Pre or co requisites: Chemistry Selection criteria: Overall average, Chemistry and Chemistry Regents grade, Achievement in Mathematics and Biology Junior Year Courses: Advanced Placement Chemistry
Senior Year Courses: Organic Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis or Chemical Engineering DESCRIPTION: Silicone heart valves, permanent-press clothing, unbreakable windows, wonder drugs, and long-life batteries have nothing in common except the chemists who invented them and the chemical engineers who designed their production. It is the aim of the Chemistry Major to give students a deep understanding of the fundamental chemical laws and theories, and extensive laboratory work in Analytical, Organic, and Industrial Chemistry, to help them develop the techniques used in research and product development. The Chemistry Major includes much of the first two years of college work in chemistry. Tech's Chem majors have a great advantage over students from other high schools because they will be learning for the second time what others are learning for the first time. This "Tech Advantage" can make the difference in the grades which determine entrance into medical, dental, graduate engineering, and other top-rated professional schools. NOTE: All students must take the Advanced Placement chemistry examination in order to satisfy their Tech Course Major diploma requirement. THE AVAILABILITY OF THE ABOVE COURSES IS ALWAYS DEPENDENT ON BOARD OF EDUCATION FUNDING.