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We are the kids of 2000 and we have been fighting all our lives, we're going to make a fucking difference, and we'll never give up untill we die.

Apathy has overcome our nation. If we don't take action now we're fuckin' wasted. You can kick and scream untill your face is red, But if we don't take action now we're wasted.

We're coming to a transition in our times. The truth is out so now it's do or die. You're gonna have to ask yourself fight or flight. So are you gonna follow through or lay down and die?

Are you gonna give up all your hopes, to see all we've worked for 22 years all go. We've spread the word and the truth is out, now it's time to do more than shout! TAKE ACTION!

We have to do all we can, explain your views to everyone you know. Write to your politicians, to your newspapers and the t.v. shows.

Hold demonstrations, boycott corrupt corporations, openly opose politicians, stand up for what you believe, let's fuck up the system! TAKE ACTION!

e-mail ppo band infodocumentsartworklyricstabsmerchandisepicturestour datesmultimedialinks