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It was 8 pm. I put Milo in the toilet in my bedroom as usual, which serves as a activity "room" for it to exercise as she doesn't like to run in wheels. I put her in, and laid down on my bed to read. I can hear her shifting the tile that covers the drainage hole. Under the tile there is a "flippable" cover with holes for the water to leak into the drain. After a while, I realized that there is no noise. I opened the toilet door. To my shock, I found the toilet empty, with the tile shifted aside and the cover open! I yelled for others to come. I was scared. My father took a torch and shone it in the dry drainage hole.

I kept flashing the torch, hoping she will turn towards the light. I was right. Her head popped out afterwards. My father dove his hand in and, you guessed it right. Milo bit him viciously. My father immediately washed his hand. Above the drain at the sink. The water gushed into the drainage pipe. Milo disappeared. Instead, water was in the hole now. I thought that she had drowned. I felt quite bad thinking that I caused her death.

Suddenly my dad had a inspiration. He asked for dry cloth- to soak up the water. After a smelly and wet 5 minutes the drain pipe's "floor" was dry. I poured food in. An agonizing 10 minutes passed. Suddenly, I heard a scrabbling sound. Milo appeared, ragged, dirty and wet!!! I was so happy! I ran to get a wire ladder from her cage and inserted it in. She immediately climbed up willingly. I took her and gave her a very brief warm shower and dried her. Then I put her in her cage. She cleaned up. My heart stopped beating so furiously. I was very thankful that she was well. I wish she could speak, and tell us about the adventure, and how in the world she managed not to get drowned or flushed away! She had a very lucky life. Every time she escaped and we nearly gave up hope, she appeared.
(see The 13th Floor accident)