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From: Reuters
Date: October 9, 1997 
Subject: Army will keep trying satellite laser test

WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The U.S. military, foiled by recent cloudy weather, said Thursday it would
continue attempting to test fire a powerful ground-based laser at an aging Air Force satellite orbiting the earth. 

Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon said Defense Secretary William Cohen had asked the Army to continue to
look for opportunities to test the laser before the target satellite was placed in a new orbit on October 23 to save
battery power. 

Several attempts to fire two short but intense beams of light at the satellite from the "Miracl" laser based at
White Sands, New Mexico, were postponed last week because of cloudy weather. Cohen on October 2
ordered the test of the Mid-Infra-Red Advanced Chemical Laser (Miracl) to try to measure the vulnerability of
U.S. satellite systems to laser attack.  

[NACOMM Note: And if a satellite won't do, how about those pesky
airspace-invading UFOs?] 

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