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Readers' Say:

On the theory that a prospective reader will pay more attention to what other readers say than anything the writer might say about his own work, we're enclosing here a few comments Dorien has received from readers, and we encourage you to check out all the reviews on, found under the title of each of his books.

Dorien, I just finished The Butcher's Son. What an amazing story. I loved it. The characters were so engaging and real. I loved how you told the story and gave us just enough character insight to make it seem as if I knew them but not so much that it took away from the story. And the plot twist? I loved it. This was a page turner. I couldn't put it down. I can't wait to read the next one in the Dick Hardesty series.  --Katherine Trick

I don't think I've ever written an author to let them know how much I enjoy their books, but I do love both of your on-going series! I even own them all. More than that, I love the blogs you write every week, and have been reading them every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for years. Your blogs in general are witty, sharp, and a great slice of reality that keep me entertained week after week.

Oh, and The Peripheral Son arrived in the mail yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. And would you mind writing faster on Dante's Circle? (I'd put a smiley face here if I knew how).

Thank you - and keep writing your books and your blogs - I love them both!


Just finished Calico; wow, what a wonderful read. There are some books I come across that I can't put down, this is one of them. Loved Calico and Josh together and the journey: such excitement and suspense. Thank you again for a great read; I know I can always count on you for great mysteries.


I have read all the Dick Hardesty series in order and I am going to miss Dick, Jonathan, Joshua, and the gang until number 14. I really like the fact you never give a physical description of Dick -- I appreciate that you leave that to the reader's imagination. I am 54 years old and feel you have captured the time frame of the late 70's to 80's in these mysteries. I have been with my partner for 30 years this October, and your novels take me back to when we first met and those early years together. I will need to start the Elliot Smith series next, but I wanted to thank you for the hours of enjoyment you have provided for me.

Brian Clark

I'm reading His Name is John. I'm impatiently waiting to see the mystery of who John is unfurl and at the same time enjoying each page ... its a strange sort of conflict to inflict on your readers. I'm balancing between the urge to reread passages just because I like them and wanting to skip over bits to find out more quickly what's going on... :)

Lee Brazil

The problem with a Dorien Grey book is when you begin you cannot stop until you finish. I began reading after 9:00 p.m. last night and finished at 1:00 a.m.--it was worth it, but now another long painful wait for a new Dick Hardesty and Elliot Smith novel--some things in life are worth waiting for and your stories have the edge. I am so glad to have discovered your books. You have a gift for storytelling.

J. Sidelinger

I love the Elliot Smith series; I'm really hooked on them. I love the humor and the mystery and even the sadness of the stories. I'm really looking forward to the next one. After I started this series, I thought I would give the Dick Dardesty mystery series a try, and I'm glad I did; I love this series too. I love good mysteries and trying to figure out who did it, and I have to say your first book in the series really had me say at the end, omg! I was so shocked how it ended; you really had me fooled. I'm usually good at figuring out who did it and I thought I knew in this one, but the twist floored me. Amazing job of really fooling me to the end. I have to say no book before ever fooled me like this one. I loved it and thank you; it was wonderful to read. I love jonathan; he is so sweet, and that joshua is hilarious. The things that kid does are so funny. I loved when he said a while back that his dad would buy him a tractor to drive to school; when I read that I couldn't stop laughing. I love your humor in the books, and I hope that this series continues too. I enjoy reading them all.


My oh my, what a pleasure it was reading this tale of ghostly misery [Aaron's Wait ], that just tweaked every heartstring I still have.

I can fully relate to the "feeling" of dying of a broken heart. Thank the goddess above I haven't though. I was in a way rooting for Aaron to take up residence in Steve as John is in Elliot.

Thank you for entertaining me this evening. Yes I started at 6:30 pm and just finished it at 2:15 am. I usually force myself to stop reading so I can enjoy it longer, but you wouldn't let me go until it was done.


Had to drop by and say how much I've enjoyed your books. I just finished reading the first Elliott Smith e-book and just started the second. I'm hoping to see more in that series.

I have most of the Dick Hardesty--up to The Popsicle Tree--and have enjoyed them. I think shortly after there was something about changing publishers, but I see you have some new books out in that series--I'll have to catch up it looks like. Keep up the good work.

I'm hoping to see more of you in the Sony Reader Library, but fortunately I was able to find you on another site.

Anyway have a great day!


I have ordered the remaining 8 Dick Hardesty books from Amazon and look forward to reading them. I have found myself crying at some parts of them isuch as after the fire in The Butchers Son. I am always amazed that someone can weave words together in such a way that I become so connected to the characters that when they feel pain, I feel pain. Thank you for that.

Initially, for me, Dick came across as immature and I wasn't sure I would stick with him to read the set. I had started with the Elliott Smith books which I felt, in comparison, had a maturity and depth that I did not feel with the Hardesty books. But I usually try the first 2 to 3 books in a series before calling it quits. Dick grew on me and I am now committed to finishing them all. I am looking forward to seeing how he continues to mature and how his relationship with Jonathan progresses.

Happy writing!

---Julie B.

I have just finished The Secret Keeper. As usual with your books, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I just wish that I was able to be a little more restrained. I always start your books and finish them within a couple of days--leaving all the things I should be doing undone. If I could only spin them out! Oh well at least that means that I shall be in line for whatever gem you write next. Thanks for the pleasure of revisiting the characters that have become so familiar.

Andrew Jackson

I finished The Secret Keeper last night and shall be doing a review for Amazon.

So what did I think? Both as a work of literature and as an example of its genre (mystery), it's a complete success, intellectually and emotionally satisfying.

The plotting is tight--enough clues are given for the reader to believe a solution is at hand, although the delight is in the details. The means to that end are carefully detailed, each item is necessary to that plot development, and there are no loose ends; as Hitchcock would have had it, the MacGuffin is known but is unrealized till the end. The plot is superb!

But every item in the plot is necessary not only for the plot but for the charcter development of the main characters--Dick's continual adjusting to "married" life, getting older and coming to terms with his longings for his past, acceptance of his present, and looking forward to his future. That character development is echoed in joshua--his resolution of the death of his parents, his acceptance of Dick and Jonathan, and his growing up as a member of their family.

After analyzing, etc., let me add that TSK is just plain fun to read. Lots of "yeah I know what you're writing about, I've felt that too!" And a damn good story--I can see it in my mind's eye as a movie.

So yes, damn it, I liked it!

Eric Spector

Hi Roger

I've just finished another very satisfying read of the latest Dick Hardesty book. Once again you have captured all that we love most about Dick, Jonathan and the gang. I don't think there are any other books that give me such a feeling of well-being. I love Cory and Nick and look forward to them becoming part of the wonderful group of friends who obviously care for and love each other.

One thing (one of many!) that I love about your books is the way telephone conversations are always concluded. I've noticed this before and it was particularly apparent this time. Perhaps it harks back to the way I was raised to be polite but it is something Dick always does and I appreciate him for it..

i also love the relationship between Dick, Jonathan and Joshua. You write them as such believable characters. I know I've said this before (as have many others) that these are people you want as friends. To be part of that group of men would be great! I found the deaf angle really interesting and was reminded of a group of deaf gay men in Perth, where I grew up. They always seemed slightly exotic and were all extremely handsome (isn't memory a wonderful thing? After all, this was forty years ago!)

Thanks again for continuing to deliver to your admiring fans, both through Dick's series and Elliott's. You enrich our lives and give us something to look forward to.

All the best for 2010. May you never suffer writer's block!


Mike Ellis

Thanks again for continuing to deliver to your admiring fans, both through Dick's series and Elliott's. You enrich our lives and give us something to look forward to.

All the best for 2010. May you never suffer writer's block!


Mike Ellis

I finally was able to purchase your new book [Aaron's Wait] on fictionwise this week. I LOVED it!!!! Elliott, Steve and John are some of my very favorite characters. It's great that the book is set in Chicago as well. I've really enjoyed the books in this series and hope there will be more in the future.

I really love all of your writing (books, blogs, twitters)...I look forward to each day to see what else you have come up with and what interesting thoughts you chose to share.

Best wishes on your new and your writing deserve great recognition and success,


My reading experience was very much Elliott's experience--an exhiliaration of a "project" completed, and a sadness at the same time that it is done (and that you can't turn the page for more--will have to wait until the next "project" begins).

Left open to me: is Elliott still to be "stalked" by spirits? Is there more we need to know about Steve's brother, Manny--and is the portrait some kind of portal (indeed is Steve's artwork more empathic in general)?

The "mystery" elements were well plotted--the clues there, the red herrings there as well, though for me the mystery is like Hitchcock's McGuffin: the central element of the story to be used to develop the characters. Slowly the layers of the characters are being peeled back and revealed--Elliott, his family, Steve (would love more involvement from Elliott's parents--they seem like Lionel's parents on As Time Goes By). Will Paul and Button be back for comic relief?

And the duality between the solution of the mystery and the completion of the building project intrigues me--if Elliott is indeed schizoid, then psychologically the mystery element becomes a projection of his anxieties and obsessions on completing the building? If so, then John has no reality but is the voice within. Or should I just accept John, who Elliott is loathe to share with anyone else? It all gives the series an edge.

Most of all, it's all so very different and a challenge to read, which I appreciate. DH is more accessible to the reader, but Elliott reminds me of a professor that I would seek out to take his class. If DH is Dorien Grey's alter ego body, Elliott is his alter ego mind.

Eric Spector

Hi Dorien:

When you said you were doing another book about Elliot Smith I wondered how you would follow His Name Is John. I just finished Aaron's Wait and you've done it again. Now I will be anxiously waiting for the next Elliot Smith as well as the new Dick Hardesty. I guarantee that as long as you keep writing them I will keep buying. Like fine wine, you get better with age.

Your books have a permanent place on my book shelves and I have recommended them to friends. I just ordered copies of His Name Is John and Aaron's Wait for a close cousin back in Minnesota where I'm from originally.

Keep up the good work Dorien and keep me posted about the publication dates of your new books.

Bill Eilek

Reader Gustavo Gonzales in a review of Aaron's Wait posted on the Books section of ( "I truly believe that Dorien Grey has done for gay mystery novels what Anne Rice did to vampires. Well-written and highly entertaining. I want more!"


My copy of Aaron's Wait arrived in my mail box and I read it through by bed time (I'm a slow reader). Once again words fail me. I can't begin to tell you how much I loved it. I wish I could write like that!! But I'm just glad that you can and do. Now if you could only write faster! Already I can hardly wait for the next jewel from you to come out. When do you think that will be? Until then, thank you SO VERY MUCH for your wonderful stories!!!

Your devoted fan
Ken Beemer

[Re: Aaron's Wait] Excellent book. Only wish it had been longer. I read fast, in fact I stayed up way to late reading it. Elliott is such a likable character and gets into interesting situations. Keep up the good work! (I have been posting about your books on another board; hopefully, you will find a few converts.)

Mona Swearingen

Just finished His Name Is John and absolutely loved it. What a wonderful story. All of your characters were so real and engrossing. Noticed that you have left yourself open to another book (or books). The Steve/Elliott relationship has a long way to go. Liked the way John communicated. That was a cool idea.

Richard Field

Hi Dorien : One day while I was searching for gay mysteries in the library stacks at the University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign I found a copy of The Good Cop. What a wonderful find. The Good Cop engaged me from the first page on. Although it looks like I did not start at the beginning of the Hardesty series, I found this book to be a good place to start. I really enjoy the Jonathan character. The interaction of Dick and Jonathan make for a nice subplot. I always like a little romance thrown in with the mystery. Last night I finished reading The Popsicle Tree. It will be nice to see how Dick and Jonathan grow as parents.
In the last few weeks I have purchased almost all the remaining books in the DH series after The Good Cop from my favorite bookstore, Unabridged Books. Two of the books were autographed.

Best wishes and good luck with your future publishing endeavors.

Joe Perilongo

I am truly impressed. You actually had the time to personally email me a response. I am thoroughly enjoying the series. I have to tell you, before your books I read as little as possible. My partner reads constantly and after eight years, well, I decided to see what the fuss was all about. Where do I even begin? I wondered so I started at the local library. Cleveland and surrounding areas have a fantastic selection, I was told, and that's where I began. At the main library they have a GLBT section and I found your book The Good Cop. I read that first and then discovered it was a series. It took a book or two for me to get on track but I'm there. The library does not have all your books so I have to purchase a few but well worth the investment. I can't put your books down. It's like an illness (a good one). I usually read a book in two to three days. My partner is amazed.

I'm sorry for babbling. I guess what we want to say is thank you. Thank you for writing such wonderful books that brought me into the world of reading.
I look forward to reading all of your books. If you’re ever near Cleveland for a book signing, please let me know, I would love to meet you.

Jim Vivo.

Can't tell you how glad I am to hear there is another DH book coming this year. And another ES also! What a good literature year this is going to be. You can count on me sticking with you. You're one of the best gay mystery writers out there.

Rich Field

I have been a follower of the Hardesty series for years. Read Dream Ender and Angel Singers end of last year and just finished His name is John and love it. Wrote a review in Amazon too but feel (under my review name of R. Parklane) the review does not do the novel enough justice. Sometimes a story is so good that any words fail to review it sufficiently. His name is John is just that! I hope you will give us more on Elliot, his ghost and his artist lover soon!

I love gay romance mystery/crime so when you paired up Dick and Jonathan I was really happy about it. So I hope Elliot and Steven is a pair too with John somehow fitting in.

Sorry for the raving. Thanks again for such a fantastic read in His Name is John. My only regret is that I did not read it earlier :). Keep the books coming.

Lecy Yap (

Just wanted to send you a thank you for writing such an interesting series. I have thoroughly enjoyed it all and hope it will continue to progress with the lives of Dick and Jonathon and "the kid." As a gay man in a 40+ year relationship, there is a lot more to come. Hope you are in a good relationship yourself.

Jim F.

Just wanted to let you know that I just love your Dick Hardesty books! I had a bad cold during the holidays and always love to read books when I'm not feeling well, so I found all your books and started re-reading them. I'm now on The Dream Ender and have 1 more to read (I have to read them in order). I can't wait to read your newest mystery, and a brand new character! Anyway, take care and keep writing!

Armita Robinson

Hello Dorien,

Congratulations on the Dick Hardesty series. I've just finished The Angel Singers and I really enjoyed it. Actually, I can honestly say this of each and every book in the series. I've enjoyed watching the characters grow both within themselves and within their relationships and I like the mysteries. They are well thought out and you usually manage to throw in more than a few surprises. Normally, I can pick out the culprit very early on in books but I cannot say this about yours. I've also recently finished His Name Is John and I am hoping that I will be able to read more in this series as well - if you are planning on continuing with these characters, that is.

Thank you,
Sharon Cox, Australia

Your latest Dick Hardesty book [The Angel Singers] was most enjoyable. I read it, then a week later I read it again. I was especially impressed with your description of Dick's emotions as he listened to his first performance of the Men's Chorus. It is as if you have psychic abilities and could reach hundreds of miles with your mind to read my thoughts. The description you gave is the exact same feeling I get each and every time I attend a performance of the Seattle Men's Chorus. It's always the same and I have been attending their performances for approximately 27 years.

There were many tense moments in the book and that is what I expect. One, however, had me very worried. There was a time when I was convinced you were going to kill off the "J's." I'm awfully glad you didn't.

(And) I LOVED His Name is John and was hoping you would continue the Elliott Smith character. It is a delightfully unique idea for a character. I don't believe I have ever read of a character like this in any of the books I have read. You have created something new, fresh and original. Way to go!

Thank you for yet another great read.

Alan Hart

I've just finished The Butcher's Son, and I loved it! I love your writing style and your detective, Dick Hardesty, so gentle and full of emphathy for the suffering! Your culprit here is pure Hitchcock!

Angelo, Italy

Hi Dorien, I'm Angelo, an avid book reader from Italy. Just discovered your wonderful mysteries,expecially His Name is John (absolutely original, and so poignant!), and I want to say to you I'm simply awed! Yours are the best gay mysteries I've ever read, actually some of the best mysteries, gay or otherwise! My compliments, and keep up the good work!

Happy (and gay) holidays



I was just re-reading The Bottle Ghosts, and realized (with a Homer Simpson-like DOH!), that I'd never written and told you how much I enjoyed it! I fall in love with Dick more and more every time I read one of your books.

Wonderful stories, fabulous characters, and excellent writing -- what's not to love?


Carla Coupe

[Re: His Name is John] Wonderful, wonderful story!!! This one I took slow, sort of savoring it like a fine wine.

Elliot is a great character and I'm always impressed with how you surround your hero with interesting, if not always likable friends and relations.

I love the ebb and flow of the story. the way Steve was introduced is a nice touch and again you do great relationships. The scary part, is that you made the relationship between Elliot and John so believable. The development was very natural (although sometimes I wanted to throttle John). I don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural, but I'm opened to someone doing a good story about same.

So score 100% for Elliot Smith and I really look forward to his next adventure.

Denise A.


I'm still in love with Dick. So when will he appear again?

I just wanted to write to you and tell you that I really enjoy your writing! I just finished reading the latest Dick Hardesty novel and the new Elliott Smith novel and I loved them both. The sense of humor that comes across in your writing and your way with words makes for such an enjoyable read. The characters and the mysteries you develop in your books make me finish them in one sitting because I can't wait to find out how everything turns out.

I've read all four books that you have for sale at I just visited your website this evening and was excited to see that you have so many other Dick Hardesty novels. Will these be for sale at fictionwise sometime in the future??


[Note from Dorien: The first 10 books in the Dick Hardesty series are available in a variety of e-book formats from]

I've just spent a very enjoyable day with Dick, Jonathan and The Angel Singers! Once again, a terrific story with all that we love about these guys (though I did miss Tim, Phil, Jared and Jake--I love them all nearly as much as D & J!). I don't know what it is about these books, but I find myself crying as soon as I start reading and pretty much continue in that vein until the end. They certainly touch something in my emotions. I'm not complaining--I love a good cry! Now the wait starts for the next one. Couldn't you give us one a month?!

Mike Ellis, Australia

You've done it again. I just finished reading His Name is John and had to let you know how much I enjoyed it. I do hope Elliott becomes a recurring character in a new series. I really like him and am keen to see where things go with Steve and also whether John stays around. The other thing I loved about the book is the way it is so different from the Hardesty series. At the moment he's my favourite but I'm happy to see where things go!

Mike Ellis, Australia

I just finished reading His Name Is John less than five minutes ago. What a great story! I was a little nervous about how I was going to feel about the book since I enjoy reading about Dick Hardesty and his friends so much, but I was pulled into the story right away and I had a great time getting to know Elliott and reading about his adventure with John. I didn't go to sleep until 3:00 AM last night because I wanted to finish the book before I went to sleep, but I finally passed out without reaching the last page.

I really like the people in Elliott's life, especially Steve, Cessy and Brad. You really have a gift for coming up with such interesting characters for your stories. I wouldn't have wanted anyone to be any different than who they are. The plot and the clues all made perfect sense to me and I was surprised throughout the book. It was a very fun read!

I hope we won't have to wait for a year until the next story is published! I will be shocked if the Elliott Smith series doesn't become a great success for you. But I hope you will continue to write more Dick Hardesty stories too--I will always have a special place in my heart for Dick and Jonathan.

Congratulations for writing another great story!

V. Berry

I have just finished His Name is John, and I can't say enough good things about it!

You somehow create characters I like and want to know more about. I just wanted to let you know how VERY MUCH I am enjoying the book and how much I look forward to reading everything else you write. By the way, I treasure your thrice weekly blog entries as well. Bless you, and keep up the good work!

Ken Beemer


I have just finished His Name is John. Much as I like the Dick Hardesty series and am looking forward to the new one, I have to tell you how much I enjoyed His Name is John and I sincerely hope it will be only the first in a new series.

I was so impressed with the book that I ordered another copy from Amazon this morning to give to a friend. I refuse to loan out my copy. Keep up the good work, Dorien, and I will continue to be a devoted fan.

All the best,

Bill Eilek

I was thrilled when The Dream Ender was on Fictionwise as an ebook. I have ordered His name is John. Can't wait to read it. I love Dorien, Johnathon, and all their friends. They make me laugh, cry, and want to know what is in their future. Your books were the first I read with gay leading characters. I love reading from other points of view in life and thinks it keeps me grounded living in a very small midwest town. I am not gay, but think it important that we see that our lives our so similar. I wish all people could read your books and see that. I love how you keep your characters real.

Anyway, enough gushing, keep up the wonderful work and I am looking forward to seeing how Johnathon and Dorien are doing, and meeting Elliott.

Laurie Monical

Having read all of your books, I had planned to reread them in order, since I read them out of order the first time; however, I ended up going back to The Good Cop and the parts about Jonathan and Dick ...

From there I went on, in order, watching their relationship develop. I like all of Dick's friends, and all of his "cases," so I found it sort of interesting that the first parts that I wanted to read were about Jonathan and Dick.

I like the descriptions of the Central. It feels like the sections of West Hollywood that I spent lots of time in -yet could also fit Portland (Oregon.)

Now that Joshua is in their lives, I am wondering if you will center any of your future books (I hope that there are lots of them) around bookstores, parks, restaurants, or similar "family centered" settings.

I love that you include the MCC (another great family setting) and the fish and chips place. VERY realistic! As is having the community all be a part of Joshua's life. Anyway - I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your books.

Thanks for publishing your novels, I am very happy to have discovered them!

Laura F

Dear Dorien:

If I just say that I love the stories and the characters, that would not be the half of it. Gay male mysteries (at least for me) tend to be less angst driven that lesbian mysteries. When I want angst I pick up the daily newspaper.

Your characters are alive and make you care, and when I thought that number 10 was the last of the Hardesty mysteries I was not a happy camper (mind you I have just ordered the first six from GLB publishers). I will be ordering the next 4 next week. I was glad to find number 11 is out.

Dick Hardesty is an interesting person, and I like how he has changed (grown?) through the series. He is the kind of guy you always, gay or straight, want for a friend. Your keeping the time and place a bit vague adds to the mystery (except for the "gay cancer" reference). I remember that time, only too well, and lost many friends. The combination of politics and good old-fashioned mystery is exciting (as in The Butcher's Son). Nothing like good old-fashioned blackmail in the cause of justice (loved it).

Your writing is clear and fast paced, and I order your e-books because I don't want to wait for snail mail (it's also cheaper).

Keep writing about Dick and his friends, and I will check out the Elliot Smith series when that comes out.

Thanks for giving me some funny gay male stories to read that actually border on reality.


Denise Alexander, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Just finished reading The Popsicle Tree! Have read all your books to date and have 3 more to go. This one pulled the ole heart strings–I lost my daughter at age 27, and many of the pages brought tears to my eyes. Keep up the good work.

John MacPherson, Netherlands

I love Dick Hardesty! I feel like a good friend has just moved away and I don't know when I'll see him again as I've just finished #11.

--Mike Ellis, Australia

I'm a newbie to your books; I just read The Butcher's Son. I loved it !!! Is there a list somewhere I can print of the Dick Hardesty series in chronological order? I'd like to start at the beginning and read my way through.

Thanks for your help.

Bert Hey,

Dorien, I finished CALICO a couple of days ago, and have now passed it to hubby, Bill--and then on to our friends Martin and Barry. Loved it! What a unique romantic mystery!

Check out I sent in a brief review.

Thanks for writing such a delightful story of a young man thorougly comfortable with who he is!!

Sylvia Smith

Interesting blog.

Well, I've been doing a little research on my web project, and I went to the two blog sites of a person I will be interviewing for Reavis Newsletter. They were two of the most interesting pieces of writing I've read in a long time. This first link is a blog of the journal an alum from NIU kept while he was a sailor in the 1950s. Obviously, I haven't read all the blogs, but his writing just draws you in. The second link is his more current blog, going over his musings from his life. He graduated NIU in 1958.

Clare Foland

Dear Roger,

Well, I finished A World Ago and as I have said to you before, I really didn't want it to end. I felt as though I had lost a friend. Seeing Europe through your eyes and reading the touching way you described sights made me feel as though these were my memories, rather than someone else's. Vivid pictures formed in my head as I read and I feel that if I visited these places they would look just as you described them.

I'm glad that you're going to start a new blog and that I located it. Just so you know, you have the ability to be incredibly funny and also very touching. Reading the part about your family and what happened to them made me cry. I guess it's because I lost my parents recently and it brought back some painful memories. Continuing with your new postings, I found myself laughing out loud at several of your comments. You have an incredible sense of humor.

I am passing along the web addresses of both of your blogs to friends in the hopes that they can enjoy them as much as I do. I look forward to reading more and anxiously await your new book.

Thank you for writing,


Dorien Grey,

Just completed Calico and wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the Western venue. As a dedicated Louis L'Amour fan, the simple tale telling in Western prose is a relief from most novels today, and your descriptive style was just enough to set the imagination whirling. I was a bit disappointed with the ending since I would have liked to read more of Calico and Jeff's return to their ranch, and how they were received by Calico's hands. Maybe that will be fodder for a sequel. As a Gay Romantic, I would have preferred sharing the first encounter of Calico and Jeff on the way back home; not necessarily the graphic descriptions of love-making, but of the manner in which two men from very different backgrounds came to appreciate each other's personalities, bodies and differences...sort of like a "Honeymoon Experience". By the way, the passage recounting the discussion between Calico and Joe was particularly excellent and reminded me of the first discussions I had after coming out to some of my closest straight buddies. I believe those types of narratives help both gay and straight readers deal with similar situations in a very positive way...just as Joseph Hanson's David Brandstetter series did for me.

Once again, thanks for your creative effort, and best wishes on the new novel.

Jim Hartfield


I am still reading your letters and enjoying them. Your history lesson about Istanbul was wonderfully entertaining. I used to live there and I think that you packed more into that one letter that explained the politics of the area then any school teacher has ever done. I am worried about what happens when you get home and the letters stop. This has become a part of my daily routine for many months now. I guess it will be like a beloved TV series that has been cancelled.

Jay Burk


Outstanding book [Calico]. The style is rich and natural. The plot flows effortlessly from one incident to the next, naturally yet inevitably. Another strength is the full realization of the characters. Well done. This has got to be volume 1 of a series--please.

Bob Wood

Hi Dorien,

Love your books and want to know more about their lives. Can't wait till the next one comes out. I feel I know all of them.


Hi Dorien,

I am so glad to see there is another book in the future. I have really enjoyed the way Dick has matured throughout the books. His relationship with Jonathan is very special, and now with the addition of Joshua, they have become one of my favorite families. The Popsicle Tree will always be numbered among my all-time favorite books.


p.s. This will probably make you laugh--but I have named some of our houseplants after your characters. I have a Jonathan, Tim, and Phil.

I've been reading your blog faithfully. I found my way back to the beginning and started there and I have now caught up with your postings.

At first I felt as though I were prying into someone else's life and then I was picked up and carried along with events as they unfolded.

I've never been so caught up in a story as I am with your letters. At any rate, keep up the letters. They are fascinating and I look forward to them each morning as I drink my coffee.

Jay Burk

Dear Dorien,

I don't know whether or not you believe in the strange ways of the universe, as I do, but I truly believe the hand of fate has guided me to your blog. It sometimes feels as if you have posted your letters just for my benefit.

You see, my father was a NAVCAD in Pensacola in 1955. He later died in a plane crash while on active duty, when I was just an infant.

All of my life I have been searching for information, seeking to know my father better. I have managed to gather a few Navy records and a very few photos, but I honestly think I have gotten a better feel for what his early days in the Navy might have been like from reading your blog than from anyone or anywhere else.

I just wanted you to know that your words have really touched me. Thank you for sharing your precious memories.

Best wishes,

I just finished reading The Butcher's Son and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. It really was a wonderful read. I really like your witty. wise. and charming character Dick Hardesty. He has sympathy and understanding for others, but he's not gushy or sentimental. And you really know how to keep the pages turning... Great job!

Sue Powers

Hi Dorien!

I hadn't read any of your books before and saw The Paper Mirror on; it sounded good, so I thought I would give it a try. I now have you to thank for me wasting a whole day by the pool racing through your book. You sure know how to weave a yarn!!!! It was so good that I just went onto Amazon and bought all of your other books. So, darn it, I have to waste nine more days by the pool!!!! (Hope the sun does come out. It is overcast here in Orange Co., CA)
Thanks for writing books that are well-crafted and just a damn good read!

Bruce Foulkes

I was pleased to find your books listed on the South African online book seller we use ( and ordered 3 titles I haven't yet read.


Dear Mr. Grey--

I just finished the 10th Dick Hardesty Mystery (The Paper Mirror) and just wanted to write and thank you so much for such great characters and wonderful murder mysteries.

I have been reading your books steadily while on vacation (otherwise, I'm a clergy and have such little time for my own reading) in Provincetown where I go with my husband to renew and "disappear" from the mass populace that is my congregation. I'm looking forward to more mysteries (I hope there will be more) and again thank you for your gift of writing.


Cantor Geoff Fine

I have enjoyed the Dick Hardesty mysteries by Dorien Grey and always look forward to the release of a new book. It is hard to start one of his books only to find that it is impossible to put down until it is finished. Dorien creates characters who are real, and as one reads the series, they become more and more like old friends. I've read all of these books at least twice and some three times. I anticipate that I will read them again. The writing is crisp and the stories are intriguing with a balanced mix of humor and serious issues that face gay society. I look forward to years of reading his works.

Ed Jett

Hey Mr. Grey!

I saw your post on Amazon and decided to drop you the requested line. I've been reading your series in order (currently halfway through The Dirt Peddler). I'm really enjoying the mysteries! Dick is a great protagonist, and though I know you never describe him on purpose, it drives me a little crazy that we don't know what he looks like except that he's obviously quite handsome. You did cheat a little when we found out he and Max look a bit alike, even though Dick didn't seem to think so. Still, I often find myself wondering what he and Jonathan and the others really look like. =)

Speaking of Jonathan, I think he's my favorite of your characters. Phil and Tim are fun, but Jonathan is a sweetheart. I love that he's so enthusiastic and feels things so deeply. I'm going to be very sad to finish this series. Any chance you're really not done with Dick and Jonathan?

A fan, John Johnson

Just to let you know that I received the Amazon blog, as my partner had purchased for me The Popsicle Tree. I am new to the series, and will slowly be making my way through them (in other words, I enjoyed my first taste of Dick and want more). Thanks.



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