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The History of Violent-ass Movies...

It all began in 8th grade American Studies. I sat next to a quiet kid with a strange sense of humor, with whom I became close friends. That young boy is known as ospbaboon. Well at the end of 8th grade, he moved away to North Carolina. I had a pretty good 9th grade year. During the summer of '99, I went down to North Carolina to visit my grandparents, and, whaddya know, ospbaboon lives about 4 miles from my grandparents house! I went to go visit him, and he introduced me to a strange new program called Microsoft 3D Movie Maker. I was amazed at how it made violence easily accessible to anyone. Ospbaboon had already made a scene where a young boy shoots a "bully" with a bazooka (watch "Masterpiece"), and we spent the next hour or so animating the same boy shooting a baby with this same bazooka (which strangely enough had been thrown down the cavern in jubilation about 1 minute ago). We also made another avant-garde movie about a man being attacked by rats ("Oh No, a Rat!"). Eventually, we said our last goodbyes, watched "Dirty Work", and went our separate ways. He came back to Iowa to visit about a month later, but I was at camp at the time. When I returned, I learned that IronClancy had a certain copied CD-ROM for me... Sure enough, it was 3DMM. Violent-ass Movies was born. I produced 2 movies in the same number of days and got right to work on posting them online. And here we are, in the middle of Violent-ass Movies' prime. Have fun with the movies, and remember, it's not REALY blood, it's just red cylinders, red asterisks, red spheres being "squashed", and red explosions.

The Violent-ass Movies Archive