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10. They're cocky, conceited and arrogant! (Duh! Everyone knows that!)

9. There is too much "hype" surrounding them... they are SO overrated!

8. GEORGE STEINBRENNER and JOE TORRE... Need I say anything else?

7. The fact that Torre looks like a stoned vampire when he's losing a ball game

6. The OBNOXIOUS "Bleacher Creatures"...

5. The Yankee fans in general... they are, by far, the most impudent and rude fans EVER!

4. ROGER CLEMENS... He needs to learn that the world does NOT revolve around him and his big head!

3. The fact that they think they're so good... but in reality, any team can spend millions of dollars to buy a World Series title!

2. The way Steinbrenner owns the umps. It was rather obvious in '99 versus Boston!

1. Two words: DEREK JETER (How he got in "50 Most Beautiful People" is beyond me!)

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