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How do you get a girl or boy excited about the outdoors? How do you compete with the television and remote control? How do you prove to a kid that success comes from persistence, spirit and logic, which the outdoors teaches, and not from pushing buttons?


The things most people worry about are wolves, bears, and drownings. These are actually much less of a worry than sprained ankles on portages, cutting themselves playing Junior Woodsman, burning themselves in the campfire and so on.
Same dangers that can happen at home!

[General Info]   [Bathroom Issues]
 [Camping with Infants]
[The Practice Trip]   [Packing Suggestions]  [The First Real Trip]  {Tips for Infant Camping]
[Camping with Toddlers]
[Setup]  [Diapers]  [Creepy crawlers]  [Bathing]
[Camping with Pre-Schoolers]  [Camping with Kids 6 - 8]   [Camping With Kids 9 - 12]   [Camping with Teens]
[Tips for Parents]  [While at Camp]  [Choosing a Safe Site]  [Kids and Campfires]  [Animal Proofing]

Trips with children should be to places where there is a guarantee of action.
A good example is camping in a park where large numbers of wildlife can be viewed, such as squirrels, chipmunks, deer and even bears.
Other good choices are fishing, canoeing, swimming, etc.
Boys and girls want action, not solitude.

Need Fishing Tips?

Enthusiasm is contagious.
If you aren't excited about an adventure, you can't expect a child to be. Show a genuine zest for life in the outdoors, and point out everything as if it is the first time you have ever seen it.


Always, always, always be seated when talking to someone small.
This allows the adult and child to be on the same level. 
That is why fishing in a small boat is perfect for adults and kids.
 Nothing is worse for youngsters than having a big person look down at them and give them orders.

Need Fishing Tips?

Always show a child how to do something, whether it is gathering sticks for a campfire, cleaning a trout or tying a knot.
Never tell
always show.
 A button usually clicks to "off" when a kid is lectured.
But they can learn behavior patterns and outdoor skills by watching adults, even when the adults are not aware they are being watched.


Let kids be kids!
Let the adventure happen, rather than trying to force it within some preconceived plan. If they get sidetracked chasing butterflies or sneaking up on chipmunks, let them be.
A youngster can have more fun turning over rocks and looking at different kinds of bugs than sitting in one spot,
waiting for a fish to bite.


Expect young peoples' attention spans to be short.
Instead of getting frustrated about it, use it to your advantage. How? By bringing along a bag of candy and snacks. When there is a lull in the camp activity, out comes the bag. Don't let them know what goodies await, so each one becomes a surprise.


Make absolutely certain the child's sleeping bag is clean, dry and warm. Nothing is worse than discomfort when trying to sleep, but a refreshing sleep makes for a positive attitude the next day. In addition, kids can become quite scared of animals at night. The parent should not wait for any signs of this, but always play the part of the outdoor guardian, the one who will "take care of everything."


Provide each child with a flashlight. To prevent any arguments, make sure each one has their own.

Children love to play with the flashlights, and having one also makes them more at ease after dark.

Flashlights are also handy when making trips to the restroom, for making shadow puppets on tent walls, and for reading before bed.

Bathroom Issues 

Scary Toilets 

A pit toilet may seem like a perfectly normal thing to you, but your toddler may not agree. These toilets can smell pretty bad and it's easy to see why some children are afraid of falling in. When you tell your child about camping, be sure to include information about the bathrooms.

Flush toilets can be loud and are not like the potty at home. If your child will still go on a potty chair you may want to bring one along -
just in case. 

Yucky Paper 

Most camp bathrooms have industrial quality (sand paper) toilet paper. Your young bath roomer may refuse to use this stuff.

Some camps provide little squares of paper. A parent may be able to use this stuff but a young child might have some problems.

Many of the toilet paper dispensers make it quite difficult for you to get the paper off of the roll. This is actually intentional. The idea is that you will use less paper if it is really hard to get it off of the roll. As a former park employee this is the silliest thing I have ever seen. The bathrooms always end up with bits of paper all over the floor and people break these irritating dispensers all the time. Your child may not be able to get the paper off of these rolls at all.

The biggest problem of all is an empty dispenser. You will find these every busy weekend you camp.

Bring your own toilet paper! 

Showers and Bathing 

Camp showers can be a test of your patience. The temperature may be hard to adjust (or impossible) and the water may run cold for some time before getting warm. Most camp showers require quarters - and I have run out of money in the middle of shampooing my hair.

Children who normally take baths at home will not appreciate a camp shower.

Many camp grounds do not offer bathing facilities at all. If you plan on camping for any length of time you will have to adapt.

Sun Showers (a large black bag with a shower head) are great for camping. You can use them at home a few times to allow your children to become used to the idea. Just set up the sun shower and let our kids in bathing suits try it out! Most kids just think of it as an interesting sprinkler.

Sponge baths can work quite well, especially if you are camping in cold weather.

Potty Training 

Camping trips can be a real chance for breakthroughs in this area! 

Camping trips are convenient for potty training. There are no 'accidents' on your rug or your furniture and a potty chair can simply be set up anywhere in your camp site so your child won't feel isolated while trying to go. You will have more time with your child when camping, and this can be the most help of all.

Kids quickly relate to outdoor ethics.
They will enjoy building a safe campfire and picking up all their litter, and they will develop a sense of pride that goes with it. A good idea is to bring extra plastic garbage bags to pick up any trash you come across. Kids long remember when they do something right that somebody else has done wrong.


If you want youngsters hooked on the outdoors for life,
take a close-up photograph of them holding up fish they have caught, blowing on the campfire or completing other camp tasks.
Young children can forget how much fun they had, but they never forget if they have a picture of it.


Teach young children to stay within eyesight, and older children within earshot.


Teach children to stay where they are if they discover they are lost. Instruct them to find a nearby tree and stay with it until they are found.


Children over the age of four can carry a simple survival kit, or at least a whistle around their neck to call for help when lost. The standard distress signal is three blows to indicate "I'm lost" or "I need help."


Children get cold faster than adults.
The key to comfortable camping with kids is to dress them in several layers, which can be peeled off as they get warm or added on as they cool off.


Bring along a game you all like to play at home.
Playing it outdoors with a lantern or flashlights will add to the fun.


Teach your kids to treat the outdoors kindly.
Make sure all waste is disposed of properly when camping or hiking along the trails.


Camping with children is more fun when you bring a playmate along.
Two or more children will entertain themselves for longer periods than will a single child.


The least important word you can ever say to a kid is "I."

Keep track of how often you are saying "Thank you" and "What do you think?"
If you don't say them very often, you'll lose out.

 Finally, the most important words of all are: 
"I am proud of you."

Be sure to read up on
 Sun Smart!

Camping with Infants

Camping with infants is a blast! 
Even very young babies love camping. My oldest son started camping at the  age of two.
This went so well - 
we started the other two boys camping at at around 6 weeks or so.

These early camping trips were a joy -
 after we ironed out a few bugs! 

Camping with babies is easier than you might think! 
Babies are adaptable and sleep more than toddlers.
 Give it a try! 

Camping trips rarely go perfectly the first time - 
but you can avoid a lot of serious complications with a bit of practice and planning.

So how do you practice camping? 
Just do it! 

The Practice Trip

The first camping trip should be a short two night adventure near your home. This allows your infant the chance to become comfortable with the outdoors without over-doing it.
A long trip can become disorienting for a baby or young child. 
Children have to adapt to long car rides. This takes training and patience. You don't want to start off your first camping trip with a screaming infant - so keep your trip close to home!

Pick a spot without extreme temperatures.
 Even tiny babies can put up with almost anything you might expose them to, but you will have to work harder to keep them comfortable.
Heat seems to be the extreme to avoid.
 You can keep a baby warm on snowy nights but it's hard to cool an unhappy baby in 95 degrees fahrenheit

Infants under six months old should not wear sun screen unless your pediatrician recommends it.
Even a baby kept in the shade can be exposed to a great deal of reflected sunlight. A baby with a sunburn is a sad thing. Avoid it at all costs!

 Infants require a lot of equipment and supplies. 
If you forget something dire or realize that something you left home would really be handy you can always go home and get it. You don't want to find out about these little surprises 200 miles from home.
 Camping with a baby is always entertaining, but it may be quite a bit different than the trips you are used to taking.
Give yourself a chance to get used to the changes. 

Plan to arrive at your campsite long before dark.
 You will need time in daylight to set up your tent and get situated. Even if you have set up your tent 100 times you may find it more difficult with your new addition. I hope you have a tent that one person can set up alone if necessary. You will find this a necessity at one time or another if you plan to camp with babies or toddlers. Even babies need time to acclimate to your new surroundings.
A leisurely evening in your campsite will allow your baby to feel comfortable and secure.

Packing Suggestions

For your practice trip go overboard. Pack more clothes than you think you'll need, more formula or baby food, diapers, wipes, etc.

You can't have too many diapers or wet wipes. 
If you haven't already discovered how handy having wipes can be, 
you'll find out on a camping trip! 

Disposable diapers aren't environmentally sound, 
PLEASE throw them into a trash can or dumpster WITH a lid!

This is your chance to see what you'll really need. 
Worry about packing space on your next trip. 
I recommend packing lots of clothes - 
but not too many items that are really heavy or bulky. 
It's better to layer lighter clothing.

Temperature will fluctuate throughout each day and it is far more simple to add a layer or remove a layer of clothing when the climate changes rather than to re-dress your child five times a day.


Make sure you bring snap-crotch garments! 
It is heck to change a camping baby without 'em. Your baby will stay warmer on cold nights if she doesn't need to be stripped down for every diaper change.

 For a complete packing list for infants, click here!

The First Real Trip

For your first real trip away from home I recommend you choose a campground you have camped at before. It is always best to be in familiar surrounds at first. This way you will know what facilities the park offers and where to find a pay phone.

Plan your trip with plenty of time to spare. 
Just getting to your camping spot will usually take a lot longer than you anticipate. Diaper changes and an occasional stretch are a requirement. The best thing about camping with a baby is watching your child's reactions to the elements. A tree or clouds can keep a baby happy for hours. Please don't plan a day full of activities and hikes! I guarantee that you will enjoy these first trips without making big plans.

Take lots of pictures, 
go to sleep early
(Be prepared to get up at dawn. 
No matter how late you put your child to bed, 
they will always get up at sunrise when you camp!),
 and relax! 

Pre made formula is expensive - 
but sterile.
 Powders are convenient but can be hard to mix at campground faucets. Some campgrounds have questionable water sources.

For more information on water click here.

The biggest concern is keeping prepared formula cold. If you are in an RV with refrigeration it's no problem -
but tent campers, please be careful! 

Keeping bottles clean can be a real pain. I suggest Playtex Nursers with the disposable liners. If you use regular bottles -
don't forget a bottle brush! 


Even though you can't help it, people don't want to listen to a screaming baby.  Though people do need to be more understanding of babies.  They are just trying to communicate that something is wrong. 
Just do your best and PLEASE DO NOT let your child cry and cry and cry, etc., just to get the baby asleep or a punishment or what have you!


Portable bassinet in your tent will secure your infant.


Let the little ones age 6 months - 3 years sit in their stroller around the campfire.
 It lets them be a part of things and also keeps them safe and in a familiar environment.

Do not let youngsters get over tired while camping . . .
keep them on their home routine of taking naps, eating regular meals, etc, and that helps reduce the crankiness that can result in crying/noise for those around you.

Make it fun always, give them lots to do, 
let them git dirty, messy and have fun. 
It is hard on everyone if someone is always saying don't touch that, don't get dirty, don't, don't, don't . . .

Enjoy your kids when they are small, they don't stay that way long.

Is insect repellent recommended for babies and young children?

This is a common concern of parents as West Nile Virus is spreading across the country. Luckily, children appear to be at low risk for the disease (American Academy of Pediatrics, Aug 2002.)

One of the most effective ways to protect against mosquito bites is by using insect repellent with DEET. However, these products should be used with caution.

In 2001 the Environmental Protection Agency made the following recommendations regarding the safe use of insect repellant with DEET for children:

Do not apply to infants under two months of age. (Skin permeability becomes similar to adult by the second month of life.)

Read and follow all directions and precautions on the product label.

Do not apply over cuts, wounds or irritated skin.

Do not apply to young children's hands or near eyes or mouth.
Since they put their fingers in their mouths so much.

Do not allow young children to apply products themselves.

Use just enough to cover the exposed skin and/or clothing.

Do not use under clothing.

Avoid over-application.

After returning indoors, wash treated skin with soap and water.

Wash treated clothing before wearing again.

Do not use spray solutions in enclosed areas or near food.

For use on face, apply to adult hands and then rub on face. Do not spray face. Avoid areas around eyes and mouth.

Experts agree that insect repellants containing DEET are the most effective. Years of DEET use have resulted in relatively few reports of adverse reactions. Most reported incidents have not been serious.

The American Academy of Pediatrics states that a 30 percent concentration is safe for both children and adults, but that 10 percent can be used for children if parents are concerned about the potential risks or if the threat of disease-carrying mosquitoes is small.

Even when the insect repellent you select does not contain DEET, citronella and other more "natural" repellents could cause problems in a young child if used liberally on the skin. I suggest you look into clothing that is both light for summer weather but also long to cover the skin, and use insect repellent sparingly.

Source: The American Academy of Pediatrics 

Natural Insect Repellents, 

Learn to identify poisonous plants and know which plants are common in your area.
Poison ivy and poison oak will cause symptoms if touched,
 but there are numerous plants that are toxic when ingested.

Camping with Toddlers
If you start your kids off camping before they learn to walk your toddler trips will go a bit more smoothly.

 Camping with very young babies is a breeze compared to camping with toddlers . . .

Young babies easily assimilate into camp life. 
They like to do what they do at home: sleep or watch the rest of the family.
Make them part of the action by giving them a spot in the midst of things. 

The less time you spend lounging in your campsite the better. A toddler in a backpack or stroller can't eat sticks, crawl through your fire pit, trip over tent stakes, or get into other mischief.
 If you plan on spending a lot of time in your campsite - 
come prepared! 

Mobile babies and toddlers present the roughest challenge. If not confined, they need constant attention, taking one adult off the job. Some families surmount this problem by bringing a playpen or port-a-crib.

Camping with little ones requires a little attention to details. 
Some special areas of concern are: 

 Crawling toddlers love to explore the tent once it is set up. They may sleep through the whole set-up process, safely buckled in their car seats. If they are awake, they are usually so enthralled by the new and exciting activity going on around them that they will be happy to perch, still buckled in, on a picnic table or in the grass near your campsite. If you're camping with friends, work it out so that one adult is available to watch small children.

 Most campsites will have garbage disposal available at or near each individual campsite. Disposable diapers are easy to pack and dispose of, but you can certainly camp with cloth diapers. Large-sized plastic storage bags will hold soiled diapers until you return home, as will a sealable plastic container.
The tent floor, picnic table, or a sling spread on the ground makes a changing table au natural!

Creepy crawlers
 First, remember the rule:
 "Your children will get dirty." 
Dress the crawling ones appropriately, police your campsite for poison ivy, sharp sticks, or anything that appears dangerous to you, and then let them explore nature. You can spread a quilt or blanket on the ground for their play area. You can sew old towels together for a huge, easily washable, camping quilt. Border this play area with your lawn chairs, some favorite toys, or a couple of adults who want to lie in the shade and read.
 Babies love the company and the outdoors.

Attach bells to your toddler’s shoes so you can hear if he or she starts to wander off.

Losing your child in an uninhabited area is incredibly frightening;
so again, never leave your child unattended. 
But, because toddlers are notorious for running off when you turn your back, you might want to carry a few current photos of your child with you and dress your child in bright colors.
Teach your child to yell back when you yell for him.

Learn to identify poisonous plants and know which plants are common in your area.
Poison ivy and poison oak will cause symptoms if touched,
 but there are numerous plants that are toxic when ingested.

And if you find your toddler eating ants, take heart -
as a wise friend of mine used to say, "bugs have protein." 
I would still refrain your child from eating them!

 Maybe baby has gotten dirtier than you can live with or you've applied insect repellant and need to wash it off. There are several ways to clean babies while camping. The bath house at the campsite is one option. Shower stalls designed to be accessible to the disabled usually have a tiled bench where you can sit and hold your child while you both shower. At the campsite, use a multi-purpose rubber bin as a tub. Heat water on your camp stove or over your fire, then fill the tub and bathe your baby before snuggling down to sleep.

Ways you can put young Toddlers to work: 

Carry light loads to and from car; gather small sticks: hand Mom or Dad items such as tent stakes, utensils, buckets; remove rocks and other debris from the spot where the tent will be pitched.

Camping with Pre-Schoolers

Do not underestimate your young child.
 A little kid can do a lot! 

Children's tapes!
When the traffic is really heavy and the kids starts to fuss, just pop in a tape and sing along.
Also great for at camp to ease a fussy child!

When deciding where to go camping, consider the age of your child(ren), and their interests. Most 5 year olds are not interested in sight seeing, visiting historical villages, or watching how maple syrup is made.
 Campsites that offer nearby beaches (a sure hit for any age), miniature golfing (putt putt golfing), biking trails and related activities will provide for the child(ren)'s needs and give parents the stress-free (or at least as stress-free as possible) vacation they are  looking for.

Vacations are for creating memories of fun in the sun with stress-free (or at least as stress-free as possible) activities for your family.
If your choice of vacation spot only offers activities that appeal to adults, you will spend you time trying to convince a squirming and  irritable junior that touring the house of President Jefferson IS FUN, rather than sitting back on your beach towel watching as an entertained and contented younger family member gets busy in the sand building his own version of President Jefferson's house.

Pack lots of socks for each child. At least 2 pair or more per day. If there is a drop of water, or mud puddle of any kind to be found, they will find it! Don't expect the socks to come clean!

Attach bells to your toddler’s shoes so you can hear if he or she starts to wander off.

Learn to identify poisonous plants and know which plants are common in your area.
Poison ivy and poison oak will cause symptoms if touched,
 but there are numerous plants that are toxic when ingested.

Ways you can put young Preschoolers to work:

Can do all the chores toddlers can do, plus spread sleeping bags, pads, and ground covers; simple cooking tasks, such as pouring water that isn't hot; building real or pretend fire rings with stones.

Camping with Kids six through eight 

Pick a theme for the trip, Click Here

 Always involve the kids in the basics of the camp. If the adults do all the preparing, cooking, and cleaning, the kids don't learn. The look on a child's face is priceless when they've made their first wood campfire or pitched their first tent.

Always leave plenty of room for running, swimming, biking or just throwing around a ball.
Need Youth, Little League Baseball Tips, Click Here!

Always have paper and crayons handy, cards are good also -
but don't worry about entertaining the kids 24/7.

  Camping is all about learning to entertain yourself without tv and games.

Just use your imagination and remember what it was like to be a kid . . .
ideas will fill your mind almost instantly of things, little things we can do to make anything more fun!

Attach bells to your toddler’s shoes so you can hear if he or she starts to wander off.

Learn to identify poisonous plants and know which plants are common in your area.
Poison ivy and poison oak will cause symptoms if touched,
 but there are numerous plants that are toxic when ingested.

Ways you can put young 6-To 8-Year-Olds to work:

Attention spans can sometimes be short when it comes to chores, but kids this age can really start to help, not hinder. Many are excellent assistant chefs and tent pitchers; they make eager trash patrollers and water haulers.
A good challenge is getting a sleeping bag into a stuff stack.

Camping With Kids Nine through Twelve

Bring along a big cloth laundry bag on all camping trips.
In the bag pack ball gloves, baseball/softball, bat, Frisbee, tennis rackets and balls, soccer ball, etc.
 Any sporting equipment your family might enjoy. 
This really saves the day!

Also pack a couple of blow-up beach balls. This gives the kids something to throw around in a swimming pool or even at a campsite.

Many parks (state and federal) offer a junior ranger program. Some of these programs will actually get the kids out of your hair for an hour or so, and others will require your children's attention.
Either way -
these programs will educate and entertain the kids for quite a while. 

Ways you can put your 9-To 12-Year-Olds to work:

They are some of the very best campers, good at almost all chores. Some can pitch tents on their own, prepare simple meals and desserts.
They still need supervision with stoves and fires.

Camping with Teens

Let your teens bring books, walkmans, ect. When they want to be left alone they have something better to do than picking on a sibling or getting in trouble.

Ways you can put your Teenagers to work:
They should be pretty confident of what needs to be done and will more than likely want to make be on their own -
pitch thier own tent, etc

Just last year (2003) my oldest (15 year old) and his cousin actually asked if they could have thier own campsite. With Mom and Dad checking on them from time to time, we allowed it.
It was quite humorous.

Tips for Parents 

Don't expect to make a whirlwind trip -
 Your children may not enjoy seeing five parks in four days.

 Most young children will remember a great spot with good dirt for digging in -
not many different famous monuments. Older kids will enjoy meeting other kids and moving from spot to spot will not encourage friendships.

Camping involves car travel - 
The more time you spend in the car with your child, the less you will enjoy your trip. A long car trip is frustrating for a pre-teen and impossible for a young child. A long initial trip is bearable -
but if you plan on getting back in the car every day - 
be prepared for a long unpleasant trip. 

This is your vacation - 
Don't make this a trip just for the kids. There can be a happy medium. 

Choose a good place - 
Research the recreation area well and avoid complications later on.
 If you have young children, pick a place that you will be able to supervise kids with a limited amount of effort.

While at Camp 

Here's the most important piece of camping advice anyone can give you. Arrive at your campsite early so you'll have plenty of time to set up, get settled, and enjoy yourselves.
If you don't, you might as well stay home or check into a Holiday Inn.

A common mistake is to spend much of the day hiking, biking, or canoeing, trying to cram as much as possible into 24 hours. You may be having such a good time that nobody wants to stop. But you're likely to pay later, with hungry, tired children, approaching darkness, and a mad scramble to make camp.

Remember when on a camping trip that being at your campsite is a major focus of the day.

Choosing a Safe Site 

That first hour in camp can be a dangerous one.
 Now that you're "home", busy pitching tents and unpacking, it's easy for parents to let their guard down.
Meanwhile, children are naturally excited, eager to see what's what. 
This is just the time when they can wander off or get into trouble. 

Although the only surefire safeguard is adult supervision, all sites are not created equal.
Kids love to help choose, and should be given a say. 
But while they've got their own agenda -
good climbing trees, a path to explore 
- it's up to you to survey for potential hazards:

Beware of cliffs, steep drop-offs, hills, rivers, lakes, and creeks. Some of these features, such as a creek, provide great entertainment as well as potential danger, so parents must make the call based on their children's age, temperament, and need for supervision.

With young children along, especially toddlers, check sites for trash, particularly glass and tin, and other debris they might put in their mouths, as well as sharp roots or stumps they might fall on.

Tent stakes and guy lines are easy to trip over. Remind kids not to run near them, and to watch out.
To prevent accidents in the night,
use phosphorescent paint to mark the top of corner pegs of tents, guylines, etc.

Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers need constant supervision when camping, just as they do at home.
For parents, there's no escaping their needs, even during vacations. One parent must often baby-sit while the other gets things done-one of many reasons why it's handy to camp with other adults.

Establish rules and boundaries for kids of all ages. Young kids shouldn't go out of sight or away from the campsite.
Older children may be allowed to visit designated areas- 
set a time for their return or for an adult to check on them. The buddy system is always a good idea. While campgrounds may seem like safe places full of friendly campers, remember that they're strangers.
Even older children should be closely supervised.

Kids and Campfires

Fires are like babies and toddlers.
 Never leave them unattended. 

Even though you've already taught your children not to play with matches at home, camping trips are a good time for a refresher course. Open fires are irresistible for many kids. Not just for looking, but for building, setting, poking, even touching.

Different families take different approaches to fire. Older, responsible children may he allowed to help participate in all phases, including tending. Some children can be trusted to poke and prod a bit, but the issue can get sticky among siblings of different maturities.
Often the safest bet is a strict "hands- and sticks-off" policy. 
Set your own limits and stand by them.

While campfires are the highlight of many family camping trips, they're not always permitted. Some areas are too fragile, conditions may be too dry, or heavy usage and abuse of resources may have forced a ban. Even when fires are permitted, they're not always fun. On breezy evenings, as the song goes, smoke gets in your eyes, and kids may have little tolerance for the resulting sting.
Try going without-
you may be pleasantly surprised by the different sights and sounds you'll see and hear, everything from wildlife to stars.
If you still want a warm glow, try a candle.

Teach older children proper building and handling techniques. Have young children stand a safe distance away from campfires and stoves. Make sure they're mindful of boots and shoes, too - prop up your legs and the soles may melt.

Keep kids away from fire grates and watch for campfire sparks, which can ignite clothing.

Don't let your kids throw things into the fire.

Absolutely no roughhousing near fires.

Sticks for roasting marshmallows and hot dogs are cooking tools, not swords.
 Take them away if misused.

Teach kids about the importance of putting out fires and monitoring the embers.

Animal Proofing

Food should never be eaten or stored in tents, where it will attract wild visitors. It is important to stress this to kids who love to stash things away, munch, and produce enormous quantities of crumbs.

There's a fine line between laying down the law and scaring kids. One father told me about a well-meaning ranger who dropped by to warn about a hungry bear.

"It turned out that the bear hadn't been around in months," he said, "but it was one of those things that rangers tell people. We wouldn't have left food out anyway, but the kids were up all night looking for the bear."

When you're car camping, keep food in the trunk-
along with anything else you don't want your kids into.
 Teach your kids these safeguarding techniques; reassure them that all will be well.
With young, easily frightened children, 
don't mention bears, 
just  the raccoons, squirrels, and mice. 

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