The information on this page is owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper, please contact her to ask for permission before reproducing or otherwise replication this information. Linking to this page is aso forbidden unless permission is otherwise given. Sharing the URL via word of mouth or email is acceptable, but please ask before you link.
I have been told by many that my various rambling discources are worth publication.
Now, mind you, everyone wants a place in the sun, a bit of immortality as it were, and I am no different.
BUT, (tere is always a but, isn't there!) I wonder if they were humoring me, or possibly stretching things a bit to stroke my ego a bit!
So, I have decided to create some pages, dedicated to my various ramblings and so on.
Just use the links below for ease in navigation, all of them will bring you back here.
I have heard it often said by the Elders and Wise ones of my people that a Nation cannot truly be defeated as long as the hearts of it's women are not on the ground.
The winyans (the young women), the mothers, and the grandmothers are the true heart of a nation. The True Brave Hearts.
We create life by giving birth, and at times, death, by taking another's life.
We offer our lifeblood every month is a cycle of renewal as old as time immemorial.
We stand behind our Brave Hearts and Kit Foxes, our brave warriors celebrating every enemy scalp, every enemy kill, though we may deplore the violent act that ended the life of another that the victors may cover themselves in honor and glory, real or imagined.
We celebrate every young man's first hunt, though we may lament loosing the baby in our arms as he moves one step closes to manhood.
We sing the death songs of those gone too soon, knowing that there must be death to insure life.
We dance the slow graceful steps at the edge of the arena, covering ourselves with shawls and uttering the eerie Brave Heart Cry (trilling) honoring the Kit Foxes and Brave Hearts from ALL Nations that have died so that we may have our freedoms.
We honor and support our Sundancers, offering of ourselves, our time, energy, and our spirits to them so that they may offer themselves for the good of the people.
We weep bitter tears for those who have died from the ignorance, carelessness, thoughtlessness, stupidity or arrogance of others.
We celebrate every new birth as a renewal of our people, knowing that as long as there are women, there is life.
We raise our children as best as we know how, offering unconditional loving support with open arms, and let them make their own mistakes while living their own lives.
We honor every marriage or union, be it traditional or non, opposite sex, or same sex, it is as the Creator has said it should be, the sharing of love and contentment that make a happy home, a safe haven for those in need. A place for the family.
We dance the ancient dances, Jingle, Fancy and Traditional, remembering the meanings behind them and sharing them with the young women so that the old ways are continued.
We offer up our young men to the altar of our country's vanity so that they too may become war heroes, P.O.W.'s and M.I.A.'s
We carry in our hearts, the heart, strength, and pride of a Nation.
And finally, we sing the honor and death songs for those who have lost a life, a friend, lover, partner, relative, or child in this tragedy that has rocked the very foundation of our Nation, for truly we are all of one Nation, the Human Nation.
Mitakuye Oyasin.
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The River, A Spiritual Essay