My Favorite Place to Shop!

This is Molly from Glamour Boutique. We have opened a new TG store in Las Vegas. It is located at 714 E Sahara Avenue #250 with the telephone number (702) 697-1800. It is a safe, discrete location and we have many of the items found on our website at plus a new assortment of TG Fiction and Magazines. Very shortly we will be expanding to include offering services like Transformations and Digital Photography, Changing Areas, Locker Storage, Clothing Alterations and Special Costume Designing. In September we hope to start a clinic seminar series on makeovers featuring Dawn. Dawn will instruct you on how to put on make up and create any look from the girl next door to Exotic show girl. This feature is available only at the Auburn store. Call for an apointment. Any ideas or suggestions on future topics would be helpful as we start to plan the year's activities.

If your in the area please visit his store at:

850 Southbridge Street Auburn, MA 01501 Call: (508)721-7800

If your in Vegas : 714 E Sahara Avenue #250 telephone number (702)697-1800.

Or visit him on the web at


Molly's Shopping Spree----->

Molly's friends a page dedicated to all those that have supported me

My doll collection Page --->

The Glamour Boutique Now offers Maids dresses and other fantasy clothing!

Just click on the link to go directly to the page. Fantasy Page.