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November 2, 1936-The keel of the Tirpitz is laid down in the Kriegsmarine Werft of Wilhelmshaven.

April 1, 1939-Tirpitz is launched.

February 2, 1941-Tirpitz is commissioned.

January 1942-Tirpitz completes a one year trial run in the Baltic Sea.

January 14, 1942-Tirpitz and the Admiral Scheer transfer to Trondheim, in Norway.

March 5 through 9, 1942-Tirpitz embarks on Operation Sportpalast. Tirpitz sees its first engagement against allied convoys, where it attacks convoys PQ-8 and PQ-12 in the Arctic Ocean. There the Tirpitz was attacked by British carrier aircraft and by submarines, causing no damage, and the Tirpitz sails into Bow Beight, in the area around Narvik.

July 5, 1942-Tirpitz cancelled its planned attack against allied convoys PQ 17 and QP 13 after several escorting vessels suffered mechanical failures. The Tirpitz is then attacked by Russian submarine K-21 however, the Germans did not notice any damage, despite claims by the submarine's captain that a torpedo had struck the enormous battleship.

Winter of 1942 through to March 1943-Tirpitz is docked for the winter in the Loo Fjord. In March 1943, the battleship moves to Bow Beight. Later, the ship is transferred to the KåFjord.

September 6 through 7, 1943-Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Z6 Theodore Riedel, Z10 Hans Lody, Z15 Erich Steinbrick, Z20 Karl Galster, Z27, Z29, Z30, Z31, and Z33 attack an allied base at Spitzbergen as part of Operation Sizilian.

September 22, 1943-Tirpitz is attacked by several British submarines (X-5, X-6, and X-7), one of which manages to penetrate the ship's torpedo netting and place a mine beneath it before all of the midget subs are destroyed. This mine manages to put the turbines, rudder, and propeller shafts out of action, as well as doing moderate hull damage.

September 1943 to March of 1944-Tirpitz reports in for repairs.

April 5, 1944-Tirpitz is attacked by more carrier aircraft, this time being hit 15 times by the bombs.

April 17, 1944-Tirpitz attacked again and hit with only one bomb. However, this time was the only time that the battleship's armor was pierced.

October 14, 1944-Tirpitz is again attacked by several large Russian bombers. The ship is hit and taken out of action by a bomb that struck on the forward portion of the ship, removing the ship from action again.

October 17, 1944-Tirpitz transferred to Sande Fjord. The battleship is unable to make as much as 8 knots due to extensive damage.

November 12, 1944-32 RAF Lancaster bombers from 9th and 617th squadrons (launched from Scotland) attack the Tirpitz with 'Tallboy bombs'(13,200 pound bombs). The battleship is hit by three bombs and several near misses, capsizing after one of the 38 cm turret magazines detonated.

1948-Over the next nine years, the wreck of the Tirpitz is gradually broken down.

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