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He approached me in the mall and said won't you join our army? I politely pointed to the patch on my sleave and said I'm sorry. I don't believe in the slaughtering of innocent for nationalism, imperialism, and I certainly won't do it for this. He grimaced as I pointed to my upside down flag that in an instant left him pissed.

I'm sick of all of this, it follows me where ever I go. When I get my mail, or watch t.v., outside my house their flags line the road.They cram their fuckin' politics right down my fucking throat. I get their bills for taxes, but guess what? I'm broke. I can't turn around without them saying fuck you and your friends.They leave us as slaves for their 'free' society, when's all this bullshit going to end?

The people and the politicians scream reform, reform and they frantically pass laws while their government burns. We on the other hand say let it burn to the ground and we'll all stand idly by while your government comes crashing down. Cause there's no fixing a government that won't learn, So, Fuck Reform, Let It Burn!

Your loyalty to this flag shows your ignorant state of mind. They steal most your income so you sell them your life? They say land of the free, what a clever little slogan, if you tell a sheep he's free if he won't believe them. The simple truth is that a sheep is more free than you, because the sheep knows he's in prison and there is nothing he can do.

Don't you ever question why the police police your life? I thought you were responsible with a job, 3 kids and a wife. Don't you ever wonder why the government controls the people? I guess we can't control ourselves, we are all much too evil. Well I believe that people are good because they know right from wrong. We can govern ourselves righteously with very little problem.

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