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Graphics and Backgrounds Credits

I wish I could make my own graphics and backgrounds. Since I can't, I collect them from great sites all over the web. I thought it would be better to keep all the logos to those sites here, instead of on different pages. (I will also be placing on each page a link back to the site where I got the background and/or graphics.)

Many thanks to the talented people who have provided me with the graphics and backgrounds. This home page would be awfully boring without them!

Many thanks to Lorrie (Raven), for making our banner.

These are links to the sites where I found the Halloween graphics I used. I tried to use graphics from sites that had mostly cat, pumpkins, scarecrows, this like that. Sites like those are hard to find. The sites here did have whitches, ghosts, etc., but not as many as other sites.

If you find that any of these links are dead, please email me and let me know. Also, if you visit a page that I have linked to, and find something objectionable on that page, please email me and tell me about it.

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