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El Web Master
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Dr. Gonzalo Guevara Urquizo.
El Web Master - The Web Master

Welcome to 'EL WEBMASTER' SITE - Here you will find some information about my profile and program of activities, seminars, and so on - Comeback frecuently to this site, I'm preparing more information on my job and translating this webpage IN ENGLISH AND OTHER LANGUAGES - See you soon !. - and HAPPY LIFE ! ! ! GOD bless you for ever !

Dr. Gonzalo Guevara Urquizo - El Webmaster

Physician, with Mastery in Computer Sciences and Communications, as well as Cybernetics, 1983, San Francisco, California Community College. In 1995 with the California State Approbal, act as Associated Director of a Nutrition School. Opening the last two decades several nutritional clinics and a reflexology center.

Active on INTERNET - INTRANET and Externet projects for the last fifteen years, he has been developed hundred of websites, webpages and Portals at the International NET . Member of the American Association of HTML Writers –hyperlink language-. Member of the International Association of Hispanic Webmasters. Member of the International Cibernetics Research Association, as well as other multiple international associations and organizations on several scientific disciplines for developing and personal empowerment.

Author and international lecturer. Recognized as AL-HAKIM [ "The one who heals" ] in 1986 and with the fourth degree as : Honorable SIFU [ GUIDE ] -1996- of the Sacred SUFI Tradition, exalted by his tutor, the Honorable Sifu Al-Khan and as AL-ZAHIR, the one who opens the Seals of the Order en March 21, 1998 . Opening the Circle of Friends, the Kifners to the public eye, and stablishing the Genizahr Geburah NEW ORDER in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico; actively participating in communications he had several programs on radio and TV. for several decades, on these days [from 1997 to the present ]on radio and TV. he produced programs like "La Otra Realidad" [The Other Reality], and Charlas de Cafe, etc., these with his Peer the Most Venerable Maestre and lately become his "Compadre" : THE Venerable Sat Arhat Titolopochtli, Lic. Domingo Dias Porta, actualy stablishing the Mayan Monastery in Tepic, Nayarit.

Oriental Arts Master, Reiki, Digital-puncture, Bach Flowers , Chi-Kung, Qi-Gong, etc. for several decades, practicing these disciplines from his early adolescence.

Elected President Three times[ 1988-1992, 1993-1997 and 1998-2004 ] for the International Nutritional Medical Associacion, with headquarters in San Francisco, California, USA.

Actually in charge of the interal structure of Internet PORTALS like : MACNET , as well as Radio Cadena Enciso, Farmacia del Sol, Mac de Ensenada among other Portals . Tao-Tai-Chi Instructor, Affiliated to the Shoto Kan Karate Kyokai Association and Web Master of the same organization since 1998 .

Staff Member of the Internet Departament for the Constructora AYUB/FALCON at Ensenada, Baja California.

Acting as Hispanic WEB Master for several sites in the NET for research organizations and Social Development for the bilingual Community, as well as 'Richmond Community of Ethics and Meaning', and other groups for the counciousness evolution, municipal and social activities, ecological and education for the 'new development', and other departments of the Federal American Gobernment, using the Internet and other organizations in latinoamerican countries, like Asociacion de Municipios de Mexico and the International City/County Management Association "ICMA"Asociacion Internacional de 'Gerentes' de Ciudades -Consejo y Condado- Washington, DC. USA.

Founder President of S.E.MI.L.L.A.S. [ Servicios Educativos Multiples, Internet, Linguistica y Llaves de Avance y Superacion ] from Coronado, California y other locations.

AS Nutricionist and Homeopath, performed for three decades. Master-Instructor on Tao-Tai-Chi, Yoga, Reflexologia, Jin Shin Do and so on.

Member for Cancer Control Society at Los Angeles, CA. and Nationales Instituted for Health (USA.) 'NIH' .

Master Member and founder for the Mastery Program for the Modern Institute of Reflexology - M.I.R. and the Research Assoction on Medical Reflexology at Denver, Colorado., as well as in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Reflexology Research Project

Pioneer on Alternative Medicine and the Mental Physics -Mental Physics - in Mexico and South America. Founded in Ecuador at Nov. 16, 1978, Government Approval 11996, publish at the Official Register at the above date.

Member for CSICOP The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal at Atlanta, GA., USA.

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