Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL)

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The High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility (HELSTF) is located at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico. HELSTF
became operational on September 6, 1985 when the Air Force conducted the first Lethality and Target Hardening (LTH-l)
program test for the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO). HELSTF has been managed by the U.S. Army Space
and Strategic Defense Command (USASSDC) since October 1990. Prior to that, the facility was under the command of
Commander, White Sands Missile Range. Primary support for operation and maintenance of the SDC-managed facility is
currently provided by Lockheed Engineering and Science Company (LESC). The Navy is responsible for the operation and
maintenance of the MIRACL and the SEALITE Beam Director through its contractors, TRW and Hughes Aircraft. 

HELSTF is designated as the Department of Defense (DoD) National Test Facility for high energy laser test and evaluation.
HELSTF is the home of the Mid Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL), the United States' most powerful laser,
which is a CW, megawatt class deuterium-fluoride laser operating in a band from 3.6 to 4.2 microns. In the more than ten
years since operations began, HELSTF has supported a broad range of both laser and non-laser related test activities. High
energy laser tests have included damage and vulnerability testing for all three uniformed services as well as materials and
chemical research for industry and academia. HELSTF represents an approximate $800 million investment, with about $80
million of that in military construction funds. 

The Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) was the first megawatt-class, continuous wave, chemical laser built
in the free world. It is a deuterium fluoride (DF) chemical laser with energy spectra distributed among about 10 lasing lines
between 3.6 and 4.2 microns wavelength. Since it first lased in 1980, it has accumulated well over 3000 seconds of total
lasing time. It remains the highest average power laser in the US. 

                                      MIRACL operation is similar to a rocket engine in which a fuel (ethylene,
                                      C2H4) is burned with an oxidizer (nitrogen trifluoride, NF3). Free, excited
                                      fluorine atoms are one of the combustion products. Just downstream from
                                      the combustor, deuterium and helium are injected into the exhaust.
                                      Deuterium combines with the excited fluorine to give excited deuterium
                                      fluoride (DF) molecules, while the helium stabilizes the reaction and
                                      controls the temperature. The laser's resonator mirrors are wrapped around
                                      the excited exhaust gas and optical energy is extracted. The cavity is actively
                                      cooled and can be run until the fuel supply is exhausted. The laser's output
                                      power can be varied over a wide range by altering the fuel flow rates and

                                      The laser beam in the resonator is approximately 21 cm high and 3 cm wide.
Beam shaping optics are used to produce a 14 cm square beam shape which is propagated through the rest of the beam train.
Diagnostics for evaluating the beam shape, absolute power and intensity profile are used on each firing of the laser. The
beam can be directed to a number of different test areas or to the SLBD. 


       Megawatt-class variable power, with good beam quality 
       Continuous-wave mid-infrared (3.8 microns) 
       Reliable operation demonstrated in more than 150 lasing tests and over 3000 seconds of lase time during the last
       70 seconds maximum lase duration. 

Programs Supported

       Static Target Vulnerability Tests 
              Materials and Coatings 
              Aircraft and Missile Components 
              Effectiveness of Laser Hardening Techniques 
       Flying Target Vulnerability Tests 
              Subsonic and Supersonic Missile Engagements 
       Propagation Phenomenology 
              Effects of turbulence and thermal blooming on HEL beam propagation 
              Tracking in Presence of High-Power Beam 
              Effect of Obscurants 
       Laser Technology R&D 
              High-Power Adaptive Optics 
              Material Windows 
              Gratings and Coatings 
       HELLO Commercialization Tests 
              Advanced Coatings 
              Cloud Boring 
              Chemical Processing 

                                Congress canceled the Navy SEALITE program, a self-defense lethality
                                demonstration using the Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL), in the
                                fall of 1983 and directed the MIRACL be installed at HELSTF to support a variety
                                of tests for DoD. The SEALITE Beam Director (SLBD) is mounted on top of Test
                                Cell 1. It consists of a large aperture (1.8 meter) gimbaled telescope and optics to
                                point the MIRACL or other laser beam onto a target. The high power clear aperture
                                is 1.5 meters. The remaining 0.3 meters is normally reserved for a tracker using the
                                outer annulus of the primary mirror. The system is extremely agile and capable of
                                high rotation and acceleration rates. The SLBD weighs 28,000 pounds, of which
                                18,000 are on the movable portion. The SLBD can also be used as a sensor

                                The telescope is capable of focusing from a minimum range of 400 meters to
infinity. A suite of infrared and visible sensors on the top of the gimbal (off axis from the HEL aperture) is used to acquire
and track the target. These sensors look through a 40 cm telescope that can focus over the same range as the SLBD telescope
and also correct for parallax between the two lines of sight. Boresight between the SLBD telescope and the sensor is
maintained by an automatic laser alignment system. In addition, an aperture sharing element in the high power beam path
makes it possible to track a target through the full 1.5 meter telescope aperture even when the high power beam is

These elements have been combined into an integrated system that can acquire and track targets at extended ranges, accept a
very high energy beam, focus and aim the beam on a moving target, and keep this beam at the same position as long as
necessary to destroy or disable the target. The SLBD has successfully engaged five BQM-34 drones as well as a supersonic
Vandal missile, all at tactically significant ranges. 

In addition to directing the high energy laser beam, the HELSTF SLBD has been used very successfully to passively track
and image missiles in flight. The inherently precise pointing of the device and its ability to track very high speed targets
make it an ideal platform for capturing in-flight imagery. The SLBD has been used as a sensor platform for tracking and
imaging a number of Theater Missile Defense (TMD) launches and intercepts, including LANCE, ERINT, and LEAP. A
1000 frame-per-second, digital, infrared camera has been used to collect two-dimensional intercept measurements from
targets and interceptors at over Mach 6 closure rates. Calibrated infrared sensors placed in the SLBD's optical train have
been used to collect IR imagery for plume and hardbody thermal characterization. 


       High line-of-site rates and accelerations 
       Primary mirror diameter: 1.8m 
       Focus range: 400m to infinity 
       Primary track sensor: 8 to 12 micron FLIR 
       FLIR track sensor field of view: 4 X 5 micro radians 
       Shared aperture visible track sensor field of view: 0.3 X 0.3 micro radians 

SLBD Passive Imaging Sensor Characteristics 

                 BAND     VIEW                                       

      LWIR       8-12 m   700 rad    128 x 128   up to 1000    1.5 m   

      MWIR        3-5 m   700 rad    128 x 128   up to 1000    1.5 m   

      FLIR       8-12 m    4 x 5      scanned    60 Hz/264     40 cm   
                            mrad                   lines               

    NFOV TV      visible  5 x 6.5    510 x 492   60 Hz/264     40 cm   
                            mrad                   lines               

    Wide FOV     visible 6.6 x 8.8   510 x 492     30 Hz       90 mm   

 Wide FOV AMBER   3-5 m   12 mrad    128 x 128   up to 109     50 mm   

 MIT High Frame  visible  100 rad     64 x 64     2000 Hz      1.5 m   
      Rate               to 1 mrad                                     

Tests Supported

       High-power dynamic with flying drone (BQM 34) 
       Conventional defense initiative with flying drone 
       High velocity target test with VANDAL missile 
       High altitude target tests with flying drone 
       Missile and plume tests using the 1.5m aperture 
              Radiometrically calibrated images 
              Spectral radiometry 


       0605605A DOD High Energy Laser System Test Facility (HELSTF) 
       Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) 
       SEALITE Beam Director (SLBD) 

       [EXCERPT] DoD News Briefing Thursday, December 11, 1997 - Discussion about the test of the MIRACL laser
       against a satellite. 
       PENTAGON/LASER TEST VOA 23 October 1997 
       [EXCERPT] Defense Department News Briefing 23 October 1997 - Discussion of the MIRACL laser test,
       including how many bursts were actually fired at the satellite, whether they got data back from the satellite, and
       whether or not the test was successful. 
       [EXCERPT] Defense Department News Briefing 09 October 1997 - On MIRACL, two opportunities to test that
       laser were missed last week. The Secretary has asked the Army to continue to look for opportunities to test that laser
       before the target satellite goes into eclipse later this month. 
       [EXCERPT] Defense Department News Briefing 07 October 1997 - "Because of cloud cover at the White Sands
       Missile Range in New Mexico last night, the MIRACL test did not take place. We had also attempted a test of
       MIRACL on Saturday night, but because of some technical difficulties, that test also did not take place." 
       U-S LASER TEST VOA 02 October 1997 
       U-S LASER TEST VOA 02 October 1997 
       October 2, 1997 - Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen today has approved an experiment being conducted by
       the U.S. Army's Mid-Infra-Red Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) located at White Sands Missile Range, NM.
       The satellite that will be used for the test is the U.S. Air Force Miniature Sensor Technology Integration program's
       third satellite (MSTI-3). 

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