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What Are Your Intentions? 

How many times have you said, "I intend to make ______ happen!"
or "My intention is to accomplish ______."?  There was no doubt in
your mind that you were going to succeed at whatever you were intending,

Now, compare those statements to, "I think maybe I'll get this
done today." Or "I'm trying to make time for that." Not much
confidence or power in either of those statements is there? 

See what the difference is?  Intention.  When we intend to do
something, we have already pictured the outcome!  The steps we need to
take to reach our goal have been mapped out (whether we're conscious of them
or not), and we're moving full speed ahead to the end result, which is
already a foregone conclusion.  Because we intend it to be so.  Whew! The
power in that!  If we only knew! 

Our intentions are the most definitive expressions of our
thoughts.  When we think or better yet, voice, our intentions, we give a
command to the Universe.  We put into motion the energy that will get us to
our intended goal. The only thing that can stop us is if we change our
intention somewhere along the way. 

We are where we are in life as a result of our intentions for
our lives and ourselves.  Oh, I can hear your protests! "I didn't intend
to be in this destructive relationship" or "You don't mean I intend to
be broke all the time!" 

Well, there's good news and bad news.  The bad news is, yes
those are your intentions so long as you're living them. They may not be
revealed on a conscious level, but somewhere, deep down, you have created
your life situations by what your intentions have been with what you've
been given. The good news is that you can choose a new set of intentions if
you so desire! 

How?  Simply by using the power you have been given and
intending to have what it is that you really want your life to reflect.  Up until
now, you may not have been aware that your intentions are why you are
where you are.  Now that you know, why not consciously put a few
intentions out there and see what happens?  That's right, test your power! 

I'll give you a personal example. Two summers ago, while
floating on a raft in a lake with a good friend, I specifically stated to her
and all of creation my intention to be a very successful Internet
entrepreneur.  As she recalls, there was fire in my eyes as I made my intentions
known to her and the birds and bugs at the lake.  Five months later I
was able to quit my day job.  This past summer, in the midst of trying to
build my business, I made several journal entries about my intention to
surround myself with successful, like-minded souls who would help me
promote my business.  Within one month, I met no fewer than ten people who
changed the fate of my company dramatically. My business has almost
tripled since I proclaimed those intentions.  And those are the facts, ma'am!

Do you intend to be a successful, wealthy business owner? Do
you intend to involve yourself in healthy relationships? Do you intend to
respond to every situation with love?  If so, then speak your intentions.
Speak them every day, loud and clear!  Let your own powerful energy take
you where you intend to go! 

By Janet Wilson, the President of Life, Education And
Prosperity, Inc., a company dedicated to enriching the lives of networkers
worldwide through personal and professional development
(c) 1999 
Say a Prayer

    I was taking my usual morning walk when a garbage truck pulled up beside me. I
    thought the driver was going to ask for directions. Instead, he showed me a picture of
    a cute little five-year-old boy. "This is my grandson, Jeremiah," he said. "He’s on a
    life-support system at a Phoenix hospital." Thinking he would next ask for a
    contribution to his hospital bills, I reached for my wallet. But he wanted something
    more than money. He said, "I’m asking everybody I can to say a prayer for him. Would
    you say one for him, please?" I did. And my problems didn’t seem like much that day.

By Bob Westenberg 
from Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul 
Copyright 1996 by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Patty Aubrey
& Nancy Mitchell, R.N. 

If you think you are beaten, you are
 If you think you dare not, you don't
 If you like to win, but you think you can't
 It is almost certain you won't
 If you think you'll lose, you're lost
 For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will
 It's all in the state of mind
If you think you are outclassed, you are,
 You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
 You can ever win a prize
 Life's battle don't always go
  To the stronger or faster man,
 But soon or late, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can!
-- Unknown

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Food For Thought
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Breathing Space
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