This story begins in 1999, when *N Sync jumped to record company, Jive. There they meet Alanna DeWitt, the young beautiful daughter of a major Jive executive. Lance falls for her but cannot pursue her for two reasons. To find out what they are, read it!!! |
This is my first attempt at writing a short story AND writing a Justin fanfic. And I have to admit, after writing this story... I began crushing on Justin. But you are all probably wondering what the actual story is about. Well it takes place nine years into the future. Justin is married and has a three year old son. Justin is still the arrogant dick he's always portrayed as but when something major happens to change his whole perspective on things he realizes how wrong he was, and how much the people in your lives mean to you. |
This is not a story per-say. The latest innovation from the woman that brought you TDUC's Dating Game comes a soap opera 'N volving *N Sync. A different episode every month (hopefully.) Some are funny, some are dramatic but you know they're all good because *N Sync's in them, not to mention I wrote them, hehehe. Possible guest appearances by celebs and fans alike. Each episode will be rated according to content. |
This fanfic, well I'm not sure exactly where its headed, but I know its good. I've written 3 chapters and am in the process of putting them up here. I'd really appreciate any comments on this one... I'm using it as a class assignment too! LoL! But if you LOVE Lance you'll love this one... I definatly know this one will involve Lance! |
This story is based on a girl group Heaven Sent who is signed by Transcon and is supposed to be going on tour with *N SYNC. Lance is kinda a main character. Not updated often, though. |
You say you love They Drive Us Crazy's soap opera 'Forever Young?' You want more *N SYNC TV shows? You got it! Here at They Drive Us Crazy we've heard your pleas for an all *N SYNC channel! So be prepared for this one! |
This will have stories as the boys when they really were "little" boys. I've yet to decide whether they should all be living in the same town or if they should just be themselves. Anyway... it should prove to be entertaining. |