
----------------------- Me and my dog

Hi welcome to my place hidden within the wide web.

I'm glad you happened to pop by and see what part of my life is about. I have been a Christian since I was 7.
BUT ...

Though it was not until I was 16 that I made the decision to follow the call of God. By this time I had had become very nominal in my faith. In fact I had a big problem with drink and pornography. In fact suicide seemed the only answer to my depression. I couldn't even do that right... God had his angels watching over me even though I was far from the expectation of what a Christian was supposed to be.

I had joined the Royal New Zealand Navy at the age of 15 to escape from a home situation and ultimatley myself. Alcohol was extreemly cheap and copious quanties found its way down my throat to block out the pain and depression that I felt. It was in this state that God chose to extend his grace towards me. What do I mean by this? It was nothing that I did to gain the mercy of God, I couldn't even help myself. It was God himself who chose to reach out to me in my state and show me LOVE that can only be from God.

It was a warm January night in 1982 I was heading to the pub for another night to help me forget. In the middle of the Takapuna rose gardens a church group had set up a trailer and a band was playing. I had a grudge towards this church and went over to cause some problems.... I did not reach the trailer but about 30 meters away I walked into a force field. I found myself flat on the ground weeping and feeling the strangest sensation. I can only describe it as a power pole of love, ramming its way into my very being time and time again until I surrended my being to this love. For the first time in my life I was experiencing love real love.

From this time untill now the desire to get drunk has gone. God has changed my life so much over the years. I am married with five children and my ex-racing greyhound "Digger"
My love affair with the motorcycle started in my childhood riding the farm bikes then when I was 15 and obtained my licence I brought a new Suzuki GSX250EZ. Since then I have had a Honda XR500A, Kawazaki GPZ550,It was the Yamaha XZ400 that sold me on shaft drives.

I wear the patch as a proclaimation of the grace of God. What He did for me He can do for you, no mater what you have done. God accepts us as we are... we do not need to try to make ourselves acceptable for God, for we cannot.

For more see my SOLUTIONS page to check out how you can receive what will seem as a glass of cool water on a hot day.

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