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My First Close Encounter Of The Lightning Kind...

The information on this page is owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper, please contact her to ask for permission before reproducing or otherwise replication this information. Linking to this page is aso forbidden unless permission is otherwise given. Sharing the URL via word of mouth or email is acceptable, but please ask before you link.<

The music that you are hearing is entitled "Drums of Thunder" by Elan Micheals

This is a very painful process for me, but it is also a part of the healing process.

Here it is...

In July of 1999, I was at a powwow called International Brotherhood Days in Porcupine, South Dakota. One of my dear sister-friends, Karin Eagle Bacca was there with her husband, Efream Bacca and young son, Miguel. Karin's husband, Efream decided to climb the ridge behind the powwow grounds, and we warned him to come down as there was a storm approaching. We were afraid of him being hit by lightning.

Eafream made it down safely, but ironically I was hit about a week later as I was doing the laundry left over from our vacation.

The strike missed the tree that hung over the mobile home that we lived in at the time, hit the roof of the trailer, surged through the electrical systems of the mobile home, and somehow managed to find me.

I was taking a load of laundry out of the dryer at the time. It entered my right hand, (which was on the door of the dryer at the time of the strike) surged through me, and exited through my left hand (which was on top of the dryer) leaving no external trace of it's passage through my body.

We think that it grounded it's self out through the tie down straps on the mobile home, which went down about 3 feet into the ground, which is a blessing because it helped to lessen the jolt that I got.

I can still remember the house lighting up as bright as day, the smell of ozone in the air, and time literally standing still as I fought to remove myself from the charge coursing through me and holding me to the dryer. The whole thing lasted about 30 seconds or less, but I can remember counting each heartbeat, and it seemed like an eternity until I could let go.

The rumble of thunder shook the trailer, and the smoke alarm went off. My daughter came running out of her room to see what had happened, and I can remember telling her that what happened, not realizing that I too had been hit.

I can remember feeling very very odd, and trying to make myself understand what had happened, and knowing that I had to call my husband who was at work at the time, but could not figure out how to dial the phone.

The next morning, post strike, we inspected the exterior of the mobile home and found scorch marks around the dryer vent, the outdoor light fixture above the dryer vent, and around the outdoor electrical outlet to prove that there HAD been a strike.

We also checked all of the circuit breakers to be sure that they were intact. Not one had been tripped.

I was seen the same day by my General Physician, who had no idea how to treat me. She consulted with the local Neurosurgeon who said that there was not much that he could do for me either. I had no obvious entry or exit wounds, no external burns, and no obvious physical trauma, so how do you treat something like that?

When I brought it up at work, I had to get a copy of the medical report to prove that I had really been hit.

There is more to my story, but it is easier to divide it in to separate pages, so if you want to hear the story of my second strike, please use the link below to go to my Strike 2 Page!

Remember that lightning is funny stuff, and just because you may get splashed or indirectly hit, it does not mean that the jolt can't affect you. The human body is one big electrical machine, and something like that can really overload your system and fry your hard wiring!

Mitakuye Oyasin

My email address has changed from to, thanks!

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