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MY MANIFEST DESTINY- by Brandon Rocque 10-10-00

Let me tell you about the truths I've come to find out in the last Five years. In 1776, oppressed by the British, a group of revolutionists got together to pledge their defiance and their independance from England. Almost immediatly they were met with opposition. Not just from England but from people that lived in the colonies that remained loyal to Great Britain. Well those revolutionists fought and won their freedom and independance. Not too long after that, those men, with the good of mankind in their hearts, and inspiration from above, formed a constitution, and later a bill of rights, that put into affect the United States of America.

Almost immediatly it was met with opposition. Not just from other people, but by an ever present evil that began to hack away at this almost perfect structure, bit by bit. This evil is selfishness, and it's greed, and it's hatred and intolerance for others. Year after year these evils have led us a stray. They have forced us to choose personal gain and satisfaction over the good of the country. And year after year we've grown further away from the ideals, and the dream those men saw back in 1776.

224 years later we've managed to turn our society 180 degrees. From a society concieved in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all me are free, built on the principles of unity, morality, and love, into a filthy greed machine, concieved in hatred and dedicated to nothing more than being entertained, aroused, and physically fed to our upmost selfish desires. Spirituality has been flushed down the toilet and what little is left has been censored, and sometimes forbidden. Morality is almost a forgotten term. Pornography has littered our streets and our homes. Drugs and Alcohol have become substitutes for love and affection. Religion has been forced out of public institutions and now it seams that the only place you can mention the word God is in your private homes and churches. We are drowning in our own filth and disease. About the only thing we have figured out is how to quench our physical desires.

It's safe to say that we have lost sight of what's important. We've given up our happiness for immediate satisfaction, while we destroy ourselves through intolerance and hatred for others.We are closed minded and ignorant to new ideas. We have built an enormous tower for our false glory, and guess what we forgot to build a way back down. So you either take the leap off the edge to your death, like so many have done before, or we get down on our hands and knees and start picking apart the tower, so we can find our way back to level ground. We can't do it while others are still throwing it on. We have to be united in the task or we'll just be working against each other. and this tower is not just occupied by the United States, it is owned by the entire world. We've somehow united in our destruction, why can't we unite in our salvation?

Well we are on a brink of a revolution. We don't have much time left before our tower collapses and destroys us all. So you have to ask yourself, are you going to be the one still adding onto it? Are you going to be the one half way in between, shoveling against yourself? Or are you going to be part of the revolution. Busy working as hard as you can to get back down to that level ground that holds both spititual and physical bounty.

In the early part of the United States there was a term used by many Americans called, "Manifest Destiny." The belief that it was our destiny as a country to one day span the continent from sea to shining sea. Well let me tell you about my manifest destiny. I believe it is our destiny as a race to overcome our physical setbacks and become a perfect society in which there is no need for a government because there is no hatred or selfishness. A society in which we live our lives for the benifit of our brothers and sisters instead of ourselves. That is My Manifest Destiny. I would hope that whomever has that same fire burning deep inside of them to stand up, and make it manifest to everyone they know, and to everyone they see.

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