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Pokémon City: Pokémon Yellow
Pokémon Yellow

Pokémon Yellow is coming out in the US! The release date is October 5th, 1999. The Yellow version is a remake of the red and blue versions, but with some new features which include...

  • Pikachu is your first Pokémon
  • Gary starts out with an Eevee
  • Pikachu follows you around and refuses to get into a Poké Ball
  • It has a little side screen which shows Pikachu's mood
  • Team Rocket member's Jesse and James will battle you in the game with the Pokémon that they have in the show
  • The game will be fully compatible with Color Game Boy so there will be many colors, unlike the few colors in the Red and Blue version

  • Home - Our Pokédex - Map - Cheats/Hints - Item List - All TM's/Hm's - Gym Leaders - Elite 4
    Pokémon Stadium - Pokémon Yellow - Pokémon Snap - Pokémon Gold/Silver - Pokémon Pinball - Red - Blue
    Card Game - FAQ - Pics - pika PIKA! - Email us
    -Web Design by Cooley and Nelson 1999-