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Happy Birthday Brian

Happy Birthday Betty

Have a Safe Labor Day Weekend

Our Family

Brian and I, came together thanks to a mutual friend of ours --- Lee. We met during Christmas break '84. It was love at first sight. We didn't start dating though until mid April '85. Brian and I, quickly learned that when we needed someone to talk to, we could always turn to each other.

One week before my graduation, Brian proposed. I accepted. Knowing that Brian still had a year of school left, I attended the local college for a year. While Brian was completing his last year of school, Brian enlisted in the military.

Shortly following his graduation, Brian left for boot camp. It was the hardest good bye for the both of us. Over the next 7 weeks, our love for each would be put the test. One of the tests, included a promise to each other. A promise --- to wait.

Seven weeks after Brian left for bootcamp, an opportunity came up for me to go visit him. However, my "visit" became a more permanent stay. On the Monday following my arrival, Brian showed up at my dormitory door with surprising news. With the help of two of his sergeants, Brian managed to arrange to have us go into town and get married by a judge. I thought he was kidding.

The next morning, Brian showed up at my dorm, wearing his military dress blues. I had to do a double take. Brian!?! I let him into the dorm. Once again he told me to that we were going into town to get married. He informed me that we needed to be at the judge's office by 1300hrs (1:00p.)

Our first stop was at the courthouse to pick up the marriage license. The next stop was at the judge's offices. By 1245 hrs (12:45p,) Brian and I were pronounced "husband and wife." The surprise and shock of what just happened, took a while to sink in.

Before leaving the judge's office, Brian's words to me were: "I'm not letting go." Not only was it the happiest day of my life, but Brian fulfilled his biggest promise to me; that before he arrived at his first duty station, we would be married. Unfortunately for us, Brian was discharged from the military before serving at his first duty station.

Our 3rd wedding anniversary held a surprise that we were unaware of. One month later, while we were visiting Brian's mom in San Bernardino, I found myself getting sick to my stomach from certain odors. Brian feeling I needed to get away from the house for a while, took me out to the mall so that I could stretch my legs and to get a shake. Both at the mall and at mom's house, I noticed that I became naseauous from the same odor.

The morning after returning home from San Bernardino, I ran a home pregnancy test. When the test concluded, we checked the results against the color strip. It was blue --- it was positive! We were having a baby!

Mid Jun 90, Brian and I were given the hardest news to deal with. Our first baby had passed away intrautero. Brian took the news especially hard. This baby being our first, he had become especially close and attached. Shortly after 0230hrs (2:30a) I gave birth to a little girl. Upon my discharge from the hospital, the reality of the loss of our baby, finally hit me. You can read more about Bella Anne at the link below.

Two years later, our daughter Heather graced our life kicking and screaming. Hearing her scream when she was born, caused both of us to break out in tears. For the first time, our tears were "tears of joy."

When Heather was about 6 1/2 months old, I realized something wasn't quite right. My guardian father-in-law stopped in to visit us, before returning home from his weekend reserve duty. While visiting, I asked him if he could take me to the store so that I could get a pregnancy test and run it. Brian gave me a bit of a funny look. At the time, we were not ready to have another baby so soon.

I ran the test as soon as I got back home. The result was positive. To confirm the test from the night before, I ran the second test. It too, was positive. Baby three was on the way. The problem --- although both home tests were positive, I was unable to confirm the pregnancy, by a doctor, until mid February. By that time, not only was I able to confirm the pregnancybut I learned that I was about 12 weeks along.

With Aug coming to a close, our daughter Betty Rea graced our life with her presence. Although she arrived 10 months too early for us, we wouldn't have changed a thing. Concluding on a pleasant note, my father was excited and happy at the prospects of having a baby in the family named after my mother. She passed away the year before. You can read more about my mother's loss at the link below.

Since our wedding day, Brian and I have grown together. Not only physically, but mentally, as well as spiritually. Not only have we experienced a stillbirth, but we have also lost two grandfathers, a grandmother, a mother, and most recently a (step)father. With each passing relative, coping with the losses has become more understanding and compassionate between us.

In the past, Brian has worked in the retail market as a custodian and worked his way up to manager-in-training. He also worked as a security guard. Currently, Brian is working as a production operator with a computer technology company. He also completed training to be an EMT-Basic and works for the local ambulance service in his time off. Brian is also my business partner.

As for me, I have spent most of my time as a homemaker. At one time, I did housekeeping in a hotel. I also worked in a doughtnut shop. Now, I remain a stay-at-home-mom, while selling AVON since Aug '99.

The family's greatest personal loss took place Oct '00. My special cat of thirteen years, Midnight, had to be put to sleep. Diagnosed with advanced oral cancer, the vet was unable to do anything for her. Midnight was a special cat in her own way. She was the "peacekeeper" in the family. With the birth of our daughters, she took on the role of protector. With her passing, our special relationship lives on in our hearts.

Our greatest accomplishment occurred in Feb '01. We signed the paperwork for our first new home. Starting with an empty lot, we watched our house go from the ground up. Never imaged that we would see that day come. Hooray!!!!!

Our Family

  • Brian (my husband)
  • Tammy (me)
  • Bella Anne --- stillborn 14 Jun 90
  • Heather (our daughter)
  • Betty Rea (our daughter)

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This page established 08 Sept 98
Last Updated: 13 Aug 09 Time: 1231hrs ( 12:31p)

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