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Swimming and Camping


General Water Safety Tips

Learn to swim.

The best thing anyone can do to stay safe in and around the water is to learn to swim.
Always swim with a buddy;
never swim alone.
 The American Red Cross has swimming courses for people of any age and swimming ability.
To enroll in a swim course, contact your local Red Cross chapter. 
Most of your local public swimming pools offer swimming lessons,
Some for free!


Swim in supervised areas only.

Obey all rules and posted signs.

Watch out for the
"dangerous too's"
  • too tired,

  • too cold, 
  • too far from safety, 
  • too much sun
  • too much strenuous activity. 


Don't mix alcohol and swimming.
 Alcohol impairs your judgment, balance, and coordination, affects your swimming and diving skills, and reduces your body's ability to stay warm.

Alcohol and water can be a deadly combination.

A cold beer may seem like the perfect refreshment for a day at the lake or beach, but you may want to think twice before opening that drink. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about half of all the drownings in the United States involve the combination of alcohol and water recreation.

Many drownings could be prevented if people just avoided drinking when they're around water or driving a boat.

 Boating under the influence of alcohol is generally prosecuted much like driving under the influence.

It's also important to set a good example for your children. 
If  you decide to disregard this safety precaution and you choose to drink anyway . . .
 Don't let your kids see you drinking before or during swimming or boating. Above all, don't drink when you're supposed to be supervising children around water.
If your reflexes are diminished by the effects of alcohol, you may not be able to react in time to prevent an accident or come to the rescue if something happens.

Pay attention to local weather conditions and forecasts.
Stop swimming at the first indication of bad weather. 

at the first sign of lightning!!!

Know how deep the water is.

Make sure the water is deep enough before entering headfirst. Too many swimmers are seriously injured every year by entering headfirst into water that is too shallow.
A feetfirst entry is much safer than diving. 

Don't dive or jump into water that is not at least 12 feet deep.

Don't run around a pool, push people in or dunk other swimmers.

Don't chew gum or eat food while swimming, diving or playing in the water.

Know how to prevent, recognize, and respond to emergencies.

Is your ear clogged up after swimming?
Let's find out more about this painful ear infection, which very often affects swimmers.

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