SOLD! The Corvette featured on this page has been sold to a new owner. Thanks to everyone who inquired about the car while it was up for sale.
In his January 28, 2001 Showtime chat, Gale Harold mentioned that his character might be getting a new car. "If anyone out there has any suggestions, feel free," he said. "But if it's not a late '60s or early '70s American muscle car, I probably won't listen to what you are saying." In the Showtime Episode 101 commentary special, he also remarked, "Don't you think [Brian] would drive something more...you know...sexy than a Jeep?"
Well, two years later, our man FINALLY got some muscle. And no, I'm not talking about those beautiful biceps...
Thanks to some 'charitable' work with the Center (for which he was handsomely compensated) Brian is now driving one of the sexiest convertibles around. It's a dark green Corvette Stingray, circa 1971, with all of its original parts. Notice the chrome bumper and the Stingray name on the front fender above the 4 gills. With its sleek, air-splitting design (also known as the 'coke-bottle' body), 400 horsepower and 460 pounds of torque, most of the sports cars today can't even compare with the classic 'vette.
The Corvette Stingray is a classic first generation American muscle car that was originally designed for performance (something Pittsburgh's king stud knows a little something about!) and mass marketed at an affordable price. If Brian Kinney had been in the Advertising business during the 60s, he might have cashed in on the mind trust that took a Pontiac Tempest body, put in a 389 cubic inch engine, and called it a G.T.O. -- a vehicle whose demand far exceeded supply.
Here's a shot of the car from Showtime's Behind the Scenes images:
Here are a few images of the car on the lot in Toronto, courtesy of the owner (click on the smaller images to see the full size pictures):
Brian's license plate has also changed... you may recall that the Jeep's plate was CHJ 7700; the Stingray's plate is CHE 1200. Interesting to note: the actual car is licensed for Ontario, and privately owned (it does not belong to the show). The producers apparently wanted to guage the audience reaction to the car before permanently acquiring the new wheels. The car is now back for a fifth season, and has been sold to a new owner who will take possession after the QAF run is over.

Whatever the moniker, we'll be trailing this leading man no matter what he drives... even if it's simply driving us crazy!