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FinKLsPrinceDanny's Game: A Very Simple Game For You - CATCH JELLLYFISH GAME

FAQ: How to play this game, dude?

Answer: These are the instructions you may like to know: To play this game, first of all, press the START THE GAME button to run the game, then you will see a jellyfish ç is falling down from the top immediately. What you have to do is simply to WAVE (just move) your MOUSE directly over the baskets \-/ \=/ to move the paddle ^^. Make sure that you just wave your mouse, which means you don't have to click on your mouse! For the score calculation, of course, to gain score, you need to catch the jellyfish ç, you get 10 points per catch. If you miss catching the jellyfish, you lose, and the final score you get is what you can see on the score text bar. You can start the game whenever you like again, by clicking on the START THE GAME button, your game score will be reset to zero if you start a new game, any other questions? I suggest you to try to play the game several times, then you will learn more about this game! Hope you enjoy it! Have Fun! :)

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Play the game now!

\_/ \=/ \_/ \=/ \_/ \=/ \_/ \=/ \_/ \=/ \_/ \=/ \_/ \=/ \_/ \=/ ....<- Use your mouse and wave
.......................................................................................(but do not click) your cursor here!! :)


0-20 -> Inadequate (0-20 = F)
30-50 -> Marginal (30 = D-, 40 = D, 50 = D+)
60-80 -> Adequate (60 = C-, 70 = C, 80 = C+)
90-120 -> Good (90-100 = B-, 110-120 = B)
130-160 -> Very Good (130-140 = B+, 150-160 = A-)
170-200 -> Excellent (170-200 = A)
200+ -> Perfect (200+ = A+)

  • FinKLsPrinceDanny's Land was created and is maintained by Danny S. from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Simple Game

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