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August 2, 1937-The keel of the Lützow is laid down in the Deschimag shipyards of Bremen.

July 1, 1939-The Lützow is launched.

May 1940-The Soviet Union purchases the Lützow,, and on May 31, the cruiser is towed to Leningrad to be integrated into the Soviet Navy.

September 25, 1940-The Lützow is renamed the Petropavlovsk upon its entry to the Soviet Navy.

June through August 1941-The Petropavlovsk is equipped to become a floating battery, and towed to Call Harbor.

September 7, 1941-The Petropavlovsk is ordered to fire on German Wehrmacht units in the area. One of the 20 mm guns breaks down due to a shell defect.

September 17, 1941-The Petropavlovsk has fired nearly 700 shells on the German Wehrmacht. During this day, the heavy artillary hammered away at the Petropavlovsk, hitting it 53 times with 210 mm shells. The ship sank, although in shallow waters.

April 4, 1942-The Petropavlovsk is hit by a bomb dropped from an overflying Luftwaffe bomber during Operation Eistoss.

September 17, 1942-The Petropavlovsk is raised and moved to drydock to be repaired and refitted.

December 30, 1942-The Petropavlovsk is assigned to the naval defenses of Leningrad, and becomes part of the “Iron Seawall” near the Cargo Port of the city.

January through February 1943-The Petropavlovsk is ordered to be re-fitted with better anti-aicraft guns.

January 1944-The Petropavlovsk fires over 1000 shells on retreating Wehrmacht units over 10 days.

September 1, 1944-The Petropavlovsk is renamed to the Tallin.

Summer 1945-The Tallin is moved to the Baltic for further constructions.

January 12, 1949-The Tallin is reclassified as a light cruiser.

December 23, 1949-The Tallin is planned for refitting, with new weapons (including 12-15 cm guns, 6-10 cm guns, 12-45 mm flak guns, and 24-25 mm light flak guns). However, the project was cancelled due to the massive costs that would be required.

March 11, 1953-The Tallin is re-classified as the motionless training vessel, and renamed to the Dnepr.

December 1956-The Dnepr is re-classified as a floating barrck, and given the name PKZ-112.

April 4, 1958-PKZ-112 is removed from the Soviet Naval fleet lists.

1959 through 1961-PKZ-112 is broken down in the Leningrad Cargo Port.

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