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The following excerpts describe different nutrition-based anti-cancer strategies. In order:
/ raw vegetarian / general vegetarian / mono-diets (raw juices a few days now and then) / vegetarian for max. 18 months / low-carbohydrate / no starches, sugars & fruit / water fasting /

Quotes from

Kristine Nolfi, M.D.

That I, a physician, began the consumption of exclusively raw fruits and vegetables was a consequence of a personal illness: a case of cancer of the breast.

As usual, the illness was preceded by a period of poor nutrition and wrong habits, particularly during my twelve years of hospital training when I suffered constantly from intestinal stasis and gastric catarrh. At one time I was on the verge of dying of a hemorrhage due to a gastric ulcer.
At this point I dropped meat and fish from my diet, but not until much later did I begin to eat raw fruits and vegetables, increasing the quantity gradually. I obtained a better digestion this way and was healthier, but I was not yet completely well.

At the end of about ten years of a diet consisting of from fifty to seventy-five percent raw fruits and vegetables, I was unable to diagnose any definite disease. In the spring of 1940 I discovered, quite accidentally, a small tumor in my right breast. But in spite of my fatigue, I disregarded it. Therefore, I was horror-stricken when, five weeks later, I discovered, also accidentally, that this tumor had grown to the size of an egg and had grown into the skin. Only cancer acts in this way.

The usual treatment of cancer is only a make-shift, since we do not know the cause of cancer. I decided at once that I should not submit to that treatment. But what then? I simply had to take some serious steps, otherwise I would soon die of cancer. I felt it almost natural that I should have to live on a 100 percent raw vegetable and fruit diet. With my own life at stake, I was forced to prove the value of consistent diet of this kind.

I started immediately, going to a small island in the Kattegat where I lived in a tent, ate raw vegetables exclusively and sunbathed from four to five hours a day when weather permitted. When I felt too warm, I plunged into the sea.
My fatigue continued throughout the first two months, and the tumor in my breast did not diminish. But then my recovery began. The tumor grew smaller as I regained strength, and I felt better than I had for several years.
I had previously consulted the well-known Danish physician Dr. Hindhede, who agreed that I had cancer but advised me definitely not to submit to a trial mocroscopy. We both knew that it would open up the blood vessels and cause the cancer to spread. So I gave up that idea.

After I had been feeling normal for about one year on a 100 percent raw vegetable and fruit diet, I adopted Dr. Hindhede's suggestion that I return to my previous diet, supplemented by fifty to seventy-five percent of raw vegetables. But this proved unsuccessful. In three to four months I began to feel sharp pains in the breast, in the scar tissue left by the tumor at the point where it had originally adhered to the skin. The pains increased in strength during the following weeks, and I suddenly realized that the cancer had become active again! Once again I returned to the 100 percent raw vegetable and fruit diet, whereupon the pains quickly disappeared as did the fatigue which had preceded the recurrence of the trouble. But on this occasion, the cancer was more extensive in the skin of my breast.

What next? I was a physician, so now I had to utilize my experience. My husband and I built a solarium at home large enough to accommodate four or five persons during the next summer. We all ate raw fruits and vegetables, and the patients recovered. Then we sold our house in the suburbs of Copenhagen and bought a property "Humlegaarden", south of Elsinore, where we established a health resort which we have now operated for eleven years.
During these developments the medical authorities began to take notice of my natural treatment for its good results, and they did not like it!


Thus ended completely my treatment of patients with drugs.
Since that time, I have been treating all my patients with natural methods - namely, by living food -- with astonishing results.
My sanatorium "Humlegaarden" always has a waiting list. I do not regret severing my relations with the medical profession, and I am happy to have entered the field of nature cure. Thanks to this persecution by my former colleagues, my reputation grew immensely in all Scandinavian countries. This kind of advertisement was worth more to me than money could buy. Thus my former colleagues acted as my free press agents, and I have received free publicity in all Scandinavian newspapers.

During the persecution by the medical doctors, I was called a charlatan doctor; but now the doctors have changed their minds about me. They tell their patients who report to them the good results they got in my sanatorium that I am a good psychologist and personage.
They do not wish to admit, however, that living food has caused the good results.

I will die, but be sure: living food will live, will be spread all over the whole world, and will help to save suffering humanity from all diseases, both of body and mind, and thereby create one world!

(From The Miracle of Living Foods by Kristine Nolfi, M.D., around 1955, - 1991 reprint by Health Excellence Systems)
NOTE: Even though Humlegaarden today does not follow Kristine Nolfi's ideas, it still serves vegetarian food, and mentions diet at its website.

Quotes from

Diet vs. Dollars
Tamoxifen's Untold Story

(Nutrition Advocate with news of the Cornell-China Project, Sept. 1995)
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.

While much evidence shows that breast cancer is almost certainly caused by a huge number and variety of dietary and lifestyle factors, science instead focuses on very simple but very expensive ideas, like Tamoxifen.
I believe that much of the public confusion on health issues is due to serious structural faults in our system of scientific investigation.
It now turns out, for example, that among Tamoxifen users there is a three to fourfold greater risk of uterine cancer, among other possible health hazards.
This is a story not only about drugs designed to prevent and cure diseases.
It is also about the institution of science ignoring the possibilities and promises of nutrition to prevent, perhaps even reverse disease.

It is about the discovery of drugs or procedures having commercial value.
It is about scientists not choosing to investigate their own faulty eating habits.
It is about failing to let you, the consumer, know what you can do to improve your own health with much less cost.
It is also about most of us not being willing to entertain new ideas, especially those that challenge our favorite ways of thinking and doing.
Read the whole article here: Tamoxifen's untold story
See Why is the CHINA PROJECT important?

Quotes from

by Harvey Diamond

Be very clear about something, disease, especially cancer, never ever just sneaks up on people and strikes them down. It doesn't happen that way.
It takes a long time and a great deal of neglect and abuse for cancer to occur. From the first stage of disease to the seventh, cancer, we can talk about many years.
By familiarizing yourself with the seven stages and their warning signals, you can put yourself in the position of knowing where you stand in terms of your health so that you can take charge and take control of the situation.

… showing you just how baffled the experts really are when it comes to the subject of breast cancer.
Following, are some of the most revealing and telling statements made by the people in the best possible position to know the real status of the headway being made in the battle against breast cancer.

  • "There are two things we don't know about breast cancer. We don't know the cause and we don't know the cure."
    Nancy Brinker Chairwoman of the President's Special Commission on Breast Cancer 8

  • "Nobody knows what causes breast cancer, nobody,, knows how to prevent it, and nobody knows how to cure it.
    Linda Ellerbee, Narrating an ABC Special On Breast Cancer.9

  • "Despite decades of research, there are still gaping holes in our knowledge of breast cancer. No one knows for sure who is at risk, how to prevent it, or what causes it."
    Host on a PBS special on breast cancer 20

  • "We don't know what causes it.. there's no way to prevent it."
    Jane Pauley, Narrating a PBS Special on Breast Cancer 21

  • "No one knows how to prevent it, and the mortality rate from breast cancer has not improved for decades. Researchers say it is also disconcerting that the rates have remained so high."
    Column in the New York Times, 10/20/93 22

  • "So many questions, one answer: We don't know. Breast cancer, never have so many been given so much conflicting advice and so few definitive solutions."
    Cokie Roberts, ABC Nightime.23

  • "Throughout countries rich and poor, industrial and rural, breast cancer incidence is on the rise. No one knows what's fueling that increase."
    Science News, July 3, 1993 24

  • "This continual rise in breast cancer is unexplained. We have some hints at what's causing it, but we don't know the whole story and we also don't know how to stop it or how to cure it when it occurs."
    Cindy Pearson, Program Director for the National Women's Health Network, ABC Nightline.25

  • "We really don't know what causes breast cancer. We don't really even have a clue what causes breast cancer."
    Doctor Susan Love,breast surgeon, Author of one of the most authoritative guides on breast care, past Assistant Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School, Director of UCLA's Breast Center 26

  • "Women are very frightened by breast cancer and there is nothing they can do to prevent it."
    Maryann Napoli, Associate Director of the Center For Medical Consumers in New York. 27

  • "If we knew how to prevent breast cancer, believe me we would have done it. We don't know how."
    John Laszlo, MD, Senior Vice President for Research, American Cancer Society. 28

  • "We don't know the natural history of this disease. We don't know whether treatment is necessary and we don't know if it works."
    Dr. H. Gilbert Welsh, Senior Research Associate of the Department of Veterans Affairs. 29

  • "It's horribly frustrating because I tend to like to look at prevention. If we knew what caused it, we could figure out how to prevent it, but we don't know yet."
    Dr. Janet Osuch, Breast Cancer Specialist at Michigan State University. 29A

  • "Scientists do not understand much about the causes of breast cancer. So while they can detect and treat breast cancer, they do not know how to prevent it."
    Robert Bazell, NBC News Science Correspondent 29B

Of all these quotes you have just read, do you see the most notable message? Did you notice that in every one of these quotes it was stated in no uncertain terms that "we don't know," or "no one knows"? Be very clear on something; these statements were not made casually. The evidence of their accuracy is so overwhelming, that to say anything else would be foolhardy. They are merely stating the obvious. Be assured, they would much prefer not to admit such things but they had no choice.
It is so extremely important that you take these comments seriously and place the full measure of importance on them that they deserve. That is the only way you will be moved to take the actions necessary to protect yourself. ....

Let's look at the most important issues in question.
  1. They don't know the cause … ....
  2. They don't know the cure … ....
  3. They don't know how to prevent it ....

The National Cancer Institute receives approximately 1.8 billion dollars a year in federal money for research, and a paltry 5% is spent on prevention. And only 5% (1/4 of a percent of the total) is spent on breast cancer. That's not just peanuts, that's barely peanut skins! Why?

Radiation and chemotherapy are poisons. They poison and kill both cancer cells and healthy cells. Plus, these treatments are themselves carcinogenic. That's right, the treatment for cancer causes cancer. Back in the early 80's, health care workers who were involved with the preparation and administration of anticancer drugs were warned to take special precautions when handling the drugs because of the risk of developing cancer from being in contact with them. In an article in ajournal published by the American Cancer Society, it stated that the increased risk, "should be of great concern to those handling anticancer agents." 10

Now, get this:
Those handling the drugs should be greatly concerned. What about the people having it injected directly into their veins!? No need for concern there? If a strong, healthy, fit and vibrant woman were to be given intense radiation and chemotherapy, she would quickly become debilitated, devitalized and sick. How then could the same treatment given to one who is already sick be expected to make her well ?
Where is the reason? The logic? The common-sense? If something will make a well person sick, it will surely make a sick person sicker. How could it possibly be otherwise?

… The body never gives up the fight no matter how bad things are, no matter how serious the situation, no matter how long-standing has been the neglect. As long as it is alive, the body strives for homeostasis - balance. Like water in a jar that seeks its own level no matter what position the jar is in, the body seeks to normalize, correct and maintain balance no matter what the circumstances. Even in the face of such long-standing abuse and neglect that cancer finally develops, the body still has the wherewithal to call to arms its last sentinels guarding the integrity of the body: those amazing, cancer-trapping, protective lymph nodes.

And how are these precious lymph nodes treated by those who "don't know?" They are cut out! And why? For performing the very function they were created and intended to perform!
Nothing, and I mean nothing, could be more backwards. Would you allow your bladder to be cut out because of the presence of urine? Would you allow your colon to becut out because of the presence of feces? Would you allow your lungs to be cut out because of the presence
of carbon dioxide? …

We look back in amazement that our medical ancestors could have been so blind to the dynamics of the body that they would routinely drain blood from the sick. Bleeding patients was a standard, universally accepted practice performed with the idea that as the blood ran out of the body, so would the sickness. Removing lymph nodes for doing the job they were created to do … makes bleeding look like the cornerstone of scientific wisdom.

And just where, pray tell, will the waste and cancer cells go when these lymph nodes are removed? To the next available lymph nodes, that's where.

Are you concerned about breast cancer? Are you serious about doing what you can to prevent the pain, anguish and suffering breast cancer can wreak? If your answer is yes, and you are serious, and I mean really serious, then you must do everything you can to keep your lymph system operating at its highest possible efficiency, and some form of regular physical exercise is a major contributing factor in that effort. Period! There's no way around it.

Perhaps you are familiar with the term, "diseases of affluence." These include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity. Throughout the world, wherever there is enough wealth to allow people to move away from the basic needs of existence, the prevalence of these diseases increase. In the United States, diseases of affluence are rampant.

In China, they are either practically nonexistent or notably uncommon. It is not a secret that the more affluent and industrialized the society, the more animal products and refined foods its people consume. We Americans consume sixteen million animals, 165 million eggs, eleven million pounds of fish, and 345 million pounds of dairy products every single day!22-25
We lead the world in the diseases of affluence.

The Chinese eat primarily the cleansing foods:
vegetables, grains and legumes, some fish and no dairy. What is of inestimable importance is the fact that they obtain 7% of their protein from animal products, while Americans obtain 70% of their protein from animal products. Ten times as much!

..let me give you a few specific examples of possible mono-diets:
  1. Drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices for one to three days.
  2. Drinking only fresh juices and eating uncooked fresh fruits and vegetables for three to four days. ....
The reasoning behind all food being in its natural raw state is quite simple and crucial in terms of preventing breast cancer. The purpose of mono-dieting is two-fold. First, is to use as little energy as possible on digestion so energy can be freed up and directed toward the cleansing and rejuvenation of your lymph system. Second it is to obtain the maximum amount of fuel and nutrients from the food being eaten. Raw food fulfills these two requirements more than food that has been cooked or otherwise processed.

The idea in upgrading your diet is to gradually remove from your diet those foods which have proven to be harmful. All I can tell you is that the fresher food, the closer to nature, the better. You want to minimize highly-processed, chemicalized, packaged foods, coffees, sodas, refined sugar, etc.
The world-renowned biochemist and researcher Dr. Paul Stitt, has said: "The cure for cancer will not be found under the microscope, it's on the dinner-plate."

Quotes from

Stanley S. Bass, N.D.,D.C.,Ph.D., IAHP-certified

I've come to the conclusion that the initial phase of a cancer diet should be pure vegetarian. ... Since Dr. Satillaro was totally cured of all his cancer in fifteen months, and his body was riddled with it, that means that you'll probably never have to go beyond fifteen or eighteen months on that stringent a diet. It's totally safe for humans according to my research. I would say that would be the best approach in the diet of a cancer patient.

Although the macrobiotics got such good results with a diet that adds salt and doesn't allow raw foods, I believe if you added the raw foods, eliminated the fruit like they did or minimized it, - but gave the chlorophylls in the raw form and salad vegetables plus some steamed vegetables, then you would have a diet that would be twice as good as what they had.

We've discovered that when you eat [too much] sugar in the diet, even a lot of natural sugar, cancer spreads easily because the walls of the capillaries become permeable and the tumor can spread through the cell wall, which is supposed to be protected. .... So cancers will spread if you get a lot of sugars.
See the Stanley Bass website for more.

Quotes from

Sally Fallon, M.A.
(cookbook published by Price-Pottenger Foundation)

Sugar consumption is positively associated with cancer in humans and test animals . Tumors are known to be enormous sugar absorbers. Research indicates that it is the fructose, not the glucose, moiety (part) of sugar that is the most harmful, especially for growing children. Yet the greatest increase in sugar consumption during the last two decades is from high fructose corn syrup used in soft drinks, ketchup, and many, other fabricated foods. Sally Fallon

"Western medicine and science has only just begun to sound alarm signals over the fantastic increase in its per capita sugar consumption, in the United States especially. Their researches and warnings are, I fear, many decades too late ... I am confident that Western medicine will one day admit what has been known in the Orient for years: Sugar is without question the number one murderer in the history of humanity - much more lethal than opium or radioactive fallout - especially to those people who eat rice as their principal food. Sugar is the greatest evil that modern industrial civilization has visited upon countries of the Far East and Africa... foolish people who give or sell candy to babies will one day discover, to their horror, that they have much to answer for. " Sokurozowa Nyoiti: "We are all Sanpaku "

Quotes from


(Enter the Zone)
Barry Sears Ph.D.

Although far more women will die of heart disease, the greatest fear for most women remains breast cancer. From a scientific point of view, breast cancer. gives a unique insight into how the diet affects the course of cancer in general.
There is a body of evidence that suggests that eating a high-fat diet increases the risk of breast cancer..... Hold on though... - it's not the amount of fat women eat that determines the likelihood of developing cancer, but how fat they are.
If you reduce insulin levels (through a low-carbohydrate diet) you reduce obesity. If you reduce obesity you've dramatically reduced a major factor that puts you at risk of developing breast cancer in the first place. .....

There is a flip side to the story of diet and cancer. You see, cancer tumors are dietary hogs. They feed themselves by stealing nutrients from the rest of the body. As a result the rest of the body slowly starves. this is known as wasting [or cachexia].
... It is estimated that nearly 40% of all cancer patients don't die of cancer at all. They die of starvation, or of malnutrition induced by the treatments that were supposed to cure them. ...

We know that cancer tumors grow best in an anaerobic environment (lack of oxygen), and thrive in the presence of a high level of carbohydrates. ... So you should be able to gag the tumors with a diet that increases the supply of oxygen and deprives them of the carbohydrates [sugars, starches] they love....
See the B. Sears website for the Zone-diet.

Quotes from


(The Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Program,
Healthy for Life)

Richard Heller M.D.
Rachael F. Heller M.D.

For the carbohydrate addict, learning that high levels of insulin have been found to be a key stimulator for the growth of some types of cancer (breast, endometrial, ovarian cancers) is an essential first step.
... researchers are now finding that the intake of simple sugars, including table sugar and fruit sugar (fructose) appear to stimulate the insulin rises that may then aid in the spread of some cancers.
... insulin also acts as a powerful fertilizer to tumor cells, greatly speeding up the growth of harmful cells.

... With so many scientists saying that fruit sugar may be so harmful, where did we get the idea that fruit and fruit juices are healthful, that these are foods that could never do us any harm?... We believe that the "good fruit image" comes from a time when diseases due to lack of available fruit were rampant [e.g. scurvy in sailors, for want of vitamin C] ....
See the Drs. Hellers' website .

Quotes from

Joel Fuhrman, M.D., IAHP-certified

When I fasted my first case of uterine fibroids, and watched the tumor shrink by 78% after two weeks of the fast, even I was surprised how effective fasting was for this condition. In Cheryl's case, we knew that prior to the fast the tumor had been getting larger with more severe bleeding for years. Many physicians encouraged her to have it surgically removed. Instead Cheryl chose to fast.

Pelvic ultrasounds done by a radiologist both before and after the fast, documented the cubic size of the tumor and the exact percent of shrinkage that occurred. Measurements of her fibroid tumor was 473.6 cubic centimeters before the 14 day fast and 105.8 cubic centimeters after. Her problems with excessive bleeding had ended. Of additional note was that this patient also had rosacea, a chronic distressing skin condition with extreme redness around the nose and cheeks that disappeared with fasting and did not return.

More than half a million women have hysterectomies each year. Many of these experience depression, painful intercourse, and urinary problems after surgery. Fasting not only allows the fibroid to shrink, but it often sets into motion a process where the fibroid is able to continue shrinking after the fast. The pain and pressure from fibroids and the excessive bleeding predictably responds to this method of care. Avoiding unneccessary surgery is precisely why many patients choose to undergo an therapeutic fast.


The evidence linking diet to breast cancer has been known for years. As is the case with most other diseases, however, the public is the last to know. In Japan for example, breast cancer was rare, but Japanese women who migrated to this country soon had the same rate of cancer as American women - at least 400% higher that in Japan.


Our population is nutritionally miseducated. Outdated nutritional concepts encourage us to feed our children a diet that promotes premature growth and rapid maturity. ......... Early puberty increases our risk of certain cancers, especially breast and prostate cancer.


It continually amazes me how "expert" opinions can be given on something with which someone has had no experience, knows nothing about, and has never read research on. I once had an occasion to speak to one such well meaning physician who was furiously against fasting. I told him I had read, and was thoroughly familiar with over 500 medical journal articles on therapeutic fasting, that I had spent years collecting. I inquired as to which ones he was familiar with, which helped him reach his opinion. His answer was that he had not read one of them. He actually had zero knowledge about the subject and began to ask me questions. He was consumed with the same vague fears and questions the typical layman would have. Though still having doubts, after our conversation he admitted he gave his opinion too hastily, and had much more to learn.
See Dr. Fuhrman's website for more.

Find lists of doctors who do natural healing, either via nutrition or fasting, absolutely no drugs - with links to their articles about natural healing - here:
- IAHP certified detox specialists and doctors
- INHS doctors list
Check out Natural Hygiene Network in Houston as well.
Dr. Sidhwa has good info on how to detoxify easily on your own.
Hawaii Meditation and Detoxification Retreat follows Natural Hygiene principles, as well as Gerson cancer therapies.
Dr. Scott writes about fasting from a historical perspective.

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