall sick Blinky on all your asses! Mwhahaha! *cough*