In the first season of QAF, an actual Diner was used for both interior and exterior scenes; later on, a set was built in the studios at Dufferin Gate, and then finally, in season 3, the Diner expanded to a third location at the satellite studios. Cowlip was still using the exterior of the real diner for some of their location shoots, adding a few props like a rainbow flag and extra signage; however, over the summer, the real diner closed down, and the show had to find another location for those shots. The "Liberty" sign, a stainless steel door, and a replica of the "Swan" diner sign from the original location are all added on days when shooting takes place.
In the beginning, it was Michael's apartment; Emmett came to stay for a while when his own place got flooded, but in the end, Michael moved away to Oregon, and left Emmett on his own. After an unsuccessful (but sexually fulfilling) search for a new roommate, Emmett took Michael back in when things fell through with Dr. Dave. Prominently displayed in any of Michael's residences is the omnipotent figure of Captain Astro... his childhood hero. | |
On the 1940s fridge you'll find fun magnets that make noises of some sort, from a champagne bottle that pops to a skeleton that dances. Michael got these from the Big Q. | |
The microwave is a hand-me-down from Debbie's house that also makes a really good bread box when not in use. The red object is a cake topper that Emmett snagged from Lindsay's sister's wedding. Emmett and Michael don't cook so you'll find mostly cereal, cookies, sandwich stuff, etc. It's pretty much all junk food. | |
Emmett's bedroom is wild and wonderful, and full of life just like he is! |
Photographs from Debbie's house above supplied by James Tee
Photographs supplied by James Tee; posted with permission
Did you know that when we see Brian driving his Jeep through the streets of Pittsburgh on Queer As Folk, it's not really Gale Harold powering the vehicle? That's right... it's all done with smoke and mirrors. Well, okay, maybe just a little smoke. ;) As you can see below, the Jeep is attached to a trailer behind a truck carrying the camera and a crew of six... which frees the actor from the burden of having to deliver his lines while operating heavy machinery. |
Behind the Scenes
Set Design