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Internet Cookies

Internet Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer when you surf the net. These files contain information about where you have been on the net. Internet Cookies are placed in your temporary internet files directory on your computer.
You can go to the temporary internet files directory (cache) and see the Internet Cookies that are placed on your computer.
(See below)

How to Enable Cookies     What are Cookies     Internet Cookies (detailed) 
 Here the upper case names are strings the server can set
What Information Can A Server Get From A Browser     Cookies and shopping Sites     Cookies and Custom Home Pages     Cookies and Buying Habits     Examining Persistent Cookies Already On Your System    
Preventing Any Cookies from being Placed On Your System


How to Enable Cookies

To enable cookies, follow the instructions below for the browser version you are using
AOL 8.0      AOL 7.0 with IE 6.x      AOL 7.0 with IE 5.5      AOL 6.0      AOL 5.0      AOL 4.0      AOL for Windows 3.1  
Windows IE 6.x Browser      Windows IE 5.x Browser      Windows IE 4.x Browser      Windows IE 3.x Browser
Netscape 7.x       Netscape 6.x       Netscape 4.x       Netscape 3.x Clients
Mac IE 5.x       Mac IE 4.x

AOL 8.0

1.From the AOL Toolbar, select Settings. 
2.Select Preferences 
3.Select Internet Properties (WWW) 
4.Select the Privacy tab 
5.Select Advanced 
6.Deselect override automatic cookie handling button
7.Click OK to exit. 

AOL 7.0 with IE 6.x

1.From the AOL Toolbar, select Settings. 
2.Select Preferences 
3.Select Internet Properties (WWW) 
4.Select the Privacy tab 
5.Select Advanced 
6.Deselect override automatic cookie handling button
7.Click OK to exit. 

AOL 7.0 with IE 5.5
1.From the AOL Toolbar, select Settings.
2.Select Preferences 
3.Select Internet Properties (WWW) 
4.Select the Security tab 
5.Select the Custom Level tab 
6.Under "Allow Cookies that are stored on your computer" click "Enable"
7.Under "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" click "Enable"
8.Select OK, Yes you want to save the settings

AOL 6.0

1.From the AOL Toolbar, select Settings 
2.Select Preferences 
3.Select Internet Properties (WWW) 
4.Select the Security tab 
5.Select the Custom Level tab 
6.Under "Allow Cookies that are stored on your computer" click "Enable"
7.Under "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" click "Enable"
8.Select OK, Yes you want to save the settings

AOL 5.0

1.Go to My AOL 
2.Pick WWW 
3.Click the Security tab 
4.Go to Custom Level 
5.Scroll down to find Cookie 
6.Click "Enable" 
7.Click OK 

AOL 4.0

1.Click on Preferences 
2.Select on the WWW button 
3.Click on the Advanced tab 
4.Select the "Accept all cookies" checkbox 

AOL for Windows 3.1

Browser does not give you the ability to turn off cookies

Windows IE 6.x Browser

1.Select Tools 
2.Select Internet Options 
3.Select the Privacy tab. 
4.Select Advanced 
5.Deselect override automatic cookie handling button
6.Click on the OK button at the bottom of the screen.
7.Click OK to exit 

Windows IE 5.x Browser

1.Go to Tools on the menu bar 
2.Pick Internet Options 
3.Click the Security tab 
4.Select the Custom Level tab 
5.Under "Allow Cookies that are stored on your computer" click "Enable"
6.Under "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)" click "Enable"
7.Select OK, Yes you want to save the settings

Windows IE 4.x Browser

1.Go to View on the menu bar 
2.Pick Internet Options 
3.Click the Advanced tab 
4.Go down to the Cookies section 
5.Click "Always Accept Cookies" 
6.Click OK 

Windows IE 3.x Browser

1.Go to View on the menu bar 
2.Pick Options 
3.Click the Advanced tab 
4.Go down to the Cookies section 
5.Click "Warn Before Accept Cookies" 6.Click OK

Mac IE 5.x

1.Click Edit 
2.Select Preferences 
3.Under the Receiving Files option, select Cookies
4.Under "When receiving cookies:" select the desired level of cookie acceptance
5.Under "When receiving cookies:" select the desired level of cookie acceptance
6.Click OK to finish 

Mac IE 4.x 

1.Go to My AOL on the menu bar 2.Pick WWW
3.Go to the Advanced Settings option on the Category menu
4.Click "Cookies" 
5.When receiving cookies: Click "Never Ask"
6.Click OK 


Netscape 7.x

1.Click Edit on the Toolbar. 
2.Click Preferences 
3.Click the Privacy and Security category; expand the list to show the subcategories.
4.Click Cookies 
5.Three options are displayed. Click the appropriate choice:
oDisable cookies 
oEnable cookies for the originating web site only
oEnable all cookies 
oIf you want to be notified when a web site tries to set a cookie, select "Warn me before accepting a cookie."

Netscape 6.x

1.Click Edit on the Toolbar. 
2.Click Preferences 
3.Click the Privacy and Security category; expand the list to show the subcategories.
4.Click Cookies 
5.Three options are displayed. Click the appropriate choice:
oDisable cookies 
oEnable cookies for the originating web site only
oEnable all cookies 
oIf you want to be notified when a web site tries to set a cookie, select "Warn me before accepting a cookie."

Netscape 4.x

1.Go to Edit on the menu bar 
2.Pick Preferences 
3.Go to the Advanced option on the Category menu
4.Click the check box next to "Accept All Cookies"
5.Click OK 

Netscape 3.x Clients

1.Go to Options on the menu bar 2.Pick Network Preferences
3.Click the Languages tab 
4.Click the checkbox next to "Enable Java"
5.Click OK 


For further instructions on how to change your cookies settings, please use your browser's HELP documentation to make the appropriate changes.

What are Cookies

PROBLEM:   Cookies are short pieces of data used by web servers to help identify web users. The popular concepts and rumors about what a cookie can do has reached almost mystical proportions, frightening users and worrying their managers.                                                                 

PLATFORM:  Any platform that can use a modern web browser.                                                                   

DAMAGE:    No damage to files or systems. Cookies are only used to identify a web user though they may be used to track a user's browsing habits.                                                                     

SOLUTION:  No files are destroyed or compromised by cookies, but if  you are concerned about being identified or about having your web browsing traced through the use of a cookie, set your browser to not accept cookies or use one of the new cookie blocking packages. Note that blocking all cookies prevents some online services from working. Also, preventing your browser from accepting cookies does not make you an anonymous user, it just makes it more difficult to track your usage.                                                                   


VULNERABILITY  The vulnerability of systems to damage or snooping by using                                                               

ASSESSMENT:    web browser cookies is essentially nonexistent. Cookies can only tell a web server if you have been there before and can pass short bits of information (such as a user number) from the web server back to itself the next time you visit. Most cookies last only until you quit your browser and then are destroyed.
A second type of cookie known as a persistent cookie has an expiration date and is stored on your disk until that date.                A persistent cookie can be used to track a user's browsing habits by identifying him whenever he returns to a site.               Information about where you come from and what web pages you visit already exists in a web server's log files and could also           be used to track users browsing habits, cookies just make it easier.                                                                


Internet Cookies

The popular rumors about web cookies describe them as programs that can scan your hard drive and gather information about you including: passwords, credit card numbers, and a list of the software on your computer. None of this is close to the truth. A cookie is a short piece of data, not code, which is sent from a web server to a web browser when that browser visits the server's site.

The cookie is stored on the user's machine, but it is not an executable program and cannot do anything to your machine.

Whenever a web browser requests a file from the web server that sent it a cookie, the browser sends a copy of that cookie back to the server along with the request. Thus a server sends you a cookie and you send it back whenever you request another file from the same server. In this way, the server knows you have visited before and can coordinate your access to different pages on its web site. For example, an Internet shopping site uses a cookie to keep track of which shopping basket belongs to you. A server cannot find out your name or e-mail address, or anything about your computer using cookies.

Normally, cookies are only sent back to the server that originally sent them to the browser and to no one else. A server can set the domain attribute for a cookie so that any server in the same Internet subdomain as the computer that sent the cookie will have the cookie sent along with a file request. This is so those larger sites that utilize multiple servers can coordinate their cookies across all the servers. The domain path can not be set to send cookies to a subdomain outside of the subdomain where the server resides. 

A cookie is sent to a browser by including a line with the following syntax in the header of an HTML document. Note that the header is removed from the document before the browser displays it. Thus, you will not see the header lines if you execute the View, Source or View, Document Source commands in your browser.

Set-Cookie: NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE;path=PATH; domain=DOMAIN_NAME; secure

Here the upper case names are strings the server can set. 

NAME=VALUE is the name of the cookie and its VALUE. This is the data that the web server wants passed back to it when a browser requests another page.

DATE is an attribute that determines how long the cookie persists on your system. If there is no expiration date, the cookie is stored in memory only and expires at the end of the current session (that is, when you quit the web browser). If the DATE attribute is in the future, the cookie is a persistent cookie and is saved in a file. Only persistent cookies can be used to track a user at more than one site. Setting the date for an existing cookie to be some day in the past deletes the cookie.

DOMAIN_NAME is an attribute that contains the address of the server that sent the cookie and that will receive a copy of this cookie when the browser requests a file from that server. It defaults to the server that set the cookie if it is not explicitly set in the Set-Cookie: line. DOMAIN_NAME may be set to equal the subdomain that contains the server so that multiple servers in the same subdomain will receive the cookie from the browser. This allows larger web sites to coordinate multiple servers in the same subdomain. For example, if the DOMAIN_NAME equals then machines named,, and would all receive the cookie from the browser. The value of DOMAIN_NAME is limited such that only hosts within the indicated subdomain may set a cookie for that subdomain and the subdomain name is required to contain at least two or three dots in it. Two dots are required if the top level domain is: .COM, .EDU, .NET, .ORG, .GOV, .MIL, or .INT. Three dots are required for any other domain.

This is to prevent the subdomain from being set to something like .COM, the subdomain of all commercial machines.


PATH is an attribute that is used to further refine when a cookie is sent back to a server. When the PATH attribute is set, a cookie is only sent back to the server if both the DOMAIN_NAME and the PATH match for the requested file.

secure is an attribute that specifies that the cookie is only sent if a secure channel (https) is being used.

What Information Can A Server Get From A Browser


When a browser sends a request to a server, it includes its IP address, the type of browser you are using, and the operating system of your computer. This information is usually logged in the server's log file. A cookie sent along with the request can add only that information, which is contained in the cookie and which, was originally sent to the browser by the same server. Thus, there is no additional personal information explicitly sent to the server by allowing cookies.

Cookies and shopping Sites


As mentioned above, cookies are used by Internet shopping sites to keep track of you and your shopping cart. When you first visit an Internet shopping site, you are sent a cookie containing the name (ID number) of a shopping cart. Each time you select an item to purchase, that item is added to the shopping cart. When you are done with your shopping, the checkout page lists all the items in the shopping cart tied to that cookie. Without cookies, you would have to keep track of all the items you want to buy and type them into the checkout page or buy each item, one at a time.

Another method is for the shopping site to send a separate cookie containing the item number to your browser whenever you select an item to purchase. Your browser sends all those cookies along with the request for the checkout page.

The checkout page uses the cookies to make a list of the items you want to purchase.

Cookies and Custom Home Pages


Another use of cookies is to create customized home pages. A cookie is sent to your browser for each of the items you expect to see on your custom home page.

Whenever you request your custom home page your cookies are sent along with the request to tell the server which items to display. Without cookies, a server would require you to identify yourself each time you visit the custom page so it knows what items to display. The server would also have to store the custom page settings for every visitor.

Cookies and Buying Habits


One of the less admirable uses of cookies, and the one that is causing all the controversy, is its use as a device for tracking the browsing and buying habits of individual web users. On a single web site or a group of web sites within a single subdomain, cookies can be used to see what web pages you visit and how often you visit them. This information is also in the server's log files and so the use of a cookie here does not increase a server's ability to track you, it just makes it easier.

On multiple client sites being serviced by a single marketing site, cookies can be used to track your browsing habits on all the client sites. The way this works is a marketing firm contracts with multiple client sites to display its advertising. The client sites simply put an <IMG> tag on their web pages to display the image containing the marketing firm's advertisement. The tag does not point to an image file on the client's machine but contains the URL of the marketing firm's advertisement server and includes the URL of the client's page. Thus when you open a page on the client's site the advertisement you see was actually obtained from the advertising firm's site.

The advertising firm sends a cookie along with the advertisement, and that cookie is sent back to the advertising firm the next time you view any page containing one if its advertisements. If many web sites support the same advertising firm, that firm will be able to track your browsing habits from page to page within all the client sites. They will not be able to see what you do with the pages you view; they will only know which pages you are viewing, how often you view them, and the IP address of your computer. This information can be used to infer the things you are interested in and to target advertising to you based on those inferences.

NOTE: A URL is a Uniform Resource Locator, which is a string containing the type of resource, IP address of the server machine containing the resource, and the path to the resource on the server. When you access a web page, the URL is what you type in the address field of the web browser.

 For example: is a URL for the CIACHome.html document, which is an http document, on the server in the /ciac directory.

Examining Persistent Cookies Already On Your System


Persistent cookies are stored in different places on your system depending on which web browser and browser version you are sing. Netscape stores all its persistent cookies in a single file named cookies.txt on the PC or magiccookie on the Macintosh. Both files are in the Netscape directory. You can open and edit this file with a text editor and delete any cookies that you don't want to keep or delete the file itself to get rid of all of your cookies.

Internet Explorer stores persistent cookies in separate files named with the user's name and the domain name of the site that sent the cookie. For example: yourname@ciac.txt. The cookie files are stored in /Windows/cookies or in /Windows/profiles//cookies directories, where  is replaced with the user's login name. If your operating system directory is not named Windows (such as Winnt for Windows NT) then look in that directory instead of the Windows directory. You can delete any of these files you do not want to keep.

You can open these files to see where they came from and what information they contain. For example, the following are the contents of an Internet Explorer cookie file.


This particular cookie file was named orvis@java.txt. The file name is made up of the username (orvis) and the last part of the domain (java). The text "Counter_Cookie" is the name of the cookie and 7 is its value. The URL is the domain attribute and the numbers contain the date and other cookie attributes.

This particular cookie implements a page counter that lists how many times you have visited a particular page. Whenever you visit that page, this cookie is sent along with the page request. The server then knows that this is the eighth (7 + 1) time you visited the page and inserts that number into the web page. It then increments the value of the cookie from 7 to 8 and sends it back to the browser along with the requested page. The new cookie replaces the old one so the next time you visit the number 8 is sent to the server. See the example in the "Cookies, VBScript, JavaScript, and Java" section below to see this page in action.

Preventing Any Cookies from being Placed On Your System


You can prevent any cookies from being sent to your system using the browser options. In Internet Explorer 4.0, choose the View, Internet Options command, click the Advanced tab and click the Disable All Cookie Use option. In Netscape 4.0, choose the Edit, Options command, click on Advanced and click the Disable Cookies option. After that, no cookies will be stored on your system. You will need to turn cookies back on if you want to use any online services that require them. You can also choose the option to prompt you before accepting a cookie, but at many sites you will be continually closing the warning dialog box.

If you are using earlier versions of Netscape or Internet Explorer, you can require that the browser warn you before accepting a cookie, but it cannot block all cookies. At a busy shopping site, acknowledging all the warnings can get really tedious. There are some other methods for fooling your browser into not accepting a cookie discussed in the cookie web pages listed at the end of this bulletin.

 I am in no way, shape, or form telling you to do this yourself. Your results may vary. If something goes wrong, it is not my fault!
These are just guidelines.