Use your common sense when participating in outdoor activities. Always be prepared for the unexpected. Do not take unnecessary chances. Do not be careless. Think before you act. Safety is an issue most people do not think of much past buying a first aid kit, snake bit kit, suntan lotion and/or bug repellent. Safety just is not that popular a subject. This may be doing to the fact that most of us do not identify ourselves with accidents. You have heard the fraise, "Accidents only happen to the other guy". Tell that to the guy or gal down at that local emergency room, who by the way thought that very thing just before his/her accident. Most accidents are caused by ones own actions. These very actions can also prevent accidents. As is at home, camping holds a variety of risks and hazards, more so on a camp trip because most campers are not familiar with all of them. Care and forethought, can help to anticipate and/or avoid accidents and help in what should be done after an accident.
the yearly medical and dental exam near the time you plan to leave
on an extended trip.
should not only plan to take a first aid kit, snakebite kit, and
suntan lotion and/or bug repellant, but also learn how to use them.
is well worth the money to buy the latest copy of the American Red
Cross First Aid manual.
Your kit can prove invaluable if you or a member of your group suffers a cut, bee sting or allergic reaction. Pack antiseptics for cuts and scrapes, tweezers, insect repellent, bug spray, a snake bite kit, pain relievers, and sunscreen. *Take a First Aid class and a CPR class -- keep current on this information
the ABC's of treating emergencies. *Keep supplies in a well marked, durable, waterproof container *Keep the contents organized *Know how to use everything in your first aid kit *Inspect content often, re-supply as needed *Keep readily available at all times
may look cute and harmless enough but they are very unpredictable
and can be very territorial and protective. Always be alert and aware
of your surroundings.
not keep food in your tent.
Watch where you are walking, be careful when picking up sticks or rocks and look around before taking a seat.
snakes are usually more afraid of us, but if they feel threatened or
if you make sudden movements they may strike.
only can they be annoying but they can cause quite a bit of pain and discomfort.
yourself with any dangerous plants that are common to the area.
You can get sunburn in a very short period of time even on overcast days. Protect your eyes from the strong ultraviolet rays of the sun and reduce glare from off the water or off the snow.
someone else of your plans.
them to stay within your sight and don't allow them to wonder off. Agree on a location to meet.
ID bracelets.
can change very quickly.
upright at all times.
careful not to spill fuel.
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