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The short answer to this question is "YES".
To an incredible extent, our Constitutional Christian Religion and Beliefs have been and are being violated - probably more than any other religion in Australia.
Western civilization, including Australia, would not have developed as it did without the impact of sound Christianity, through British Common Law. Thus Australia owes its early freedom, prosperity and happiness to the spread of Christianity, but in the ensuing years the religious freedom of Christianity in Australia has been and is being progressively curtailed. The greatest amount of harm that has been done to the rights and freedoms of our national Christian religion has been done by successive governments passing numerous anti-God laws so as to establish a contrary religion, namely the religion of Humanism. To that extent, we have lost religious freedom, even though it is very well provided for in Section 116 of the Constitution.
Despite the fact that the 'Lord's Prayer' is said each day in Parliament to remind Parliamentarians that they are to ensure that God's Name is hallowed and His will is done in the land for which they are held responsible, Parliament's laws do not really reflect that "obeying God and hallowing His Name" is the main aim of the legislation.
It is absolutely illegal for Australia to be departing from our Christian ethic , because of the entrenched inherited Imperial Acts that are in force under both State and Federal Constitutions. The Imperial Acts are a reflection of God's Laws. Centuries ago they were made the Laws of England. The Laws of England became Australia's inherited Laws. Sections 106, 107, 108, 109 and 116 of our Federal Constitution together maintain and protect our original laws, by establishing the Laws of the Colonies as the Law of the Land in all the States of Australia, and in the Commonwealth.
When these Christian laws were honoured, they made Australia great and prosperous. Our Governments must once again honour God's laws, and not discriminate against Christianity, if we are ever going to become an orderly society again.
However if Australia and the six Monarchy States are treacherously turned into illegal republics, and we then lose the protection of the Queen's Coronation Oath, God's Laws will no longer have any force as the Law in Australia.
This could be the ultimate in religious discrimination, rejection, and persecution of Christians ever known here in Australia. As it is, it is High Treason - a revolution against Christ the King, and His servant Queen Elizabeth II, aimed at deposing Her Majesty from Her Australian throne. If the government does not change its course, there will be nothing at all to prevent the Bible from being censored, and Christian churches here from losing their present (already disappearing) rights to teach and preach from the Bible on any subject, let alone against sins such as homosexuality, adultery, abortion, prostitution, drug abuse, de facto relationships, etc., or to evangelize on the basis of the saving blood of Christ.
Freedom of religion and belief have been totally lost in many other countries. Our government has the authority and the power to prevent such loss of freedom of religion in Australia, but does it have the will?
For us in Australia, our national Christian Religion is most effectively promoted and best protected through strict observance of the above-mentioned Constitution Sections, and Common Law. Oaths of Allegiance to the Queen are to bind to the service of the Queen, those who commit themselves to the Office. Unfortunately, oaths are only as good as those who make them, and the violations of Christianity are mostly because of a break-down in the checks and balances which ultimately depend on the performance of the Oaths sworn.
The Queen and her representatives are totally constrained by Her Coronation Oath. It is therefore unlawful for ministers or MPs, who also have taken a compatible Oath of Allegiance, to have any part at all in overturning the entrenched and honoured religion of this nation.
Therefore for any politician to promote such a course (i.e. attempting to overturn the entrenched religion of this nation in favour of the religion of any other country or in favour of the Declarations, etc., of the United Nations which is a conglomerate of foreign powers.) is to contravene Section 44 of the Constitution which states:
"Any person who - (i) Is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power: or
(ii) Is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offence
[i.e. such as breach of the Oath of Allegiance - RJ] punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer,
shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or member of the House of Representatives."
This would also immediately disqualify such a person from holding the office of Her Majesty's Minister.
It seems that this Inquiry is being held to meet the requirements of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a United Nations Declaration, and presumably to comply with our treaty obligations. Treaty obligations, which can only be with foreign powers, cannot allow anything which the Constitution specifically forbids. Persons who show their preference for United Nations Law rather than established, inherited law are breaching Section 44 of Australia's Constitution because their allegiance is elsewhere..
It would be unlawful for Australia, a Christian nation, to promote or protect a range of religions, but our Government can and should maintain Christianity as "part and parcel of the law of this land" (a ruling by Mr. Justice Kelly).
The freedom of Christianity suffers at the hands of Members of Parliament, Ministers of the Crown, Governors and Governors-General who have not been as true as they might have been to their oaths of office.
Beginning with the introduction into High School science of the myths of evolution instead of the truth of creation, the Education Department became guilty of violating the Christian religion and belief many years ago, because it deliberately coerced children into discarding their belief in Divine Creation. From the mid-sixties schools became mission fields for the alternative religion of Humanism, and the established religion of Christianity was violated.
The detrimental effect that the teaching of Evolution (Humanism) in schools has had on the lives of children since the end of the sixties is now a matter of history. It was evolution in schools that coerced children into not believing in God, and, as the Humanist Society states, no external God means no externally-imposed code of required behaviour. This leaves everything up to man's chaotic experimentation with values and rules of his own. As God says, everyone does what seems right in his own eyes, and very few know God's absolutes any more. This is just one of the disastrous effects of promoting Humanism.
Being an Act of the UK Parliament it means that there is no provision for our Federal Parliament to repeal this clause using a Section 128 Referendum. Covering Clause 5 requires that our law-makers and judiciary uphold, adhere to and administer the laws of Australia as defined by the Constitution and our inherited laws. All legitimate law in Australia grows out of our religion, which is indisputably Christian.
A recent High Court ruling by Hayne J. in the Joosse case (and others) said that International Law and United Nations Treaties and Declarations CANNOT have any effect on our Constitutional Law or on Australia's relationship to the UK. Therefore the Constitution remains supreme.
No one can honestly deny the fact that our Federation of the States is indissoluble under God and the Crown of the United Kingdom. This means that we must remain under continuous lifelong allegiance to Almighty God, the Crown and to the Constitution, whether we are Australian-born or naturalized citizens.
Respect for fellow human beings and for religious differences is fully catered for in Section 116 of our Commonwealth Constitution. However, we do need to ensure that the Government does not assist, promote or advertise any religion that is not compatible with our Christian fundamentals. The Queen and her Ministers must defend one faith - Christianity.
Blame for most of these violations and breaches of allegiance can be squarely placed on a false faith in a pretended "supremacy of Parliament", which will be fully explained in answer to the Question 4. | Back to Submission Table of Contents |