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Reflections of Mass Media ControlŠ by: Kenneth Denison

Since the declaration of independence was signed, the government has had a hand in what you are and are not allowed to know about. No one knew until long after WWII that the US and many other countries restricted immigration, immigration laws concerning the jews trying to flee Germany when the symptoms of the dictatorship were known fully to these governments. Only the extremely upper class Jews who were lucky enough to bribe government officials were allowed to seek refuge in many neighboring countries. As the Nazi party came in control of Germany, a lot of Jewish people fled their home in fear, carrying as much as they could to seek refuge in Switzerland, France, and some even taking the long trip to Ellis Island in New York Harbor, only to be turned away and sent back into a notoriously hostile regime. Sound familiar to a certain situation that everyone wants to ignore now. And yet as if to add injury to insult, the US was the last country to join the Allied Forces and only did so after threats from the UN arose. And by the way, why, in school, don't they educate in depth about the holocaust we had here, and even the Asian concentration camps in America that were often times as bad or worse than Germany's. Revisionist history in action. Similarly, many of the decisions made in Desert Storm and Vietnam were only discovered long after the fact. Agent Orange was one of those decisions that was so secret that not even the troops that deployed the chemical on the forests in Vietnam knew what they were dumping. Chemical warfare used during Desert Storm were so volatile, the disease that was unleashed even started showing up in soldiers who fired it, you may remember a couple years back it was nicknamed Desert Storm Syndrome. Even the motivation behind these wars was so secret that we are still finding out eerie details about oil investment scams and why no one would support us with our decision about Vietnam. JFK, Iran Contra, Watergate, the GATT treaty, NAFTA, censored documents, Ratchets, $300,000 toilet seats, Iraq Gate, Clinton Telephone scandal, Marilyn Monroe, Human rights violations, Watts Riots, LA riots (more specifically the actual Rodney King Trial), "Reganomics", the David Coresh Cult, Revisionist History, Republican NRA and Christian Coalition mass financing. How many examples of real government control do we need to make you want to get off your ass and at least go to a voting booth (By the way, it would make a difference, nationally, voting still only represents about 65% of the population, so go vote and bring a friend). Some resistance is better than none. Last November in Seattle, protesters actually did more good than they may ever know. They sent a message to the "WTO" that got a definite response and it only took 5 days and a unity that transcendended any labels. I only wish I could say that I helped them just a little. Last Summer in Mexico Students united to save the educational system that was going to be denied to them. "Tienimen" Square images still give me hope and a sense of longing for courage that maybe I wish I had.

Unite and know that even Rebels are superceded by a common cause.

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