Current Projects

"No Sweat" Campaign
In a continuing fight against sweat shops and child labour, Youth For A Better World will conduct our first "No Sweat" Campaign. Presentations to local schools and various activities to help those working in sweat shops or child labour will continue for the next few months. If you would like to book Youth For A Better World for a "No Sweat" Presentation at your school, church, youth group, etc., please email us at or phone (519) 736-9977. The presentation is approximately 1 - 2 hours in length and is very interactive. Details of "No Sweat" can be found by CLICKING HERE.

Nike Vigil/Protest
February 23, 2002
Join us at 12:00 p.m. at the Nike Factory Outlet store in Windsor (1555 Talbot Rd.) to protest Nike's unethical labour practices. This protest is a part of our "No Sweat" Campaign and is a completely non-violent attempt. We are also sending a petition to Nike requesting that they change the way they do things overseas. If you would like to help us collect petition signatures, please email and request a copy of it. We are also looking for people to organise protest in their own areas at Nike stores. Please email us if you are interested and we'll help you out. Thanks everyone for your help!

McDonald's Abolishment Campaign
November, 2001 - ??
Because we work for improvement in the animal, human, and environmental community, our anti-McDonald's Campaign is an important one. It is our goal to educate as many people as possible about the horrors and lies surrounding McDonald's, about the problems the corporation causes around the world. Please visit for more information about McDonald's or CLICK HERE to learn more about our Campaign.

Care Bags Programme
YFBW will be putting together bags filled with things that needy children in stressful situations can use. The idea sprouted from a project started by Annie Wignall in Iowa. Visit to learn more. Full details of our Care Bags Programme can be found HERE. If you would like to donate items for the Care Bags, please email Thanks!

Child Sponsorship
YFBW (Youth For A Better World) is sponsoring a child through World Vision Canada. We will be raising money for our child through fundraising and donations. For more information on our sponsored child, Graiwit Tantachot, click here.

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