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my friendz

this page is dedicated to muh friendz...

this page is for shout outs to my friends... it's not in any particular order so in the words of pedro bustos... just cheeeeeiiiillllll!!! if i forgot ya just kindly remind me!!

sTiNeR: stiner has been my best friend for a very long time. we've had numerous fun times, like making all of our movies (international disorder, SVS, harriet and maude -the travelin grannies, the 92 degrees men, maury povich, the labyrinth, kids with tourette's, gangsta world, the list goes on, and on, and on....) watching rags to riches, and teen witch (i took the liberty of ironing your homework!) playing with hot wax, trying to keep ourselves awake all night, calling cloyd (hand puppets) going on walks and being chased by big dogs, walking on "ungrown grass" eating fudgesicles in the park, chasing day hota... there's so much more! i love you stiner, cuz it's ya birthday!

BJer: bjer is one of my bestest friends. he definitely frequents my apartment the most. we have lots of fun memories too- smokin at dq, bj almost dying on my couch, watching saved by the bell reruns at 5 am, watching cops ALL THE TIME, watching the super bowl (and yes, bj WAS the first person to see janet jackson's nipple haha) BJ is my little brother. i taught him to give real hugs, not cheap imitation hugs. he just left for the army. :( i love you meatball/bonee!!!

KG Baller: KG and i were brought together by the green bay packers. we have lots of memories also- going out to eat and chasin boys in fareway, the Potato Boat (represent!) kg was the first person to take me to malarkys. that means a lot, hehe. kg, i love ya!!

Liz: Liz is my best friend from Northwestern. we had a lot of fun- me going to omaha coughing my lungs up, the tommy boy incident (hood flying up) drinkin the captain in my dorm room (oooops i'm guilty) lots of random walmart trips, goin dancin, and all of the nights we talked rather than doing our homework. i love ya lizzie!!!

Moll: Moll is one of my favorite people to work with. We have lots of inside jokes, like "hey girl!" funnelling the milky whiiiite, old men with hairy backs, "how u? goooooooooooooooooood" "i really feel like you're chastising me" our best friends Dax and Ash, ANYTHING from Zoolander, saved by the bell memories. Molly also likes to make fun of the way I walk... but that's ok. And who can forget our COMBO/TACO pizza episode! I love ya Mollard!

Annie: my favorite “baby” at work. I’ve never seen someone spaz out as much as me… until I met Annie. And Annie introduced me to Skin Milk. What a little angel…

Angela: One of THEE best friends I have ever had. Even though we’re far far away from each other, our friendship is still strong. I will never forget all the memories from high school, like the mouse in crafts class, classes with Douma, Math classes with Helfter, working at DQ with Sean, Parrish, and Dyslin. Fighting over sitting bitch with Dylan, changing the sign at DQ…then there’s the more recent memories like my trips to Arizona and our pimp trip to Mexico. Angela, all I can say is VIVA LA MEXICO!!!

Jessica Jean/Jessie Ann/Blondie: another one of my wonderful coworkers. I like to answer Jessie’s cell phone and hang up on people. It’s one of my cheap thrills in life. Jessie has been with me through a lot. Jessie, thanks for always listening to me when I was heartbroken and bawled my eyes out constantly. You’re awesome!

Spagey: another friendly coworker. Speaking of spazzes, Spage can probably get an award for that too. The girl is crazy! But I still love her!

Brookoli: Brookoli has brought some entertainment to work also. All of his quotes… and then covering the Godfathers delivery car in receipt tape. He’s one of the only people who actually listens to me when I tell him to do something! Brookoli, “I understand that” so “Why don’t you say it to my face!”

Robes: Robes and I have a lot of fun memories involving… cruising. Chasing hotties on verticals in the Kee, cruising in Sutherland, working at Schmed’s. We have had a lot of good times over the years.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS: Noods and I have had tons of fun times together too. The list is so long... Malarky’s, being basketball managers, partying at BV, partying in Manning, New Years in Sutherland (when Natalie tried to open a bag of powder for our 3 am chicken and dumplings, she threw powder all over my mom’s kitchen while my mom laughed at us and I peed my pants laughing at her), tons of random Walmart trips, buying pimp father’s day hats, Mexico and Arizona… the list goes on… and on… I love ya Noods!

Pedro: Petey Pablo, mi mejor amigo… I can’t forget the parties at my apartment, kicking his ass in sega, him driving over a median in my car… ummm yeah. Lots of fun stuff. All I have to say to Pedro is “bitch please!”

Brenda: 8 baller, we have lots of fun memories from NW. Like all of our drunken times. “I wanna get FUNKY with somebody…” Now that Brenda’s getting married I’m not supposed to talk about how crazy she is. Hehe. I love ya girl!

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