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Being Indian Is...

The information on this page is owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper, please contact her to ask for permission before reproducing or otherwise replication this information. Linking to this page is aso forbidden unless permission is otherwise given. Sharing the URL is acceptable, but please ask before you link.

This was sent to me by a friend of mine, and she attributes it to one Silent Bear.

Being Indian Is

Feeding anyone and everyone who comes to your door hungry, with whatever you have.

Being Indian Is

Having every third person you meet tell you about his great-grandmother who was a real Cherokee princess.

Being Indian Is

Being broke all year long because you try to make every pow wow, basketball, and softball tourney.

Being Indian is

Knowing what the pow-wow trail, basketball/softball circuit really means.

Being Indian Is

Loving frybread and dry meat.

Being Indian is

Knowing at least someone with a Haskell Story.

Being Indian is

Knowing how to snag and then lie about it.

Being Indian means

To find "True Love" not Indian Love.

Being Indian Is

Masking your emotions in times of stress.

Being Indian is

To not pay your phone bill or light bill to feed your family.

Being Indian Is

Respecting your elders who have earned it.

Being Indian Is

Never giving up the struggle for survival.

Being Indian Is

Trading your surplus commodities for something you are in more need of.

Being Indian Is

Being known for your great sense of humor and having the ability to make jokes and laughter out of the worse situation.

Being Indian Is

Not rioting in the streets but occupying godforsaken places like Alcatraz, Mount Rushmore, the New York-Canadian bridge, etc.and Whiteclay, Nebraska!!!

Being Indian is

To be judged harder by other natives then non-natives.

Being Indian Is

Owning land and not being able to rent, leases, sell or even farm it yourself without BIA approval.

Being Indian Is

Feeling Red Eagle, Medicine Cloud, and Lone Bear are more beautiful names than Smith, Johnson, or Jones.

Being Indian Is

Watching your daughter give away her only pair of overshoes to somebody who needs them more than her.

Being Indian Is

Having your all-Indian school team playing against 7 men on the basketball court.

Being Indian Is

Playing basketball at the outdoor hoops on the rez till 3:00 am.

Being Indian Is

Either borrowing or lending money to your skin brothers and sisters at least once a week.

Being Indian Is

Having people ask if they can touch your hair or take your picture.

Being Indian is

To be asked consistently if you still live in tipis or ride horses every where you go.

Being Indian Is

Worrying about diabetes.

Being Indian Is

Knowing why the rez car in "Smoke Signals" was funny!

Being Indian is

Knowing what they meant in Smoke Signals by do you have your passports.

Being Indian is

Knowing how to barter or trade.

Being Indian Is

Having more cousins than trees have leaves.

Being Indian Is

Cutting the mold off the commodity cheese so you can eat it anyway.

Being Indian Is

Having to explain *again* why you don't like the mascot. (So don't explain more than once, more than likely,they will abuse your words anyway)

Being Indian Is

Cursing F.A.S.

Being Indian Is

Fighting the likes of Slade Gordon.

Being Indian Is

Knowing the Reservation of Education.

Being Indian is

Understanding that the worst thing the white man could have done is educate us and watching his fear of how much we actually know his world.

Being Indian Is

Eating salmon for the 6th meal in a row.

Being Indian Is

Knowing to many people that have died of cirrhosis, exposure, or an "accident".

Being Indian Is

Knowing history started before 1492.

Being Indian Is

Laughing with your friends so much your face muscles hurt.

Being Indian Is

Singing 49 songs using a garbage can for a drum.

Being Indian Is

Road trips cross-country . . . just because ...

Being Indian is

Knowing you treaty rights.... 1794,1855,1868

Being Indian is

Having the strength to move your family at any given moment, for any given reason of another . . . and making it . . .

Being Indian Is

Reading about your ancestors and relations in an anthropologist paper.

Being Indian Is

Knowing someone in Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, San Francisco, Minneapolis or any other relocation center.

Being Indian Is

Losing your job after the grant ends.

Being Indian is

Losing your job because you're different.

Being Indian Is

Having a song come to you at the oddest times!

Being Indian Is

Counting the number of brown people photographed in magazine advertisements.

Being Indian Is

Celebrating the whale hunt.

Being Indian Is

Full of acronyms that affect your world (BIA, IHS, CSBG, ANA, FEMA, CCDBG, JTPA, , SYEP, JOM, NIEA, UNITY).......

Being Indian is

Not a right-- it's a privilege

Being Indian is

Knowing your language or trying to learn it.

Being Indian is

Concern about Bush and the next 4 years and where Slade will end up

Being Indian Is

Celebrating your 4th cousins twice removed birthday with the rest of your family

Being Indian is

Driving the Rez bomb one-year too long

Being Indian is

Being mistaken as Mexican cause you're brown

Being Indian is

Having strangers tell you how cool you are in bars (when they are drunk) and they had an Indian friend when they were young

Being Indian is

Living the digital divide

Being Indian is

yummy commod canned meat and instant mashed potatoes... again

Being Indian is

Hating macaroni necklaces

Being Indian is

Knowing the guy who cried a tear for the environment wasn't Native

Being Indian is

Waiting for the next red Michael Jordan

Being Indians is

Admitting you don't like pow wows, beads, the smell of sage or being related to everyone on the rez

Being Indian is

Being proud of Jim Thorpe and Billy Mills

Being Indian is

Knowing sovereignty is a two-edge sword full of good and bad

Being Indian is

Understanding the difference between a cousin and a cozin

Being Indian is

Knowing that per caps are another form of termination

Being Indian Is


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