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Raise your glasses to the masses and toast to the year that's passed us, We curse the ones that lapped us, and then see who can drink the fastest. Take a look at the habits that best us and cry over the thought's that arrest us. We vow to whiten the blackness but every year we sit on our asses. What a fucking joke!

The land of the free and the home of the brave I pledge allegiance to thee. Thirteen stripes are the beams that uphold your hypocrisy. Yeah, I pledge allegiance to the flag, and now I can be bound and gagged. You control out of fear. You spit on the constitution you revere. For the freedom to be feared by the citizens that put you there.

Freedom! Freedom to be brainwashed, freedom to be controlled, freedom to scream for freedom and freedom to be ignored!

This is a wake up call to all nations This is a wake up call for our youth. This is a wake up call for our society, No control is the only social control that works!

Send me home to a world where I am always free. Free to be whomever and whatever I wanna be. To be controlled or not be controlled that is the question. In fear is no way to live haven't you learned that lesson? You control by fear an entire society, but this fearful society you control controls you! Forcing humans into social order won't fucking work. All humans have to want it or its just pretty dirt.

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