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Travel Elektra Projects
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Last Updated: 03/12/2004

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Strawhenge Home

Why Straw-Bale? & A Brief History 

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Photo Documentation:

Our Camp Site 
Our Tractor & Other Cool Tools
Our Storage Container
Building a New Road 
Building a Sawmill 
NEW Sawmill

Preparing our Septic System 
Preparing For Our Shop/Garage
Our submarine-like Propane Tank
General Photos of Interest 

Initial House Plans:
Site Plan & Floor Plan


Preparing for a Shop/Garage 

One of our first buildings is going to be a garage/storage shed for larger implements that don't currently fit in our transportainer. This building is intended to be quickly erected - steel and not as pretty as it will be useful/functional. 

Click on any photo to see a larger view 

Trees being felled with Back-Hoe

Tree being pushed over by back-hoe First, sadly, we are obliged to knock a few more trees down to make room for the "shop" as Mike likes to call it. We tried a new technique this time, with the help of local Excavator/hauler, Louis Sandoval and his mighty back-hoe. He actually pushed two huge trees down just with the bucket/boom of the back hoe. Fantastic to watch...and so much safer than chain-sawing. They are guaranteed to go in the direction they are pushed.
May 20, 2001
Tree over. Mike and Louis chatting about it Mike and Louis chat about the awesome experience!
May 20, 2001
Shop clearing - 2 trees on right will be felled. Louie clears the area before we fell the two trees you see on the right.
June, 2001
action shot. Tree down - Mike running to the scene Action shot. Mike runs to the scene of the action as you see the tree is just down.
June, 2001
aftermath - lots more clearing to do - (to clear up the felled trees) The area minus the two trees. There's more clearing to do (there's always more clearing to do)
June, 2001
Mariner is tree hugging...but it has to go... In July, we moved the transportainer, and had one more tree to fell. This photo, depicting our neighbor Ron Mariner hugging the tree - shows the perspective. It's a shame, this really is a big tree!
Down she goes... Timberrrrr!