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Nick Gabrichidze's image gallery

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Paintings of Nick Gabrichidze.

Architectural Fantasies..

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Amsterdance number one
Recent artwork. It was created at 2002 for a display in Amsterdam Pubic library. Acrylic on wooden panel, 187 x 72 sm

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At this page you see number if artworks which are created at the different times; But all of them have one thing in common: use of "fantasy architecture" in the composition. Having a degree in urban design, Nick had never completely forgotten about architecture... Fantastic, futuristic urban landscapes appear in many of his paintings. Creating imaginary architectural fantasies is a favourite pass-time for many artists, but the most interesting issue in Nick Gabrichidze's case is that his architectural (capriccios) are created at the walls of existing buildings or inside a real interiors. It's like using a real architecture as a media for a fantastic one..

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