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written by: Jay White ~1992~His Senior Year

      Friendship is one of the most unusual human emotions felt since friends can be so very happy at times, yet more sad than ever before also. The word "Friendship" is defined by the dictionary as the "state of being a friend or being attached by feeling of affection." I look at friendship as the mutualization of people who stick by each other's side and help them in any way possible.

      When people fight with their girlfriends or boyfriends, or even parents, they can rely on a good friend to help them feel better. Their friend will be a great listener and offer suggestions to help the situation heal faster. Sometimes just talking to a friend will make people feel much better by only knowing they're there to listen.

      Many times when friends have an argument or dispute they feel sad and worthless. Fighting with a friend can make someone feel worse than ever before in his life. When someone sees his friend he can only feel disappointed and remorseful about the situation.
      He feels as though everyone is walking on him and
      it's all his fault, no matter what.

    If a friend moves away, a person will feel sad and upset at first, although when he thinks back on his relationship he's very amused. He realizes how much fun they had even if they didn't do anything but talk. He respects the relationship and is usually happy he had such a good friend.

    Everyone should have a solid relationship with someone, even if it's a parent. Being in such a relationship can often times mature someone and give him courage to achieve goals. Even if someone is greatly hurt in a relationship he still values the other and respects him or her. Knowing he has a friend who will be there when he needs him or her is more valuable than any material possession. People feel loved and worthwhile with a friend.

    So having a good relationship is much more than the person is. It's about feelings and emotions. A strong or weak friendship can make a difference in one's attitude. Friendship is a major part of everyone's lives and should be the most important part in everyone's lives.

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