WSMR High Energy Laser Test Facility

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                         HIGH ENERGY LASER TEST FACILITY


            This facility contains a wide array of lasers, instruments, and associated capabilities that are configurable to
            meet the needs of the test or experiment. The various capabilities are described below. 

            Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser

            The Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) is a megawatt-class, continuous wave chemical
            laser. It is a deuterium fluoride (DF) chemical laser operating in a band between 3.6 and 4.0 microns
            wavelength with a maximum laze duration of 70 seconds. In the past decade its reliability has been
            demonstrated by performing over 150 lazing tests in over 3,000 seconds of laze time. 

            Pulsed Laser

            This laser is a closed cycle, electric discharge, pulsed CO2 laser that can deliver moderate to high energy
            levels per pulse. It is fully portable, with full-beam diagnostic instrumentation, a 50 cm static beam pointing
            telescope and a data acquisition system. In addition, the laser can interface with a precision pointer/tracker. 

            Low Power Laser 

            This laser is a low power continuous wave mid-infrared chemical laser that allows experimenters access to
            MIRACL-like characteristics at lower costs. 

            Effects Test Area 

            The area provides an indoor controlled laboratory test environment for evaluating laser effects on materials
            and small components. It includes a strip mirror beam integrator. Diagnostics includes plume and air flow
            sampling. Additional diagnostics are available and can be added to support specific customer needs upon

            Hazardous Test Area 

            This area consists of beam relay and shaping optics, diagnostic instrumentation and a test pad surrounded by
            earth berms and movable concrete shields. The test pad is rated to withstand a 20,000 pound TNT-equivalent
            blast. It is capable of supporting both high and low energy laser effects testing on a wide variety of samples.
            Diagnostics performed on the laser beam include calorimetry, scatter plate measurement and beam profile

            Vacuum Test Chamber

            The chamber consists of a stainless steel sphere 50 feet in diameter capable of producing vacuums of 1x10-6
            torr for simulation of low earth orbit conditions. It is connected to the MIRACL through a series of optics
            and evacuated laser beam pipe. Other capabilities include 25 ton maximum test item weight, a class 100K
            clean entry room, color CCTV and high speed filming, and local and remote control rooms. 

            Point of Contact at WSMR: Mr. Jim Noble
            Telephone: Commercial (505) 678-5362 

            Point of Contact at EPG: Mr. Robert Reiner
            Telephone: Commercial (520) 533-8002, FAX (520) 533-8020